It’s Dream Chasing Time

Yesterday, it was bonus time. Today? It’s time to chase down my dream of owning my own business (and make it my biaatch…sorry, had to..haha!). I’ve just plunked down a whopping $533 for my new business domain name, SSL certificate, privacy, and hosting for the next 5 years. I’m also knee-deep in designing my logo, Twitter, FB, blog, etc., and I’m so excited that I can hardly sit still to type this!

Unfortunately, this post is a big, fat tease for you readers as I won’t be sharing my business name on The Happy Homeowner. While I know this is a prime avenue to grow my budding venture, I chose to blog in the PF world anonymously, and I want to continue to do so. I also want to ensure that I keep this blog financially focused, so I will be sharing all of the glorious expenses and eventual income streams that will be associated with said business instead of its name.

So stay tuned for additional details and wish me well; I have a feeling this is going to be the adventure of a lifetime!



It’s Dream Chasing Time25

  1. This one is in no way fair. You know how interested I would be in such a venture. It's going to haunt me now. All those sweet details and then never knowing what it is.I am so excited for you.You got to let me in on what it is or what it is about at least. Drop me an email or something pretty please :)

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