Weekend Miscellaneous

Weekly Update Hope everyone had a great week! As I’m gearing up to re-launch my blogging efforts here on The Happy Homeowner, I’ll be adhering to a general schedule for posting that will allow me to write about a range of topics including personal finance, fitness, DIY projects, cooking/nutrition, homeownership, etc. Essentially, I hope to turn this blog, which was originally rooted 100% in all things PF, into more of a lifestyle blog. As I work through this transition, I’d love to hear your feedback!

For post on Sundays, I’ll be providing a re-cap of the week prior as well as some fun things I’ve stumbled upon on the Web and a meal plan for the upcoming week….

Weekly Miscellaneous:

Last week was all about recovery from my trip to Germany. As I mentioned previously, I ordered a new BMW 328i and decided to take advantage of the European Delivery program. Essentially, that means I ordered and paid for the car here in the states, but then I took “delivery” of the vehicle in Munich. One word to describe the overall experience of doing so? PHENOMENAL. Not only did I get personalized VIP treatment at the Welt (BMW headquarters), but I got to drive the car throughout Europe for the duration of my trip. We ended up visiting Switzerland, Austria, Lichtenstein, Italy and parts of Germany (you can see why I needed a bit of recovery…ha!). An epic vacation, indeed!

Moving into the upcoming week, I’ll be setting my December financial goals and reviewing those from November. An added bonus for the Germany trip was that I came in waaaay under budget. Check out tomorrow’s post for a full November re-cap.

Meal Plan:

Here’s what I’m thinking for meals in the upcoming week:

  • Sunday: Veggie/Chicken Asian “Gumbo” (minced chicken, shrimp, veggies, Asian noodles)
  • Monday: Homemade pizza (pesto, asparagus, onion, goat cheese)
  • Tuesday: Taco salad
  • Wednesday: Dinner out (road race fundraiser)
  • Thursday: Seafood pasta (shrimp, scallops, linguine)
  • Friday: Dinner out TBD
  • Saturday: Dinner out (road race, Xmas parties, etc)


Favorite Pins of the Week


Have a great week, everyone!



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