I’m Not the Preacher Man

**If you’re a first-time visitor to my blog, welcome! Please note that this post is certainly not representative of my normal content, nor will it be a regular addition to this community.**

Today’s post is going to break from the normal mold of inspirational and/or informative posts that I typically like to write. It’s also going to be short as I feel the need to lay out a simple message in response to some (quite nasty) emails I’ve received recently….

Borrowing some words from Lynyrd Skynyrd pretty much sums it up:

I’m not the preacher man.
I’m not the preacher man.
I’m not the preacher man. 

I began this blog as a way to chronicle my debt pay-off journey and to stay accountable with my finances. I never planned to blog as much as I do today, make money from blogging, or even make a concerted effort to grow this thing. However, slowly and surely, some of those things have happened over the past 2 years because I love blogging, I love the people I’ve connected with through this community, and I love the thought of inspiring others by sharing my messed up financial past. 

I am not a preacher. I am not a “holier than thou” person who extolls financial advice because I think of myself as “better than anyone else.” I do not think that “I have all the answers,” and I certainly don’t claim to be a “finance super-star that makes others feel $hitty about themselves.” When I was in debt up to my ears and begging for any way out, I turned to reading to help educate myself. I also found some amazing PF blogs that helped me get my head on straight which led to me beginning my own.

Articles like the ones I write are what helped me build a strong financial foundation (combined with my own hard work) and I share what I do here only in an effort to help educate others. I do not write this blog, share my goals, or chart my progress in a public way “just to show off,” and I truly don’t believe that sharing what I’m sharing makes me “just suck as a person.”

To anyone who may have viewed me as preachy in the past, you have my sincere apologies. To anyone who has some constructive criticism for how I can improve this blog, please do share. Telling me to “crawl back into the $hitty car” I once almost had to live in is not exactly what I consider to be constructive…. 

(Everything I’ve written here in quotations has been emailed to me over the past few weeks and I share this post not to garner unnecessary attention/sympathy but to hopefully correct any misrepresentation of my efforts for why I write here)



I’m Not the Preacher Man33 Commentshttp%3A%2F%2Fwww.thehappyhomeowner.net%2F2012%2F04%2Fim-not-preacher-man.htmlI%27m+Not+the+Preacher+Man2012-04-10+18%3A46%3A00Jenhttp%3A%2F%2Fwww.thehappyhomeowner.net%2F2012%2F04%2F10%2Fim-not-the-preacher-man.html

  1. I like your site and I'm very impressed with how driven you are – working hard at your jobs, saving money like crazy, going on vacations, fixing your house yourself, marathon running and biking to work (with your hurt back), helping others where you can, and always striving to be better and do more. You inspire me and many others.

  2. You have made tremendous progress and I have never once thought your posts came across as preachy or know-it-all-esque. But I HAVE been the recipient of similar hateful emails (though mine were from other bloggers, not from readers) and I know how painful it can be to think people perceive you so differently from how you really are.Ignore the haters and embrace the people who get it – I know that's easier said than done, but it's all I've got. I'm so sorry you're going through this.

  3. Mean people are just plan mean!!! Love your blog, don't change a thing just hit the delete button more often!!!

  4. What is the point of people trolling? I don't think your posts come off as preachy, nor do I think you have a know-it-all attitude. Why do people have to be asses like that, there is no point to it. Your life was down in the dumps at one point, you worked yourself through it by hard work and determination so don't let the emails get to ya, you are better than that. Keep on doing what you are doing.

  5. I just started reading your blog a few weeks ago and have read a lot of back posts and I don't find you preachy at all. Its well written with informative/enlightening posts. Everyone has their own opinion/views and I think you express yours in a positive way. Sounds like these people are jealous of your success and want you to feel bad about it, which you shouldn't.

  6. I really am surprised you found the need to respond to them although I am even more surprised someone would send you emails saying such hateful things.Preachy is the last thing I would describe you as. Not once that I can remember has The Happy Homeowner told me to go out there and do something.What you have done in almost every blog post I have read was inspire me. Where you haven't inspired me you have impacted wisdom that comes from experience. Wisdom that I am always happy to grab up.I look up to you, not because I worship you, but because I believe what you share will help me in the future. You are an inspiration and a role model. Don't let anyone take that away from you out of jealousy or whatever monster drove them to say such things.Also because I don't think I've ever said it.Thank you for sharing your journey with the world. It has helped me and I am sure many others as well.

  7. I just started reading a few weeks back, but I don't find your posts preachy at all. Some people are just haters, no need to respond to them. It's easy to be a bully behind a computer screen. Like Debby said just hit delete and read all the positive comments from people who support you.

  8. What the heck. You are one of the most inspiring people I know. You have motivated me to do so much based on everything you have shared, and I truly appreciate it how you are so honest with us readers. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. You are amazing, and I hope you continue to share your journey with us :)

  9. Thanks, Emily! I usually do turn a blind eye to this type of nonsense, but doubt got the best of me when I began to wonder if people thought that way of me. Thanks for your support :)

  10. Thank you, Rachel! It's been a rough few days and I'm emotionally drained for various reasons, so I guess it just all built up to a point where I couldn't take it much longer. I appreciate you being so kind & supportive in your comment!

  11. The funny thing is that I actually thought about your post when I was considering writing this–I got so fired up about people like you dealing with this garbage that I couldn't just ignore it anymore! Thank you for commenting; you're one of the bloggers I look up to most, and I sincerely appreciate your words here :)

  12. I went back & forth for 2 weeks before deciding to post this yesterday. I still don't know if it was the right thing to do and it was certainly in a moment of weakness, but I do feel better finally having an outlet for the frustration I've carried from the email attacks. Your comments are always ones that I love reading (although I do love them all…haha) because you inspire me to keep inspiring others!! Thank you for your continued support :)

  13. Maybe disable anonymous comments? I'm sorry there were some idiots making you feel bad about yourself — you're doing a really great job!

  14. I think you have a different "take" on life. Wouldn't it be boring if we were all alike? Keep doing what you do and don't let anybody rain on your parade.Best wishes from Best Bun.

  15. Thank you! It was through a series of emails though, not comments. I've considered comment moderation, but I will keep things as they are because I truly value the differing viewpoints of others. I also don't want to ever hinder conversation on here as it's a great source of motivation for me (and sometimes others).

  16. I can't believe someone would say these things to you! I honestly look to you as a role model. You shouldn't pay attention to them.

  17. ‎"We can never judge the lives of others, because each person knows only their own pain and renunciation. It’s one thing to feel that you are on the right path, but it’s another to think that yours is the only path."— Paulo Coelho

  18. You are inspiring. Not even will believe that but thank you for showing your journey with me.

  19. WOW!!! That's all I can say! I have NEVER found you preachy. As shopping2saving said I think your a great role modle and insperational. No once forced this troll to read your blog, so who did they think they were commenting! People like that piss me off!!!

  20. Wow–I've been reading your archives and feel so bad that you got those hateful emails. You've been nothing but kind to me and encouraging. I have never thought of you as holier than thou or anything but inspiration to me. So sorry again that you had those horrible emails!

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