This month is definitely a big-money month for me: I’ll be counting my annual bonus as February income, plus I have the pleasure of receiving a hefty tax return (thank you, mortgage interest & property taxes!). Luckily, this also means that I’ll be ahead by a month for my goal of pre-paying the Ireland trip, I’ll replace the money I used from savings to pay for my business hosting fees, and I’ll be able to ship a bit extra to savings and extra mortgage payoff. If only every month could be like this…ha!
Financial Goals:
- $2,250 saved for Ireland trip
- $850 extra to mortgage
- $800 into retirement accounts
- $725 into savings
- $433 back to savings for business expenses
- $200 for TurboTax fees/e-filing
- $100 extra to student loans
- Limit variable spending to$500
Household Goals:
- Complete dining room decor project
- Crown molding in both bathrooms
Personal Goals:
- Bike to/from work, weather permitting
- Run 3x/week or more
- Continue building business website/contacts
Good luck with your goals!
Nice goals. I biked to work once this month and got a flat tire. I hope February is a better month for my bike commuting. My aim is at least 3 times for the month.
We've made a yearly goal, but I feel like I'm too chicken to make monthly goals…
Good luck with your goals!! Sounds like Feb is your BIG month!! Congrats on the bonus and Uncle Sam giving a little back.
Ireland sounds awesome. I haven't been there yet but it is on my list. Good luck with your savings goals. February should be a great month.
Good luck on your February goals. Nice extra payment on the mortgage also. How long until it's fully paid off?
Hi! I have been having a really hard time with blogger trying to link to your blog. have you changed anything in the last few months like your blog host?
Thanks, Michelle!
Boo for flat tires; hopefully February is a better month!
Annual goals are great but I think monthly goals are even better because you can make them smaller & more attainable–it's less stressful for me to see 'save $800' than it is to keep reminding myself that the annual goal might be something like 'save $10K.' I also like that monthly goals help to keep me in check. You should try them out; I'll make sure to stop by & support your efforts!!
Thanks, Debby! Yes ma'am, February is a huge month. Especially now that I'm knee-deep in the mortgage re-financing process….ahhh!!
Thanks, Miss T!
Too long…haha! I'm going to have an entire post on that today as I'm refinancing…
Hi Sarah! I'm so sorry; you're not the only person who has asked me about that. For some reason, when I bought my own domain name (through Google nonetheless), everything went wonky with blogroll links, etc. Perhaps try using my RSS feed or just manually type it in to the blogroll widget?? Thank you for sharing the link love
Great goals, best of luck. When are you coming to Ireland?
I am always impressed with the amounts you dedicate to savings, retirement, debt payoff and travel.I think where you are at now is where I want to be. I think that would be my comfort zone.You truly are an inspiration and you are going where I am heading so don't be surprised to see me following you.