DIY Tile Repair

When I bought my condo in 2010, I scored a great deal because it was a foreclosure. And while I sold it for a hefty, six-figure profit three years later, I did put in a great deal of sweat equity … Continue reading

How to Go to Grad School for Free Part One: Work for Your School

HowToGoToGradSchoolForFree It’s been nearly two years since I posted about how I paid less than $500 for my Masters from Harvard.

When I published that post, I had merely hoped to inspire readers to figure out a creative way to cut their own education expenses. Little did I know that the post would go on to be picked up by CNN Money and become my most popular post ever–over 21,000 views and counting!

After realizing that perhaps I was on to something and coupling this awareness with recent research about how people are drowning in student loans, I’ve decided to write more about the specific ways anyone can reduce the amount they pay for their graduate studies.

Today’s post is the first in my new series, How to Go to Grad School for Free. Stay tuned for more posts that will give you the tools and knowledge you need to make your own graduate education a FREE one!

How to Go to Grad School for Free

Whether it’s singling out one of the following tactics or combining a few ideas together, it is possible for you to go to grad school for free.

The key is to remain flexible and creative–these tuition hacks seem simple on the surface, but they require a decent amount of research, determination,and follow-through to ensure they continue to work best for your needs. Much like a budget isn’t a set-it-and-forget-it entity, you’ll need to work hard to make sure these ideas pay your way through school.

If you’re prepared to do the work, you can be handsomely rewarded in the form of a $0.00 tuition bill. Better yet, there are ways to get the school to pay YOU to attend! Stay tuned for a follow-up post for how to get your grad school to pay you to attend.

Part One: Work for Your School

Hands down, this is the single best way to reduce your tuition costs. Whether it’s a part-time or full-time job, you can score huge reductions in tuition bills if you just.get.into.the.system.

Get into the System

When I applied at Harvard, I didn’t know a single person working there. I simply submitted my resume into the online system for a handful of jobs I knew I was qualified for, and I followed-up with each and every lead that came my way. Luckily, I scored an interview for one of the positions and the rest is history…

If you’re lucky enough to know someone who works at the school you’d like to attend, ask them to search a few of the internal postings for jobs you’re interested in. At the same time, you should be trolling all online postings for the school like it’s, well, like it’s your job! :)

Be relentless in your pursuit to obtain a job at your dream school. Don’t overlook opportunities to apply for administrative roles and other entry-level positions! Remember that a school is still a business so there’s a need for employees in virtually all fields. Keep searching until something opens up that corresponds with your direct or applicable skills and experience.

Be a Patient Team Player

Of course, if you’re going to work full-time, you’ll have to accept the fact that it will take you longer to complete your degree. But if you’re patient, the rewards are incredible.

Negotiate time away with your new boss (most people in the academic setting are understanding of one’s desire to further their education) but be mindful of your team and department’s needs before choosing which classes you’ll enroll in for the semester.

Make sure that any courses you choose are approved by your supervisors and that everyone who needs to be is looped into any potential changes to your schedule. While these changes aren’t something that you  should necessarily be highlighting in your interview, you should be upfront and honest with your boss as soon as possible.

Believe in the Benefits

Lest you think these tuition assistance programs have fallen by the wayside during these post-recession years, you might be surprised that schools, including Harvard, still offer incredible tuition benefits to their employees.

For instance, you were to ever be accepted at Harvard Business School, as a university employee, you would pay only 10% of the cost. That $180,000 price tab that most single students face? An employee would be looking at a mere $18K–for the same degree.

And while $18K is still nothing to sneeze at, if you combine this step with the future steps to be revealed later in the series, you’re on your way to that coveted $0.00 tuition bill.

Even if your school limits the amount of credits you can take depending on your employment classification, don’t forget that you can take classes year-round towards fulfilling your degree requirements. While you might be classified as a “non-traditional” student and take a bit longer than your peers, you’ll still gain the education and networking opportunities.

Some may argue that you’ll receive even more networking opportunities by being exposed to multiple groups of fellow classmates. :)

Stay Tuned for Part Two: Assistantships and Fellowships are Your Meal Ticket


How to Buy Superfoods on a Budget

SuperfoodsOnaBudget When it comes to food, I’ll be the first to admit that I’m a bona fide junk food junkie.

On any given day, it’s not uncommon to see me eating Goldfish crackers as part of my lunch and Nutella for dinner (by the spoonful of course). Cheese, crackers, chocolate…sour patch kids; it’s all part of my “diet.”

Luckily (ironically?), I also naturally gravitate towards fruits and veggies. A typical lunch, in addition to those beloved fishies, could include a spread of veggies and hummus, a salad, and/or salmon or other seafood. At least something is working for me in the nutrition department!

As part of my quest to live a more healthy, balanced life, I’m starting to –slowly– overhaul my eating habits so that I’m fueling my training better, enjoying better sleep, and generally feeling more energized throughout the day.

Research about Superfoods

For an education nerd like me, whenever I make significant life changes, I like to read and research as much as I can about my various options. Lately, my nutrition research has been filled with articles and online clips touting the benefits of superfoods.

Ever the curious distance runner, I wanted to learn more about these nutritional powerhouses, but I also wanted to figure out how I could fit them in the budget because most of the time when I find these types of articles, they always lead to an outrageous grocery tab (after which I promptly stop buying the “amazing” things because they’re such a drain to my bank account!).

Definition of Superfood

The commonly accepted definition of ‘superfood’ is one that is nutrition-heavy; a food that has a particularly large number of benefits for your overall health and well-being.

From blueberries and sweet potatoes to lentils and kale, there are plenty of options to ensure you’re getting your vitamin’s worth.

But what about getting your money’s worth? How is it possible to buy superfoods without busting the budget?

How I Buy Superfoods on a Budget

With amount of running and other physical activity I do, I could easily have the grocery bill of a small village if I’m not careful. I might eat slowly, but I just.keep.eating. When it’s in front of me, it will be eaten. Thankfully, all those miles create a bit of an inferno in my stomach and it’s generally burned off….haha!

Some of these tips extend way beyond purchasing superfoods–no matter what you’re shopping for, they are easy ways to keep your wallet in check the next time you’re in the grocery store:

Create a List…and Stick to it

I once took a trip to Trader Joe’s…while hungry….with headphones in my ears…without a list. I bet you can guess how that ended! When the cashier said the total, I honestly thought I’d mistakenly gone to Whole Paycheck Foods instead.

From that day forward, I have never stepped foot in a grocery store without a shopping list. It may sound silly, but even if I’m only stopping in for something quick like milk, I still enter that as a list in an app on my phone. The rule is that if it’s not on the list, it doesn’t go in the cart. Or my belly (I sometimes eat while shopping then take the empty containers to the cashier to pay for them…hehe).

Adding this simple step to my shopping trips has been the difference between staying within budget and literally eating myself out of house and home.

Buy In-Season and Generic

Another no-brainer, but buying produce that’s in-season will save you a boatload. Even better if it’s from local farms and producers!

Buying generic is also another change I’ve made as there’s really no difference between some of the supplements and pre-packaged superfood goodies. Obviously, make sure to check the labels to ensure that the ingredients are in fact the same as there can be serious disparities in quality. But overall, you’re usually good to go by purchasing the value brands.

Avoid the Fads

Have you ever noticed that when a particular food is labeled as a ‘superfood’ or the next ‘miracle’ food that its price rises with the hype? If you haven’t, start taking note of the various prices while you’re shopping so you’ll know a baseline amount for your favorite foods.

I tend to stick to what I know and what I like, but I will admit that I sometimes do try what I’ve read about. The difference is that I’ll try it months after reading about it–after the hype has typically worn off and prices have bottomed back to where they’re supposed to be.

Go for Nutritional Gold

While a lot of what goes into my cart includes standard-yet-good-for-you foods like bananas, kale, sweet potatoes, black beans, and oats, I also make sure to spend my money on foods that are incredible sources of nutrition–ones that can often stand on their own when it comes to breaking down their benefits.

The list of superfoods that I’m willing to spend my hard-earned money on includes wheatgrass, seaweed, royal jelly, Chlorella (another algae in powder form that I mix into smoothies), and chia seeds.

As for what I won’t bother with, those are Spirulina (another type of algae powder) because it costs upwards of $40 (!!!) per pound and I can get the same benefits from eating romaine lettuce, pomegranate juice (packed with sugar and calories and is insanely expensive!), and acai berries because by the time they make it here to the States, they’ve been super processed and overpriced.

Are you a superfood shopper? If so, how do you trim your grocery bill?


Not Volunteering Your Time and Money? What’s Your Excuse?

Time and money; money and time.


The school children I met in Fiji while on my world tour

It’s a seemingly perpetual circle: When we have plenty of one, we always end up scrambling to find more of the other.

But what about having enough of both at the same time?

Depending on your outlook on life, I’d challenge that if you have a roof over your head, feel love from family/friends, are in decent health, can eat when you’re hungry, walk down the street free from fear of violence/protest, and enjoy a range of pleasures from simple to extravagant, then you have all of the time and money you need.

Gone in an Instant

Notice how nothing in the list above touched on the materialistic or superficial indulgences that often fuel the outlook on life in Western societies. When it comes down to it, if you’re safe, happy, healthy, and have a place to sleep each night, you’re doing pretty damn well in the race of life.

But what about having all of that one day then waking to find it ripped away from you the next? In the wake of natural and violence-driven disasters, this is a reality for far too many people around the world.

The next time you wake up, stretch sleepily, and slip your feet out of the covers to stand, imagine what it would be like to not have that floor below your feet or those sheets to climb out of. The next time you hug your friend, imagine what it would be like to never see him or her again. Take a look out the window of your home/car/office–what if the landscape you unknowingly enjoy each day was wrought with burning buildings, mud slides and rubble?

Volunteering Your Time and Money

As I type this post, I’m currently bouncing with excitement as I wait to find out if I’ll be headed to the Philippines to assist with disaster relief efforts there.

Given the massive, extensive destruction that has occurred after Typhoon Haiyan, I couldn’t think of a better way to help people in need by volunteering my time and money to help the people of the Philippines (If I go, I pay for all travel costs, and I’d be certain to donate more money than I already have to the various organizations already doing amazing things there).

Over the past 10.5 months of this year, I’ve gone through some significant personal and professional changes, and I’m now beginning to realize the impact these changes have made in my life.Gone are the days of trying to keep up with the Jones; gone are the days of slaving away as I try to climb the corporate ladder.

Now that I’ve finally found the elusive balance I’ve sought in my life all these years, I want to make sure I’m living my life as my most authentic self. Part of doing so is to ensure I’m paying my blessings forward–blessings of both time and money. Ultimately, I hope to inspire others to do the same.

Volunteer Inspiration

Regardless of being selected to head to assist with disaster relief efforts, I want to challenge you to critically examine the areas in your life where you can make changes in order to feel richer with the time and money you already have.

Once you realize your blessings, don’t stop there–continue to search within yourself in an effort to identify ways you can make a difference by volunteering your time and money. I’d imagine that with a wee bit of soul searching, you’ll find that you’re in quite a good place and have far more to give than you ever realized.

No matter what constraints or challenges you’re facing, there is always room to find a way to give back to those who need it most. Stop making the excuses that I made for years and start living an authentic, balanced life of your own.   :)

What’s stopping you?