Friday Link Love: Wants, Quitting and Dumpster Diving

Friday Link Love Another week, another Friday. At the risk of irritating people, every day has seemed like a Friday to me this week. True, I’m not officially working a full-time job anymore, but I am working harder than ever.

The funny thing is that it doesn’t seem like work at all. I guess it’s true what they say about if you find what you love you’ll never work another day in your life. :)

If you haven’t done so already, don’t miss your chance to win some cash! Enter now in the $500 giveaway I’m part of.

Good Reads from Others:


Good Reads from The Happy Homeowner:


Have a great weekend!



Friday Link Love: Wants, Quitting and Dumpster Diving8

  1. Thanks for the shout out! And YAY for that amazing feeling of being self-employed! It's kind of funny how it can change things… Now I kind of dread Fridays (because the internet slows down while people are out having a life) and look forward to Monday mornings to see what fun emails I got while I slept! :D
    My recent post

    • You're welcome!!

      Hahaha…I'm the same way with the weekend emails–actually any emails at this point. The first thing I do when I wake up (after kissing the BF…cheesy, I know) is check my email. I love seeing what's come in!!

  2. I agree when you find something that you love to do it's not work anymore it's filling your day with something that you are fully engaged in and enjoy. I have plenty of those days at my job and I know that the more experienced I become I shall be in a similar spot. Have a lovely weekend mate and thanks for sharing CBB~!
    My recent post Income Tax Is Like A Four Letter Word

  3. Oh, I can so relate to working harder than ever Jen! I feel like my wife and I are running around like our hair is on fire half of the time. That's why having boundaries are so important because you'll not have any semblance of a work/life balance if you don't.

    • Hahaha…I'm right there with you this week! Although I did have a mid-day beer the other day and slipped in a mid-day nap yesterday. I suppose things could be worse :)


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