Recently, I had the pleasure of spending some serious girl time with a friend of mine. The day was filled with lots of adventure, good food and…shopping. While were in the mall, my friend wanted to head to Sephora. I have only ever headed straight to the skincare section of the store, but I tagged along this time as my friend was perusing the lipstick options. As someone who is naturally drawn to most anything that sparkles, I randomly picked up a shimmery eye shadow. As I turned it over to see the price, I was floored.
$16 for eyeshadow?! How on Earth is this an acceptable price??
The Cost of Looking Good
A few weeks ago, I wrote a post where I speculated about whether or not looking good costs money. In it, I talked about the ways I save money on maintaining my appearance and how I value a more natural look that inherently costs me less overall. The comments from my post were excellent and enlightening–it was interesting to see each person’s opinions about their personal grooming/appearance maintenance spending.
Among the top things mentioned were haircuts and makeup–both of which can be extremely pricey. As I thought more about the concept of spending money to look good, I began to wonder how these expenses can be pared down. When it comes to your makeup routine, there are plenty of ways to fit your wants and needs into a balanced budget.
Invest Wisely
If you’re going to buy and wear makeup as most of us ladies do, make sure you’re spending your money wisely. This means learning when you can skirt by with a less expensive option–and when you need to splurge a bit. A general rule of thumb is to invest in items you’ll have for a while such as makeup brushes as well as those that are applied directly to your clean skin (foundation, primer, sunscreen).
As for those items you can definitely spend a lot less on, this category should be reserved for items that have a short shelf life such as mascaras and lipstick and those that are fad-driven such as eyeshadow and liners.
Try Before You Buy
The cosmetics world is filled with freebies, samples and promotions. You just have to find them or ask for them. Brush up on your negotiation skills or work on being less timid by approaching the person working at the cosmetics counter and asking for a sample or two of any product you’re thinking of buying.
I’ve personally done this with almost all of my skincare items, and I’ve found that sometimes the sample sizes vary. If you’re very polite or have an existing rapport, the person is usually happy to slip you the larger sized item free of charge!
Stretch it to the Limit
Prolong the life of your products by taking care of them. Whether it’s washing your brushes regularly or storing your foundation and nail polish in the fridge to help them maintain their consistency, there are plenty of ways to stretch your beauty dollar further.
When you’re nearing the end of a product, get creative about making it last even longer: Move loose/broken eye shadows into individual containers (old film containers or pill boxes are perfect options), melt the last of your lipstick down and put it in a pill box (you can also add a bit of Vaseline during the melting process to create a custom gloss), and use a damp Q-tip to get every last bit of product out of the original packaging.
Use it Before You Lose it
Pay attention to expiration dates and always check your stockpile before adding something new. If it’s time to buy something new, ensure you’ve already checked all of your purses, suitcases and travel bags for any duplicates you might have on hand. When you do decide to make your purchase, remember to take advantage of any frequent buyer programs, coupons or promotions the store might be offering.
I try to save by buying what I can at a drug store. For instance mascara, as long as it doesn't clump and is smear proof I don't care about the brand. If I am stuck on a certain brand or kind, I try to find discounts or coupons. I also stay away from Sephora and the fun makeup stores. I would love to buy more from there, but unless I am on T.V. a lot of the makeup is not needed in every day life.
My recent post I didn’t Save for a New Purchase *Gasp
I agree, and I do pretty much the same stuff! I can't fathom spending oodles of money on makeup, no matter how fun I think it is
Easy, I don't buy makeup. Yes, I am a woman. I just never got into it, I like my freckles and peaches and cream complexion and I always hated wearing nail polish. Now I have eye problems and couldn't wear mascara or even eye shadow if I wanted to otherwise my right eye turns bright red…not pretty.
Oh wow, yeah, that's not good but an awesome reason to not wear it! I like to put on makeup from time to time, but nothing too crazy
I can't get over the prices some women spend on make and face paint… lol! I buy a tub of organic mineral blush and it lasts me for years.. lol! It's all I wear. I eat well & take care of myself so generally have very nice skin thankfully. But yah
Absolutely! Eating well and taking care of yourself means no makeup needed
Not buying too much – and not wearing it on days I’m not going anywhere!

Cat recently posted..A couple of nasty financial surprises this week
Cat recently posted..A couple of nasty financial surprises this week
Amen to that!
I just buy the drug store stuff and stay out of malls. I used to spend more on stuff like moisturizer and foundation, but found it didn't look much different.
My recent post Frugality: My New Normal
Staying out of the malls is key! I was shocked by the price tags–and the amount of women waiting in line with armfuls to purchase!!
Haircuts are the main money sink for most men, I think. Any tips?
Great point! I'll do a post about it soon, thanks for the inspiration
Mike, my husband cuts his own hair and it always looks great. I bet he'd give you some tips if you were willing to be brave and try to do it yourself!
I try to play a drug store game too and use sparingly
I do invest in a good mascara because my eyes are sensitive.
My recent post
I eek out every last drop of anything I buy…haha
I have always worn cheap stuff you can buy at the grocery store- Cover Girl, Loreal, etc. I'm scared to try the expensive stuff- I would probably like it!
Haha…I know what you mean! I had a friend give me some MAC makeup once and man was it nice
I like my Mac and Bobbi Brown items, but am not very adventurous and stick to the basics and neutrals that I use almost every day. I'm always envious of my friends who have a wide array of pretty colors in eyeshadow and lipstick, but am a bit of a germaphobe and know that if I won't use it within a few months, it would gross me out to keep it for longer than that.
Great point! I wonder how many people actually out their arsenal when products expire…I know I'm guilty of holding onto things far too long
My wife wears light make-up from time to time during the day but not always. If she were to go out at night to a gathering, party or function you will find her with a darker make-up that in my opinion, looks stunning. She doesn't spend that much on make-up but she does save up her Shopper's Optimum points and on redemption day she can redeem around $200 worth of free product so she is free to shop til she drops. She likes MAC… she says.
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I love her style–those points are the best way to buy stuff like this…brilliant!!
I don't buy much make-up at all. I only really wear it when I go out somewhere special, or sometimes at work. So make-up lasts me a very long time. I by no means spend too much money on make-up!:)
Good for you, Wendy! Sounds like you have a handle on your beauty expenses–more ladies should follow your lead
Sometimes, I don't understand it alt all but then i think that it's the same with men's passion for video games, sports, or cars. But I've noticed my wife to buy stuff that aren't that expensive. Or she waits until there's a sale going on.
My recent post Tips For Finding an Apartment
Ahh…so true!! Thanks for point that out–definitely differences between the sexes on this one
makeup always made my skin break out (I have INCREDIBLY sensitive skin) so I save money by not buying any. I actually debated buying some lip gloss the other day but couldn't bring myself to justify the expense, oh frugality you get me every time.
I am a pro-makeup kind of gal. I have discovered that there are a few tips and tricks that make your makeup last longer and your skin look healthier. Also, makeup is a big deal for a lot of women. I mean, just look at stores like Sephora and Ulta , the Mary Kay craze, and the hundreds of ads on tv and in magazines about makeup. There is obviously something about makeup that makes women feel beautiful. Yes, you can look at it like "A woman should focus on her inner beauty and not care about her outer beauty," but this doesn't make sense to most women. What's wrong with the outer beauty showcasing the beautiful woman on the inside? Sometimes a woman just wants to feel beautiful, and that's ok. Makeup can be used to enhance a woman's beauty rather than to cover up or "paint" the parts they don't like.
Makeup can help a woman become more productive and successful. I also think that if a woman is working in a professional setting, it looks pulled together and like the woman has respect for herself. I like to avoid wearing makeup on the weekends with my husband at home, but if I am going to work or out with friends and family, I will definitely try to look my best. It's respectful for both yourself and the people you are around. It says, "I care about you and am willing to try my best to look presentable."
Personally, I look extremely tired when I don't have makeup on because I have blonde eyelashes and dark circles (hereditary). People often ask me if I am ok if I don't have makeup on. So, like I said, some women can greatly benefit from makeup. All that being said, I don't wear heavy makeup, just enough to look natural and happy.
I am pro-,makeup but I am NOT pro name brand or pro expensive makeup. I generally get my makeup from the dollar store. No joke! Like other things, it's how you wear it and how you apply it that makes the difference.
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