Weekly Spending, January 15 – 21

I’m certainly missing the bike-appropriate weather; filling my gas tank each week is more painful than ever after going over 9 weeks without filling up over the summer when I bike to work each day!  My spending was OK this week considering the desperate need for an oil change. Also, the $533 I spent on my business site hosting will not come out of my miscellaneous spending budget–it will be paid for with the tax return I’ll be receiving.  I scored another $100 in cash back from my credit card, so I decided to apply it to the hosting fees bringing my total cost for all things business web to $433 for the next 5 YEARS (provided I do all of the design myself…CSS coding…Oy!)!!

-$59.60 Oil change
-$10  Wine
No Spend Day!

No Spend Day!

-$7.48 Groceries
-$21.13 Dinner out
No Spend Day!

-$25.70 Gas
No Spend Day!

Spending total: $123.91


Weekly Spending, January 15 – 219 Commentshttp%3A%2F%2Fwww.thehappyhomeowner.net%2F2012%2F01%2Fweekly-spending-january-15-21.htmlWeekly+Spending%2C+January+15+-+212012-01-24+00%3A02%3A00Jenhttp%3A%2F%2Fwww.thehappyhomeowner.net%2F2012%2F01%2F23%2Fweekly-spending-january-15-21.html

  1. I would so love one of the adult trike bikes with a cute basket but we have no bike lanes in our area, I would get KILLED for sure!! Good luck on your spending for the last week

  2. I wish filling up my gas tank was $25! But your lucky to be able to bike to work when you can. Unfortunately for me the buses don't run early enough for me to take them to work, and their are too many hills and miles between my place and work to attempt to bike or hoof it.

  3. I've had a few run-ins with the crazy Bostonian drivers, but I have to say that the benefits definitely outweigh the risk for me. That said, I take every precaution to ensure my own safety. You should see how many lights I wear while riding…haha!

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