Yes, you read that correctly. Today, I gave notice of my intent to quit my full-time job. And I did so without already having a new position guaranteed.
The crazy part? I haven’t felt so at peace for quite some time, and I don’t think I’ll regret today’s decision regardless of what may happen to my finances over the next few months. Fortunately, I already have interviews lined up and I have multiple avenues for additional ones (plus I still have all of my part-time jobs–one of which provides my benefits–and side gigs going so money will still be coming in). Unfortunately, there’s no promise that any of these leads will work out in my favor. But I have faith and I’ll work my arse off to secure something before my four week notice runs dry.
So what’s with the drastic, somewhat irrational, what-virtually-anyone-especially-PF-experts-and-bloggers-would-tell-someone-NOT-to-do choice? Simply put, I’ve decided that it’s time to find a more dynamic, challenging position that will afford more growth opportunities.
The feeling of relief I had when I walked out of my boss’ office after negotiating the terms of my departure was worth a million bucks….and then some… because sometimes all the personal finance advice in the world isn’t worth a dime if following it means trading in your happiness and future growth.
I think you made a good decision. And I'm sure you can find something new!
Congratulations on this decision! And good luck with new job hunting! I'll keep my fingers crossed for you
Good for you!!! When I left my job I had just come off a 2 month's leave due to health issues. My Drs. told me if I wanted to continue working in that environment I should make sure my affairs were in order, yep it was that bad! Once I turned in my notice I felt that the world was finally off my shoulders!!!! Good luck in your new job search and congrats for putting yourself first!
Good luck on your interviews!
It's scary stuff, but I'm sure you made the right choice for yourself. The economy is getting a lot better so I'm sure you'll be able to find a job
No matter what, this was the right decision. Way to go, girl!
Wow! That is a very brave thing to do! BUT, you are resourceful and hardworking and I'm sure you will find something that you LOVE. No one should work in an environment that makes them feel that bad!
Wow! Good luck!!! I am proud of you for walking out of that situation. You are so right – your mental health is worth so much more than your paycheck.I like to say that my first full-time job is managing my mental and emotional health and keeping myself stable. My second one is obtaining that elusive paycheck to keep myself on track to FI.
Good luck with your interviews but I agree with you–your mental health is extremely important. I'm rooting for you all the way!
Very right decision
I was surprised that you quit your job, but only because I thought you were doing something you enjoyed.Now that I have been enlightened. I am not surprised at all that you would do something like this. It fits your over the top lifestyle.And forget calling it a sin. It's more like inspiration or motivation. You just came back from an awesome trip and you still have the freedom to quit your job. You still have income coming in, you have opportunities lined up, and you aren't in a position to be stressed out, you are actually about to be less stressed. If that isn't the definition of freedom, then I don't know what is. You are able to do such a thing because of how good you are with your finances.Congratulations my friend and I wish you all the best.
Good luck with your next venture! I'm assuming you do have the financial means to survive for a while.I wouldn't stay in a job where I was belittled and felt miserable. Screw that!
I agree with you completely! Your health is very important and should be your first priority in life. It sounds like you already have so many other opportunities just waiting for you, as well as back-up income. Wishing you much success!
This is a very brave thing to do but your happiness is the most important! Good luck finding something you'll enjoy doing very soon!
Yeah.. If your job is killing your spirit.. You can't let it continue.. Did something happen last week to push you over the top? Most folks would certainly try to line something else up first, but that can actually take weeks.The local job market is improving where I live, so hopefully you can find something else better soon.
You made a radical decision, and I love it. Congratulations on your bravery and on starting your brand new life as a strong and independent entrepreneur/independent contractor. Now, your new life as a happier and healthier human being begins. I wish you the best of luck, and contact me if there's anything that I can do to help you.
Good for you! I did that 13 years ago and have never regretted it.
Thanks, Michelle! I know I made a good decision for myself personally, I just hope it doesn't turn out to be a bad one financially…
Thank you!!! I feel so relieved
Yikes! I'm glad to hear that you made a healthy decision and never looked back; it's inspiring!
Thanks! The good thing is that I absolutely loooove interviewing
Thanks, Daisy! I think you're right–it seems a lot easier to find things than the last time I decided to job search. Hopefully that's a good sign
Wahoooo…thank you! It was like a ton of bricks was lifted off my shoulders when I walked out of that office! T-minus 3 weeks to go!
Thanks, Sharon! Hopefully brave does not mean stupid!!
I love that!!! I'll definitely keep this in mind moving forward. I'm usually pretty good at keeping an awareness (hence my decision to leave), but I sometime lose my focus. This is such a great reminder of how important it is to maintain that balance…
Thanks! It was seriously crazytown until I found the only relief that was left for me. It's funny walking in there now knowing that I'm gone in less than 3 weeks—such a different feeling and a much more positive one!
Thanks, Sunnie
The thing is, I do enjoy the work–just not the environment. It's taken me a long time to realize my own value/worth and I refuse to let other people continuously put me in a position where I'm made to feel inferior, silly, and worthless (extreme words but this is how they make a lot of us feel….so sad).Over the top…oh yeah
And you're so right! It was gaining some perspective during my vacation that really set me on this path. The final straw was coming back after a week off and being blamed for something that happened when I wasn't even in the country, let alone the office! No more scapegoat here
But honestly, I've worked so hard to get where I am, so it's a good feeling to know that I do have options. Plus, I'm not about to set myself back–I still have those lofty goals for 2012 
I definitely do! I can still pay all of my bills with the income I still have coming in, but I'll potentially have to scale back my savings/investing efforts. Ideally, that won't happen because I'll find something else to ensure a better transition.Regardless, I'm not looking back because it felt great to finally stand my ground!
Thank you! It's times like this where I'm most thankful for my busy schedule. Had I not had all of the other things going on, there's no way I would have been able to give notice. A testament to the power of the part-time job and side gig!!!
Thanks, Lena…I sure hope it's sooner than later!
Technically, the process of lining something up began weeks ago when I started making lists of reasons to stay vs. go and finally responded to a recruiter's emails. The final straw was being blamed for something that happened while I was in Ireland that another person should have taken care of (and that I had no responsibility for even if I had been in the office). It wasn't necessarily the being blamed part as that's standard, but it was the way I was spoken down to, shamed, and lectured in a non-productive way. I thought about it for a few days, and I realized it was never going to change!The market is turning around here, too. I think that will mean good things considering I'm mid career and have some great experience under my belt by this point…
Wow, thank you so much!!! This comment really made me smile
Although I'll still be working for the man for a bit (I'm not quite ready to venture out completely on my own), the eventual goal is to be an independent entrepreneur. That being said, now that I'm in the process of putting this experience behind me, I'm certainly on a healthier, happier path. The best part is that I'm refusing to settle and I have the financial means to do so. While I have a bit of a self-imposed deadline considering I only gave 3 weeks notice, I'm still going to find a job that makes my heart sing AND one that will further set my up for my future endeavors on my own. It's really a win-win!
Love it!! I plan to say the same 13 from now…
Normally I just read and appreciate your posts, but today I wanted to share something with you.. You're inspiring. You're a courageous person for not only following your heart and making tough decisions, but for tackling the financial beast and sharing it with others. I'm a corporate girl who's working towards something less structured and I feel empowered when I read your updates and hear your story. Keep it up and enjoy the quiet, you earned it. Life has an awesome way of shaking things up & making things up, especially when one takes incredible risks. High-five!
Hey Lacie! Wow, thank you so much for your comment–it means a lot to me, especially given that I'm sitting here in this terrible office watching my co-workers (whom I love) drown in a sea of misery. Thankfully, I'm almost out of here as my notice runs out next week.Anyway, thank you for sharing this with me. I particularly enjoy your sentiments about life shaking things up in an awesome way–couldn't agree more!Best of luck to you in your quest to get away from the corporate rat race. As I usually (cheesily?) say, keep on keepin' on. Stay true to yourself and enjoy the amazing adventures that come your way even if you're a bit scared to.
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