Three more days into the month and three more good deeds done:
- On Monday, I “adopted” a child in need through my friend’s workplace. I will be purchasing some Christmas presents and clothing for Carlos, who is 2.5 years old. The thought of this child having a happy Christmas because of my generosity reminds me of why I’m completing OGB.
- Yesterday, I made it a “happy drive day.” For those of you who don’t have the pleasure (insert obvious sarcastic tone here) of driving in Boston, let’s just say that spending even a few minutes driving around in a car here are enough to make anyone want to pull their hair out. In an effort to hopefully spread some happiness to my fellow road-raging Bostonians, I made a point to let people in when they needed to turn left from the far right lane (yes, this happens more than I can count!), stop for all of the jay-walking pedestrians, and hold my tongue (and not shake my fist…haha) when the people behind me beeped & honked while I did some driving-inspired good deeds. I also paid for a toll for the car behind me while on the turnpike.
- Today I went to the local gas station near my home where they pump the gas for you. Normally, I don’t go to this place in an effort to save on gas prices–I’ll go to the grocery store where they give gas points for every $100 you spend in groceries which reduces how much you pay per gallon. However, today was a cold, nasty day and I knew the man working at the station (who I see everyday on my way to work) would be pumping away in the pouring rain. So I pulled in, asked for $10 of regular, and gave him a $20 bill. I asked him if he was the one who gets to keep the tips and he said, “Yes.” I replied with a big, “Well then, Happy Holidays!” and he stood there looking at the $20 for a moment before asking if I really meant to give him the rest. Of course I did! He smiled a very big smile and told me to have the “most wonderful day ever.” $10 is not much, but that smile was worth $1M!
Want to help me pay it forward? Read how here!
The turnpike bit reminds me of when my former roommate put a $20 bill in the fare box on the bus and paid for the next handful of people that got on.
All of this is awesome!
You're on your way to becoming the next Mother Teresa : )
Just wanted to tell you how much I've been enjoying reading this. It reminded me that I need to do more, so I gave some money to charity yesterday. Not quite the sustained effort you're making, but it also reminded me that I should probably sign up to my work's charity payroll deduction. Anyways, way to go!
@Matt–that's on my list and I hardly ever ride the bus; love it!@Michelle–Thanks!@Newlyweds–Not sure I'd go that far but thank you for such a kind comment
@Emily–Thank you so much for commenting!! I'm happy to hear that you are enjoying this series. I'm even more excited to hear that you're paying it forward as well. Happy holidays!
Gosh, I feel so bad, I totally meant to do this & simply forgot…
Tomorrow I'll start & will do what I can for the rest of the month! You're an inspiration!