July 2012 Goals

Monthly Financial Goals Starting my new job during the last week of June instead of waiting until July 1st has guaranteed me two full paychecks for the month of July. This is fantastic news for my budget because I’ll be able to pay for my new phone and a veterinarian bill plus be close to getting things back to normal in terms of savings goals. Beginning in August, a new goal will be to send an additional $400 or more to my student loans.

Other than that, there’s nothing terribly exciting about July other than finally getting my marathon training started. My new job has an on-site gym that’s 100% free for employees, so I’ll be complementing my runs with strength training in an effort to avoid injuries. Gotta love fabulous employee perks!

Financial Goals

  1. $1,600 into savings
  2. $800 into retirement accounts
  3. $500 towards student loans
  4. $277 for iPhone
  5. $262 for kitty bill
  6. $100 to cover June deficit
  7. $100 extra towards mortgage
  8. Limit variable spending to $500 


Household Goals:

  1. Complete master bath back splash project 
  2. Finish concrete walkway demo/re-grading  


Personal Goals:

  1. Run 4 times/week    
  2. Strength train 2-3 times/week
  3. Read 2 books

What are your July goals?


July 2012 Goals5 Commentshttp%3A%2F%2Fwww.thehappyhomeowner.net%2F2012%2F06%2Fjuly-2012-goals.htmlJuly+2012+Goals2012-06-27+00%3A23%3A05Jenhttp%3A%2F%2Fwww.thehappyhomeowner.net%2F%3Fp%3D790

  1. Holy savings Batman! I love it! I can't until our moving situation is over, so we can get back to saving a lot. It's been a little off this month.

    Love your goals!

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