Happy Saturday! Hope you’re all enjoying your weekend. Today’s post is more for fun than anything as it has very little to do with personal finance (other than the ridiculous amount of money I’ve spent replacing things my cats have eaten, destroyed or hidden from me), but I hope it brings you a few good laughs.
You see, it’s standard debate amongst my family and friends as to whether or not my cats are “normal.” In a given day, I may come home to find the following:
Shower Curtain Destruction: Take 49

Notice the crumpled bath mats and the shredded TP?
Attack of the Pita Bread

This bag was once safely stored in the cabinet behind a child safety lock–how did it end up shredded on the floor you ask?

Apparently, someone figured out that his little paw fits right through the 1-inch opening between cabinet and length of lock and had a rockin’ good time shredding the bread until it (and its bag) began to fall through the cracks. An mmm, mmm good time!

Complete scene of the crime after coming home and finding the bag on the floor, opening the cabinet and being greeted my a giant pile of mutilated pita pockets….
Stuck in the Window…

Yep, returned from a 17-hour work day to find one beast soaking wet and stuck in the window. Riddle me this: How in the world did this happen given it was a summer day, the windows were all wide open when I left and it didn’t rain (and toilet seats are always down in my house!)?? (just please ignore hideous middle-of-reno paint mess on the window frame, k?)
Goodwill or Bust!

When I left for work in the morning, all of this was neatly organized in three piles. When I came home later that night, this is what I found…Party on, dudes!
On Top of the World Cabinets

If you look in the far distance of this pic, you’ll see that the ceiling in my kitchen comes down right over the fridge–meaning there’s hardly a way for this little bugger to get on the cabinets. But get up there he did–so well that he got himself stuck and cried because he didn’t know how to get down. Call me a bad kitty mom, but I left him there until he finally braved the long jump back to the counter. He hasn’t been back up there since. 0:)
I am Trash Kitty, Hear Me Roar

This was snapped a few minutes before he turned the can over and proceeded to shred every.single.thing.in.it (clearly I was distracted in the other room). Usually, I have to keep the trash on the back landing for this very reason. Epic fail on not taking it out immediately after pulling it back inside…Oh, and that’s a full-sized kitchen trash can! Beastly kitties!!!
But When All is Said & Done…

They have an insatiable hunger and indicate said hunger by head-butting me repeatedly until I feed them–even while I’m blogging away. And you probably thought this was some cute, affectionate act of kitty love? It’s not so cute when they do this at 4:30AM and I’m sleeping….
What are some strange pet behaviors you’ve dealt with/witnessed?
Those are hilarious. I think that is the best thing about pets; they are like kids and you never know what crazy thing they are going to do. I grew up with cats and they always did funny things.One of them was finding them in weird places like closets and inside shoes.
They are pretty funny–always an adventure! The best part is these photos only scratch the surface of the wild things they've done. Most of it is while I'm at work and I only see the after-math, like the night I came home to find they'd gotten into the FREEZER!
They tore apart bags of frozen veggies, ate chicken breasts and played their version of football/soccer/tennis with a few bags of frozen fruit. It took soooo long to clean up and let's just say their litter box was a true disaster zone for the next few days…ha!
I came home last night to a bag of dog treats completely eaten/destroyed. I couldn't figure out how he possibly could have gotten them down off the shelf, then we figured it out. The cats, knocked them off accidentally or purposefully for the dog. Clever animals they are. Aren't pets fun?
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Hahaha…team work! Yes–they definitely work together. Mine are always teaming up to create epic messes. My downstairs neighbor sometimes comments about the good times she hears them having while I'm away..
My cat is exactly the same way!! He gets into the trash, he eats anything that isn't nailed down, and if you aren't paying attention, he'll leap up and steal the food off your plate! My cat is also quite a character 
Hahaha…that's awesome! Yep–these guys steal food off plates, too! They're incredibly smart when it comes to causing trouble
How cute! You know, apart from all the destruction and mayhem.
My cats also gets up on top of the kitchen cabinets. I don't blame you for making the cat brave the jump! We learned early that they shred toilet paper, so we keep it on top of the towel rack. (It's right in front of the toilet, so we pull the towel to get the toilet paper to fall into our hands.) They will shred any piece of paper left out in the open. They CHEW ON SHOES. But we love 'em anyway. 
My recent post Tiny goals: Week 6
Hahaha..shoes?! Mine also LOVE Q-tips of all things–they rip off the cotton then chew on the sticks; I find them all over the house because they've become bathroom cabinet bandits as well
Haha these are hilarious!
Never a dull moment!
Wowza! These are funny, especially since I'm not the one on cleanup duty. Are your cats relatively young? Mine are geezers now, so they get into a lot less trouble, but the vet bills are a lot bigger. Always tradeoffs I guess.
Hmm…I'm trying to remember their younger days and what they got into, since these days their messes are more of the gross variety and less of the funny. When the oldest was young, he had a habit of knocking all my roommates plants over, including the mini 3-foot potted tree. He did it so many times he killed them. He also unrolled/shredded many a toilet paper roll in his day. Another roommate had a collection of Eeyore stuffies that he used to drag from the shelf in her room and hide throughout our apartment in closets, under the bed, etc. It made her irate, although I found it pretty funny.
The younger one has an amazing ability to sneak out the door when we come in/ go out. He's an inside-only kitty so that's a no-no. Although the joke was on him when he did it last week in the snow. He ran out the front door and in the back 15 seconds later – too cold on the paws ya know.
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Hahaha…these are great stories! Mine about 2 years old–they were far worse when they were around 6 months- 1 year; so bad that my vet didn't know what to do with them each time I took them in for a shenanigan-enduced vet visit. Holy vet bills, Batman!
Wow! Party at your house! Are you sure they didn't raid the liquor cabinet first?
HAHAHA…funny that you ask that! One day I did come home to all of my party supplies dragged out of the cabinet and strewn about the kitchen–martini shaker, simple syrup, margarita salt, etc. They're pretty entertaining pets to say the least!
OMG I loved this. My husband and I just sat here laughing (he actually left and abandoned Halo 3 to see what I thought was so funny…)
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They are an endless source of entertainment–there are always amazing pictures/videos/etc of their shenanigans (when I can catch them; which is saying a lot…haha)…