Based on the rave reviews I received for last week’s introduction of these miscellaneous update posts, I’ve decided to make them a permanent fixture here on The Happy Homeowner….
The past week, much like most in recent memory, has been a flurry of activity. I’ve often wondered if the speed at which my life moves is something that’s sustainable, but I’ve realized there’s not much I should worry about because I’m pretty content with living at a bit of a frenetic pace. While it may seem a bit crazy on the surface, it’s simply a testament to how driven I am to reach my life goals and continue to ensure my future success.
Marathon Training: Despite being thrown off with a wicked cold this past weekend, I’m back on the wagon; biking no less than 20 miles/day for my work commute and working in runs here & there. I’m banking on my overall cardio fitness carrying me through Boston because there’s nowhere near enough time to effectively train for this race given my late entry. However, the experiment should prove to provide an incredible base for Chicago! I’ve also signed up for 5 half marathons over the next 6 months, so it’s imperative that I stay consistent with my biking AND running.
Travel: Final preparations have been solidified for Ireland. I’ll be driving around the countryside while there, so I feel the need to ask for a bit of luck to be on my side…haha! As for Kilimanjaro, we’ve decided to tack on a 3-day safari to our package. While the original cost should have been over $1,700 for this portion of the trip, my fine negotiation skills brought the price down to $1,039. Thanks to a bit of extra income this month, I’ve already put over $600 back into savings for the trip so I’m well on my way to having one heck of an adventure that is pre-paid.
Home Improvements: Crown molding and back splashes are coming along nicely. I’ve also decided to look into options for a new front door, and I’m considering looking into some composite door options. Based on the research I’ve done so far, composite doors make the most sense as they are proven to last much longer than traditional wooden doors, boast better energy efficiency, and are on-sale at my local Home Depot. I’m looking to add this to April’s budget, but I haven’t made any final decisions yet.
Budget: I’m feeling an impending budget busting on the horizon, but I’m doing my absolute best to avoid it. I haven’t spent a dime since Saturday, and I’ve already set plans that involve zero spending for the next 3 days. The one caveat is that I have $15 left in my miscellaneous spending category (gulp). Let’s see if I can pull this off!!
Blogging: I’m feeling incredibly blessed with a few new opportunities that have come my way lately. I should probably mention that one the reasons why this blog hasn’t grown in ways that some people feel it should have by now is because I spread my blogging efforts across three different blogs. Let’s just say that life is good all around as each of the three has been sending new, wonderful ventures my way. I’ll detail this more in the future as I’m able to share additional information.
I want to hear about these other blogs!
So jealous of the traveling people without debt and small children get to do! Please excuse me while I go pout in the corner. :pYour 14k of cc debt gone in one year keeps me optimistic, though.
a trip to ireland!! I would love love to take a trip there…
Excited to hear about your blogging opportunities! 5 half marathons in 6 months? I'm still trying to get myself to do 1! So exciting
Btw I love crown molding!
Hi There:) Just came across your blog and I am enjoying reading it. Ireland is one of the places I am saving money for and I hope to go in 4 years!! We just installed some crown molding, we are in the middle of kitchen renos…not fun:) Have a great day!
Haha…you will–very soon!!
Believe me, if I can crawl out of the mess I was in, anyone can change their financial picture/future. Keep up the great work you're doing and you'll be there in no time!
I'm excited because it's my Grandmother's dream trip. Although I am nervous about having to be the driver while we're there…haha!
Crown molding makes SUCH a difference–it's amazing!I run because I'm not coordinated enough to play any other sports
I've been at it for about 19 years now, so I suppose it's officially part of my life? You should definitely do a half–you'll love it!!!
Hi, Lex! Thanks for stopping by–I love new readers (and comments!!). That's exciting about your Ireland trip fund! I'll have to come visit your blog to read about your kitchen adventures; I'm a bit obsessed with all things DIY. Good luck!!
Yay for the permanent fixture. These post just glorify your awesomeness. You do so much and achieve so much it is so interesting and amazing. I blew my miscellaneous budget through the roof from early on in the month. The unplanned expenses just kept cropping up. Luckily the overtime eased them.I had no idea you had three blogs, honestly; how amazing are you. I can't believe I only know about one of them. Can't wait for you to spill the beans on the other two.
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