I’m loving that so many of you enjoyed my post from yesterday–my kitties are an endless supply of good laughs (once the cleanup is complete…haha) and I figured it was time to give them a bit of the spotlight here because unfortunately, they’ll be departing my home soon…
Weekly Miscellaneous:
This was a big week. Work was pretty mellow which gave me extra time to focus on some of my online work and I was able to get started with a new staff writing position for another, larger blog. Look for the announcement to go live later in the week about where you can read some of my new posts!
I also finalized my 2013 goals, which I’ll be posting tomorrow. I’m excited about 2013 as there are some really big developments happening in both my personal and professional life. Case in point: Needing to find my cats a new home…
While I originally never would have even entertained the thought of giving them up, I am doing so for one very big reason: My BF is moving in with me!! While I’m literally over the moon about this, I’m definitely sad that it means giving up the beasts because he’s very (very) allergic. Since I’m the homeowner and he’s a renter, it makes the most sense for him to move into my place. Luckily, I found a fantastic new home for them at a neighbor’s house, so I’ll still be able to keep in touch and see how they’re doing.
Given this big change, I will most likely devote a few posts to my new co-habitating status. I’ve never lived with anyone I’ve dated before, so this is huge for me. I’m also curious to see how this will impact my budget (we’ll be splitting everything 100% down the middle so it will mean more money coming in than any other roommate I’ve ever had), and I’ve incorporated this new change into some of my new goals for the year.
Meal Plan:
Sunday: Homemade pasta with chicken & brussels sprouts
Monday: Homemade pizza and salad
Tuesday: Dinner at my BF’s parents’ house
Wednesday: Taco Salads
Thursday: Dinner at a friend’s
Friday: Dinner out
Favorite Pins of the Week:
Have a great week, everyone!
Good luck with all the changes in your life!
My recent post
Thank you, Lena!
Wow that's a huge move! My hubby and I start dating in college, and he would often stay over at my apartment since I live on campus and he didn't. However, we weren't technically officially moved in until later in life. In college, it was still my stuff, you know. Once we moved in, it took a couple months of getting used to it. But now it's nice
I really enjoy it.
It is! So excited but I'm sure there will be an adjustment period of sorts. The funny thing is that I pretty much live at his place now and the kitties have full reign in my empty condo. It will be a nice change to be back home AND have him there with me
Congratulations on this move! It's "next chapter" so as always some adjustments will need to be done but I'm sure you'll enjoy all that time you'll spend together. When I started living with my boyfried I was so excited and… I'm still happy with this move. We can be busy, not have time during the day but it's really nice feeling to start and finish that crazy day with him
Good luck!
My recent post
Thank you! I can't wait for the big move-in day!
I love what you've said about busy days–we already pretty much live at his place and we've commented how much we enjoy (at the very least) being able to crawl in bed and pass out together after a long, exhausting day.
Looking at your food plan for the week made me want home made pizza. Luck I am doing my shopping tomorrow (I now will be buying pizza toppings!)
Moving in with someone can be a pretty big deal. I remember when my wife and I moved in together, there were so many oddities that we both had which the other one had to get used to.
My recent post Using Coupons to Save Money
Mmm…pizza!! Homemade is the best!
It definitely is–we've had some funny discussions already about quirks and random requirements about how we like to live. It's pretty strange but we're on the same page with at least 90% of the things. It's a good laugh to talk about trash, TP and random dishwasher loading
Congrats on the new living situation! Hope it saves you lots of money. Sorry you had to give up the kitties though.
That can be so hard!
My recent post Retail Therapy to the Rescue
The reality of it hasn't hit yet because the new family doesn't pick them up until Saturday, but I've found peace knowing they're going to a great home!
Good luck with your boyfriend moving in! I'm curious to hear more about that. My boyfriend and I have talked about that on occasion and it just seems so complicated from a financial perspective since I own my place (though not outright). Is he able to be around dogs? Can you have dogs in your place? If so, a good compromise could be getting a small dog instead
I LOVE that kitchen you pinned! I really like white kitchens since they're just so bright!
My recent post Refinance Process, December 2012
Thanks! I'll definitely be posting about it. We had another conversation last night about the finances and it ended very well–both of us laughing about the awkwardness of it all and him (again) confirming that he's comfortable splitting everything down the middle. It makes sense because he makes a boatload more than me and my place is almost double the size of the one he's living in now (plus has free, ample parking). For me, it means a break on EVERYTHING–including property taxes, condo fee, utilities and mortgage! (in the past, I've only split the mortgage with roommates and paid the condo fee myself)
The one caveat is that I've offered to pay more for groceries and do more of the cleaning. This will work well because he takes me out to eat far more than we split bills/I take him and I love to clean!
My boyfriend just moved in recently and it is so great! I love it!! Good luck to you guys~!