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In the last post, I shared how I ended up becoming homeless after having no way to pay my rent.While I still remember that day vividly as if it had been yesterday, I’ve since lost most memory of the haze that was the following few weeks after.
Sure, I remember packing up my car with whatever belongs I could fit in it.I remember pushing my couch out onto the front landing of the apartment building with a sign on it that said, “Free to a good home.”
Feeling Lost
Most importantly, I remember the feeling of being lost as I wondered where in the world I could live given none of my family even lived in the state where I was at the time and my friends had struggles of their own.
As I drove, for the last time, down the beautiful, tree-lined mountain pass that had carried me to/from my apartment so many times before, I was numb to all emotion. While I had cried my eyes out mere days ago, on this day I had nothing left.
The frustration, sadness, overwhelm, stress, and anger of the past month had finally taken their toll on me: I was drained and at the end of my rope. If this was what the phrase ‘Rock Bottom’ referred to, then I certainly was there.
Getting it Together
Miraculously, something clicked in my brain that spawned a spark that would eventually ignite the fire to allow me to get where I am today, financially speaking. I needed a job, and I needed a job yesterday. So I parked my car in the local grocery store lot, walked down Main Street, and applied at every place I noticed a ‘Help Wanted’ sign in the window. Within 2 hours, I had secured part-time employment that would help me get through the next few weeks before it was time to move to Boston.
While I’ll forever be grateful for these opportunities as they allowed me to crawl out of the financial abyss I had landed in, I can’t discount how humbling an experience it was.
There I was, an honors scholar who’d graduated college with a dual degree in International Business and Marketing, a person who’d previously held a job making over $95K/year right out of school, working behind a cash register (and praying for tips from the tourists who were buying their $6 coffees so that I could scrape enough money together to figure out the next chapter of my life).
Never one to be too proud, I had accepted my fate and I knew that my past choices were the reason I was even in this position. In a nutshell, I had finally accepted that I was financially powerless…..
This post is part of my Confessions of a PF Blogger series. Other posts include:
- Confessions of a PF Blogger: The Series
- Confessions of a PF Blogger: No Happy Meal for You
- Confessions of a PF Blogger: $0.25 per Quart
- Confessions of a PF Blogger: 16 Candles
- Confessions of a PF Blogger: $5,500 in Cash
- Confessions of a PF Blogger: A Slow Slide into Credit Card Debt Hell
- Confessions of a PF Blogger: $1 to My Name
- Confessions of a PF Blogger: Homeless
- Confessions of a PF Blogger: Powerless
- Confessions of a PF Blogger: A Second Chance
Latest posts by Jen (see all)
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- Water in Your Basement? Your Foundation Has Been Neglected - January 10, 2014
- Fun Ways to Earn Extra Cash and Bonuses - December 14, 2013
Amaaaazing. You are so so so inspiring!!! I really love this series, and I can't imagine how humbling your whole life experience has been. I really wish I had an older sibling, just like you, to help me in life
I also read your last post about home inspections. It couldn't have come at a better time because we just signed a seller's counter-offer to a condo we just put an offer on. We are going to hear back by today or tomorrow if we indeed got the place (there are multiple offers). I wanted to ask you if it was written in the counter-offer that seller will not be obligated to pay for anything as a result of the inspections, should we have crossed that out? Or can we negotiate still after the inspection?Thanks so much!!!!!
Wow, thank you so much for your kind comment! As I've said a few times before, I just look at my story as a prime example of what can happen when you really decide to change your situation/life. It boils down to hard work and lots of it!As far as the condo purchase, congrats! I hope things work out for you. I'd be very hesitant to sign anything that had a contingency that says the sellers won't pay for any inspection-related repairs but that's not necessarily a deal breaker. You must, must, MUST have your own contingency that says you can walk away if the inspection proves unfavorable (these aren't the exact legal jargon words to use, but your realtor will know what to write). Make this purchase with your head, not your heart and eventually you'll be in a place that makes both sing!
(cheesy but oh so true)
Yikes! I just found your blog, and went back and read through your 'Confessions' posts in chronological order. Thank you for sharing such personal information, and I am truly glad that you managed to get yourself back on your feet.
What courage you have! You've been through a lot. Thanks for sharing your experience.
You are truly an inspiration! You've come so far. I honestly can't imagine living in my car for 3 weeks.
Just found your blog and was reading through a couple posts and found your series and decided to read from the beginning. Sounds like you weathered some pretty tough storms and are working your way through them. Congrats, your posts are pretty inspirational and am truly looking forward to the next chapter. Good luck with your future!!
What an amazing story! Hitting rock bottom, swallowing pride, and pulling yourself out. Inspiring stuff. I may have to dig through some of my archives for my rock bottom moments. Most people shy away and try to forget. I admire your strength for living, learning, reviewing and sharing. Thank you!
I knew there was something special about you. You've proved it time and again but this is probably it. You have such drive and such strength it's scary yet inspiring. You have made it and you rose from so far down it's unbelievable. Success will follow you for a long time and you deserve every bit of it. You really deserve to be the happy homeowner. It's an honor to have met you even if only online. Thank you so much for sharing your personal story. There is so much anyone can take from this. Thank you.
Wow, this is amazing stuff to hear based on real life! I'm very inspired by your story and how you persevered through it all.
Great post! It's awesome that you're willing to admit that bad things can and do happen – and that there's light at the end of the tunnel that doesn't always end up being a train. -Also, great comments on staying away from financial temptations on the Insanity blog.
It's these stories and acceptances that make us stronger. Makes us appreciate everything we have now!Thnx for sharing.Sam
O my gosh, I had no idea. I am going to go back and read every single post in this series. Thank you for sharing this. What a great story of determination, humility, and will power to not just quit, but to survive.
Hi, Happy Homeowner!
WOW. I now know why you insist on blogging anonymously. Your story is truly inspiring.
Thanks for sharing, very inspirational.
Pingback: My Plan to Avoid the Unemployment Line | The Happy Homeowner
Pingback: I’m Not the Preacher Man | The Happy Homeowner
Pingback: Confessions of a PF Blogger: $1 to My Name | The Happy Homeowner
Pingback: Confessions of a PF Blogger: Homeless | The Happy Homeowner
Pingback: Confessions of a PF Blogger: No Happy Meal for You | The Happy Homeowner
Pingback: Confessions of a PF Blogger: 16 Candles | The Happy Homeowner
Pingback: Confessions of a PF Blogger: $5,500 in Cash | The Happy Homeowner
Pingback: Confessions of a PF Blogger: $0.25 per Quart | The Happy Homeowner
Pingback: Confessions of a PF Blogger: A Second Chance | The Happy Homeowner
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