June 2012 Re-Cap

Your Path in Life As expected, the numbers for this month are still a bit ugly. However, the month definitely turned itself around in quite a way, ending with me starting my new job (today!) after spending a wonderful weekend at the Wanderlust Festival in Vermont.

Unfortunately, I did have to move some June expenses to July’s budget, which I usually never do. This was done out of an effort to avoid pulling money from savings and fortunately I’ll have a kick-ass paycheck rolling in to cover the cost of my new iPhone and a special b-day dinner for the BF on top of my normal monthly expenses. Other than that, I had a $92 shortage this month that has already been worked into the July budget as well (the numbers are uuugly this month!).

I’ve mentioned this many times here before, but I’m a firm believer in the power of a positive outlook on life. I certainly attribute some of my recent successes to the wonders of hard work, tenacity, and a self confidence that’s taken years to build. I can only hope that each & every one of you are ending the month on an equally high note!

Financial Goals:

  1. $1,000 into retirement accounts   CHECK
  2. $472 for car insurance premium CHECK
  3. $300 into regular savings (an auto-debit from PT paycheck) CHECK
  4. Limit variable spending to $400  CHECK

Household Goals:

  1. Complete master bath back splash project 
  2. Finish concrete walkway demo/re-grading 
  3. Replaced with the following (Rafiki, this list is for you!!):
  4. Finish dining room chair painting @ BF’s CHECK
  5. Finish living room shelving unit @ BF’s CHECK
  6. Style BF’s living room/completely clean CHECK
  7. Complete sanding/staining/sealing of DR hutch @ BF’s CHECK

Personal Goals:

  1. Secure a new FT job    CHECK
  2. Begin my training for the Chicago Marathon  CHECK
  3. Survive the month!!!  CHECK

How was your June??

Photo credit: meddygarnet


Freelancer; reformed spendaholic; risk taker; adventure seeker; world traveler; rose smeller; debt destroyer. My mission is to inspire others to live a healthy, balanced life one cent at a time.


June 2012 Re-Cap15 Commentshttp%3A%2F%2Fwww.thehappyhomeowner.net%2F2012%2F06%2Fjune-2012-re-cap.htmlJune+2012+Re-Cap2012-06-25+04%3A31%3A46Jenhttp%3A%2F%2Fwww.thehappyhomeowner.net%2F%3Fp%3D781

  1. Congratulations on completing your list. It's a great feeling to see "CHECK" next to all of those things, especially "Survive the month!!!"

  2. COngrats on the new job and the awesome June

    My June was fantastic! Put $400 more into savings then usual and that's not even counting what will go in this Friday with the final June paycheck. I'll be finishing my bathroom remodel this week. The only other thing on my to do list for the month was to take a break and relax from budgeting. We still did good financially without following a strict budget

  3. Wow, every one is checked off. I don't think I've ever done that myself. My June goals haven't all been completed, but the main one (refinance) is finally done. Good luck on your first day at the new job, hope it goes well.

  4. Nice! You had a killer month (excuse the expression). Congratulations on your success; especially finding a new job. Hope you have a beautiful summer.

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