Don’t stop believin’
Hold on to the feelin’
I’ll admit it: I love me some Journey. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve belted out the lyrics above (quite horribly) while driving, out with friends, while cleaning (don’t judge!), etc. But aside from being one of those great songs that nearly anyone can quickly find themselves at least humming along with, this song resonates with me for a variety of reasons.
Don’t Stop Believin’
But for as much as I’m an eternal optimist, I’ve also developed some realistic fortitude. Pushing myself further isn’t always easy. Facing failure head-on isn’t always pleasant. Spinning my wheels and not actually moving forward can sometimes take its toll. So how do I keep at it in an overall positive manner?
I don’t stop believin.’
I believe in myself, my abilities, my tenacity. I believe that I can attain some semblance of whatever goal I set even if it ends up being far different than what I originally had planned. Furthermore, I believe that I’m worth it. I’m worth financial stability. I’m worth financial success. Really, we all are worthy of these very things. We all deserve the financial success we dream of, no matter how different we each view what that actually entails.
Hold on to the Feelin’
For me, this is more about holding on to the faith. Holding on to the faith that with hard work, sacrifice, and a hefty dose of positivity, my dreams will become a reality. It may not happen overnight; it may not happen for years, but it will happen eventually. And the journey I take to get there could be filled with sweat, blood, and tears, but it will teach me invaluable lessons, help me be the person I most want to be, and give me a type of perspective that can only be gained by having life experience.
So each time I happen to “rock out” to this song, while on the surface I’m screeching like a hyena and most likely thrashing around in a lame attempt to dance, I can promise you that I’m also motivating myself to kick some bootay in the goals department. After all, life is what you make of it and I’m certainly in the camp of playing just as hard as I work….
What do these lyrics mean to you? Do you have any favorite song lyrics that provide a similar motivating factor?
Photo credit: Photosteve101
YES!!!! I love song lyrics so much. I used to get so addicted to a really motivating song, and then I would write down the lyrics, then memorize them and analyze them until I totally just pictured myself as the actual artist of the song hahaha. I have issues. This was when I was a teenager though. Now inspirational songs usually help me find my motivation…like when I was studying for the LSAT. I have an LSAT playlist that got me so pumped up and motivated to kick some LSAT ass. Then now I have different playlists for the gym and running/elliptical/doing mat work.
I love it! Those are great ways to capitalize on the motivation that music can provide
I can't pinpoint any particular favourites right now but whenever I hear inspirational lyrics, I am always reminded in that moment that I can make it, it doesn't matter the song. I get revved up. I turn up the radio loud, sing even louder and think about all my goals and tell myself I will get there.
I don't stop believin'
Yes! Great work; it may seem a bit silly on the surface at times, but there's not much that can discount the feeling of being totally immersed & motivated!
Yes! These are my thoughts exactly. I just wrote about this on my blog today
Well last week, and then I edited it. For some reason, I struggle with feeling worthy, but I find worthiness when I help and teach others. Oh sigh.
Nice!!!! I hear you about helping others–I've read entire studies where it's documented, scientific fact that we gain more than we give when volunteering, etc. Keep doing what you're doing
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