Save Money with a Minimalist Garden (and a $500 Giveaway!)

Minimalist Garden Over the years, I’ve slowly begun to accept that despite my best efforts, I have a serious black thumb when it comes to keeping anything other than simple houseplants alive. I’ve tried to grow sunflowers, tomatoes, herbs–you name it. Whether in pots or in the ground, everything I plant seems to thrive for a good 2-3 weeks before it inevitably bites the dust. Not only does my lack of gardening wherewithal cost me hours of agony as I desperately try (in vain) to nurse each dying plant back to life, but I end up spending far too much money on all of the things I plant.

Never the one to be deterred when it comes to a good challenge, I began to think about what I’d like to do this year as the spring issues of HGTV Magazine and Good Housekeeping started appearing in my mailbox (While I have an affinity for Money Magazine, I am a total junkie for any home related mags–but I’m pretty good about finding free or $5 subscriptions so I’m not wasting too much money). It’s clear I need to take a different approach but I wasn’t too sure what it would be.

That was until I read an article about the idea of creating a minimalist garden. Considering my incessant need to purge all the clutter from my home lately, I’m thinking this will be a great option for 2013′s gardening efforts. Plus, if done correctly, I will save a boatload compared to years past. Sign me up!

What is a Minimalist Garden?

Essentially, a minimalist garden is one that focuses on pure form and clean lines. Minimalism itself is rooted in modernism, interior design and architecture and minimalist gardens follow the same train of thought. Important design elements of a minimalist garden include using plants to define spaces, using water to complement the live features of the garden and creating a space that is inviting, organized and calming to the senses.

How to Create a Minimalist Garden

Minimalist gardens are best for those looking for a low-maintenance, enjoyable garden that is incorporated into their existing surroundings. Perfect for those of us like me that live in an urban area, the garden is designed to serve multiple uses simultaneously.

When creating your own minimalist garden, here are some easy steps to help you on your way:

Choose the shape of your garden

Different considerations need to be paid to gardens that are narrow or will have different shapes (one popular option for minimalist gardens is a T-shaped area for the plants).

Decide on the plants

A minimalist garden isn’t overrun with multiple plants of varied colors–it’s designed with aesthetics in mind. This means choosing 2-5 types of plants that are all similar in color/hue. The plants should also be low-maintenance, be the types of plants that can stand up to varied weather and ones that don’t lose their leaves or needles very easily.

Great examples of plants to use in a minimalist garden include palms, bamboo, horizontal juniper, cycads, cacti, adenium and typha.

Consider additional elements

As mentioned above, water is a great accompaniment to the plants in a minimalist garden. Lighting can also have a dramatic impact and should be considered when you’re planting the garden. Ideally, you want to strike a balance between the living and the modern elements of your outdoor space.

How to Save Money with a Minimalist Garden

With a minimalist garden, saving money (as opposed to more traditional gardening methods and plant choices) is inevitable:

  • By choosing hearty plants that are permanent fixtures of your outdoor area, you won’t need to purchase all new plants each season
  • Incorporating water features can double as an irrigation system which saves you the hefty water bill needed to maintain a regular garden throughout the hot summer months
  • There is much less maintenance involved with a minimalist garden. Time is money!


$500 Giveaway

I’m excited to again be co-hosting a $500 giveaway that’s been brought to you by, a great online resource that’s been helping consumers save money with online coupons since 2000.  :)

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Photo credit: David Harber


Save Money with a Minimalist Garden (and a $500 Giveaway!)23

  1. I have a black thumb too! thankfully the BF really has an eye to add lovely plants here and there to make the garden look good. We have had more luck with transplants than seeds, just cutting out a branch from something that grows well at the neighbors'.
    My recent post Little house in Guatemala, week 18-19

  2. I've never had much luck, either – it's the keeping up with watering and weeding that gets me!

    We currently live in a former volcanic area and the soil is pretty rich so I've managed to cultivate a few plants and herbs, but I've been slack with watering this summer and they're not doing so well. We're leaving soon anyway, and I reckon it's not worth investing the time (and they money) till we settle into a place of our own (ie buy).

    • I'm relegated to a potted garden on my back porch, but I hope to move that to a real garden in the ground this summer…haha!

      I think it's wise to save big gardening investments for your own place!

  3. I've always wanted to have a little garden, though it's pretty hard no having any outdoor space or balcony at my current apartment. Maybe I'll start one at my next place.
    My recent post Thailand Trip Days 11, 12, & 13 – Sunburns and Muay Thai

  4. I can't even keep a houseplant alive, but I'm considering possibly planting a few tomato plants on our roof this year. I wish we had a big lawn and a garden, but city living is what it is.
    My recent post February Goal Progress & Updates

  5. I absolutely live gardening. I was like you when I tried growing flowers or plants. Then I tried vegetables and fruits and something clicked. I would suggest an upside down planter for tomatoes or strawberries. I’ve heard they’re super easy to use. Also, the trick to watering is to always do it on the same days every week, like Sundays and Wednesdays.

  6. Things don't have a long time to grow where I'm from. I also live in a condo so having anything more than a couple planters for a few months isn't really an option. I wish I could have a bigger garden!

  7. Something I would do with $500 is to actually start a little garden! I'd get some tomatoes and such that have already started growing… those at least would actually seem like they are doing something.

  8. I would like to buy some small plants for my garden, my seedlings haven't been doing so well. And maybe go somewhere for a small getaway.

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