March 2013 Recap: $10,000+ in Freelancing Income!

Monthly Financial Goals Holy guacamole has this been an amazing month. When I quit my full-time job 1.5 months ago, I had no idea what I would be in for in terms of income, budgets and my long-term goals. While I know that online income is highly variable and this could all vanish in a New York minute, this month has given me a ton of confidence to attack some even bigger goals over the remainder of the year.

As I was writing this post, I went back and forth about whether or not to mention anything about income here. There are a variety of reasons why I’ve never shared much about the income side of my finances publicly, but I’m choosing to share this gigantic milestone as motivation for any of you out there who are contemplating striking out on your own, growing your side business or generally just wanting to kick ass in the extra income department. I’ll likely never share exact figures here, but I will share rounded portions of what I’m bringing in from my online ventures (I do still have my part-time jobs to keep benefits, etc, too).

A huge shout-out has to go out to Michelle for her inspirational posts about her own extra income. Her online income is consistently at killer totals each month, and she shares her weekly updates on her blog. I’m considering doing something similar with my monthly posts, but I could never do it without giving her the proper credit she deserves for being the source of inspiration!  :)

All the extra money this month made life a lot sweeter in terms of the goals I had originally set. I was able to send another chunk of money to my last student loan, add more to long-term savings than originally anticipated and even save some money for the horrendous dental bill I’ll be receiving next month (remember when I told you about breaking my tooth while eating rock candy?).

Here’s where I ended up:

Happy Homeowner 2013 March Goals Recap

Financial Goals:

  • Save at least $1,200 in long-term savings  CHECK–saved $2,500
  • Bring in at least $2,000 in freelance/blog income  CHECK :)
  • Fully fund the remaining costs of my Dubai trip  CHECK


Household Goals:

  • Work with neighbors to do some building repairs (cedar shingle replacement, install motion sensor lights, have roof inspected)   CHECK
  • Get the damn chairs for the office reno  Fail. Although there are still a few days in the month left…
  • Re-caulk/grout master bath tub/shower  Fail.


Personal Goals:

  • Keep running 3 times/week   CHECK
  • Research plane tickets for Kauai trip   CHECK  Flights are sooo expensive!
  • Reach out to one old friend   CHECK


Blog Goals:

  1. Increase to 1,300   CHECK
  2. Increase to 1,100  Fail…almost there!
  3. Increase to 300   CHECK


How was your month?


March 2013 Recap: $10,000+ in Freelancing Income!53

  1. Way to go that is inspirational!! In what ways do you make your online income? My site is not monetized nor do I write for others. What tips do you suggest to those that are interested in making an income on line. You are right it's a fine in the moment but relying on the income can be tough as it can all be gone in a minute. How do you motivate yourself to get past that hurdle? Cheers and keep up the great work. Mr.CBB
    My recent post Open Houses and Nosey Neighbours, Are They Worth It?

    • Thanks Mr. CBB! I have a bit of AdSense running here, but I'm sort of clueless about how to do it well and don't even count the pennies I make through that…haha. I do a lot of writing and blog-related tasks for other bloggers. I'm slowly building a little empire over here… :)

      I'll admit that motivation is always a work in progress. Although I get excited by new prospects and try to capitalize on those waves of excitement.

  2. So glad that you are doing well striking it out on your own! That's awesome. Sounds like it's a mixed bag as far as the goals but you really hit the big important ones. My main goal has to do with my novel. I will hit that 15 page mark by month end so I'm glad about that. I do have a modeling side gig coming up and a twitter campaign that pays a little. That's something!!
    My recent post Movie Madness Rant

  3. That's freaking awesome Jen! Those kind of months ALWAYS feel good, especially with the extra loan repayment thrown in! Sorry to hear about the rock candy. :(

    • Thank you! Yes, I can only hope that there are more like this!

      Boo for rock candy indeed. The sad part is that I only ever buy it while at Disney World and this was leftover from last year's Goofy Challenge. It tasted so good until I lost part of my tooth…haha

    • Thank you!! It's been a phenomenal month–so glad I chose to take a working vacation rather than unplugging as I usually do! And yes, a lot of it was through writing gigs. It doesn't really feel like work to me even though I'm doing more than ever!

  4. Wow that's an inspirational month! I just started doing a little (very little) freelancing and I'm really enjoying it. If I got myself to a month like yours, or even half of that I'd totally quit my day job and take my chances it might be gone in a minute. Congrats and hoping for even bigger future months!
    My recent post Take-out Temptation=Epic Budget Failure

    • Thank you! I was really torn about sharing this, but I'm glad that I can help others get a leg up on their own efforts. I hope to keep growing, but I'm honestly just fine being in this range or a little bit less… :)

  5. How hard is it to get into freelance writing? I would love to try that out, but I wouldn't know the first place to start. Sounds like you pretty much mastered it! Congratulations.
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  6. YES!! lol I am so happy for you. That is fantastic. I love that you are sharing this.It is people like you who give me the motivation to keep on trying. I know it can be done. You (and Michelle) are proof. Of course I am sure that there is a lot of hard work and a lot of hours that are bringing you such financial success but it's really amazing what you have accomplished. Congrats!
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  7. My month was…bad.

    And you make more in a month than I made in a whole year when I quit. Had I been working full time, I would have made only $4000 more than your monthly income.

    Which is why I quit. Long term, that job was getting me nowhere. I figured it was better to be unemployed and at least be less miserable, not having to deal with rude people all the time, even if it meant no money.

  8. Great work. I for one would love to see a break down of how you earn your online income. I am so far away from the totals both your and Michelle have, but I will keep working hard to get there.
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