I have a confession to make: On Friday, I had my first haircut in….wait for it….
13 months.
And no, I wasn’t sneaking in trims here & there to maintain any semblance of style. I basically had a mane of long, unruly hair that I tied into a ponytail every single day (or hid underneath a hat).
Why on Earth would I go so long between haircuts?
Haircut & Makeup Free and Loving it
The truth is, I don’t really care about looking “good.” Yes, I want to look put together, and yes, I will dress up for important meetings, date nights, etc. There are even some times when I want to get all dolled up. But overall during the day-to-day, I don’t put that much emphasis on my appearance.
As long as my hair is clean, my teeth brushed and my clothes match and don’t have holes in them/stains on them, I could care less about anything else. As I sit here typing this, the only makeup on my face is a bit of Carmex on my lips–and I’ve already been out in public!
But before a collective cringe and/or sigh of disgust rings forth from the blogosphere, let me explain what I mean by this. Especially because if my BF is reading, he may be the first to object after sometimes waiting for me to slap on some makeup before we go out for the night (sounds like a contradiction, right?)…
Value Your Appearance without Breaking the Bank
I value my appearance in terms of NOT looking like a dirty or disheveled mess, but I don’t put so much emphasis on it that I spend a small fortune maintaining some ideal of beauty that’s attained only by models and celebrities.
I also believe that natural is the most beautiful look a woman can wear. I have honed a simple, inexpensive routine to keep myself looking my best without breaking the bank and without falling victim to product overload or having a closet that’s bursting at the seams.
Vanity Keeps Us Poor
I once read an article in Siren Magazine that was based on the premise that vanity keeps the average woman poor. In it, the author alluded that the average cost of looking good for a female can hover between $10,000-$12,000 each year! Even typing that now nearly causes me to fall out of my chair as I did while reading that article 4-5 years ago.
While I think it’s much more realistic to think that sum should be closer to $3,000-$5,000, you can’t argue that all of these figures are significant sums of money. Think about all the haircuts, manicures, treatments, clothes, makeup, shoes and jewelry you buy each year. Now add up those individual costs to get an annual sum. Surprised by what you realize? Looking good costs a lot of money!
Or does it?
Looking Good Without Spending Money
It’s actually possible to look like a million bucks…without spending a single dollar. Here are some ways I keep my style and appearance fresh while still maintaining a natural approach to beauty:
- Borrowing or swapping clothes. Consider pairing up with a sibling, friend or neighbor who is the same size as you. Trade and share your wardrobes for an instant influx of “new” clothes without spending a dime.
- Practice good hygiene. As I mentioned above, showering, brushing teeth and keeping nails trim/free from dirt are paramount. Brushing your hair is a quick and easy fix to refresh yourself midday, and it’s great for your hair because it helps distribute those much-needed oils it naturally produces.
- Be a sample Queen. I’m not too proud to ask for samples in stores such as Sephora and CVS. I’ve also scored great freebies from Mary Kay and Avon. Instead of tossing them away, I put the samples to use for me, often creating an entire look for a night out…for free!
- Make your own products. Sure, this might be cheating because you still have to buy the ingredients, but I most likely would have them from cooking or baking anyway. I’ve taken oatmeal baths, scrubbed a lemon on my face, and washed my hair with beer. I’ve saved thousands of dollars on beauty treatments, and I get compliments on my skin at least weekly.
- Sit up straight. Or walk straight with your shoulders back. Both of these exude confidence and confidence always looks fantastic!
- Exercise. Being active is good for more than your muscles and heart–it paves the way for glowing, clear skin that can’t be produced from anything that comes in a bottle.
- Smile! This goes hand-in-hand with confidence–when you’re smiling, you draw attention away from anything you are physically wearing. It’s truly one of your best accessories.
- Speak kindly of yourself and others. I once wore a pair of pants that was just a bit too short as a last-ditch effort to get one more wear out of them (sorry, I loved them!). I was a bit uncomfortable thinking how short they were when I sat down, but did I complain or mention it to anyone? Nope! In fact, I paid a few extra compliments to my co-workers and nobody was the wiser. Yes, the pants went to Goodwill the next day but by not drawing more attention to my perceived flaw, I was able to relax because nobody noticed!
Overall, I think the key is realizing that you don’t have to spend a ton of money to look good. While I won’t go another year without a haircut, I’ll continue to keep my down-to-Earth approach to maintaining my appearance. Considering that most people think I’m in my early 20s when they look at me (but I’m really in my 30s), I think something must be working!
**Edit: In no way do I want this to seem as if I’m passing judgement on those who do spend more to maintain their appearance…it’s just a case of “different strokes for different folks” and some food for thought!
How much do you spend on looking good? How do you save money on maintaining your appearance?
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Photo credit: Cour10e Fox
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Back when I was an advisor, looking good paid me money….meaning that people seemed to trust me more when I had on a really nice suit and tie. Now I focus more on minimizing my wardrobe so that I can look "good enough" on the infrequent days that I have to go out while not breaking the bank. That means that I keep 10 cool tee shirts and everything else is donated. Today: Speed Racer.
My recent post Jemstep Portfolio Manager Review: Finding the Asset Allocation Middle Ground
I could certainly see that! When I had the 9-5 corporate job, I definitely needed to be dressed in a better way. But I have to say that it feels good to be typing this comment in my running clothes…sweaty or not
LOVE speed racer & funny T-shirts in general!
This is a great list. I'll have my wife read it. She strongly agrees with you and continually figures out ways to look great without spending anything.
So my answer is no, looking good doesn't have to cost money.
My recent post What’s Your Financial Lifestyle? (Part 1)
That's great! I think it's more about being creative–I don't look like a bum, but I also don't spend $500/month on beauty supplies & clothes.
I'm definitely guilty of spending a lot on clothes, makeup and haircuts. I don't get professional blowouts before every night out and I don't use designer makeup, but it still adds up! I would be curious to learn just how much I spend on this stuff every year, and your post has inspired me to investigate further. That being said, appearance is a priority for me (right or wrong) and it would represent an enormous change of lifestyle and personality to forfeit my vain habits. However, I understand a few adjustments can make a big difference on both my budget and confidence, so it's definitely worth a shot!
My recent post Health Benefits of Self-Gifting
Definitely no right or wrong with this one! I have some friends who are beautiful and spend oodles to stay that way–I respect them and their choices no matter what. I'm just stirring the pot a bit and hoping to insight deeper reflection/conversation about a highly debated topic in the land of makeup and curling irons
In fact, there would be plenty of people who would say that I should spend MORE…haha!
I don't spend that much on my appearance. I have nice clothes that have lasted me a long time, but I have cut my own hair for the last 6 years. My wife looks great without makeup, so she doesn't have to spend much on it and I like her that way. I am glad were are not paying that much to look good. Working behind a computer makes this easier.
My recent post How Much Does College Really Cost? Here is an Easy Way to Find Out
I don't spend that much on my appearance. I have nice clothes that have lasted me a long time, but I have cut my own hair for the last 6 years. My wife looks great without makeup, so she doesn't have to spend much on it and I like her that way. I am glad were are not paying that much to look good. Working behind a computer makes this easier.
My recent post How Much Does College Really Cost? Here is an Easy Way to Find Out
Haha…lurking behind a computer screen does help, indeed! :p
I wish I could cut my own hair!!
Haha…lurking behind a computer screen does help, indeed! :p
I wish I could cut my own hair!!
I don't spend that much on my appearance. I have nice clothes that have lasted me a long time, but I have cut my own hair for the last 6 years. My wife looks great without makeup, so she doesn't have to spend much on it and I like her that way. I am glad were are not paying that much to look good. Working behind a computer makes this easier.
My recent post How Much Does College Really Cost? Here is an Easy Way to Find Out
I've been in a shopping mode lately which I have definitely cut back. African American hair has maintenance that I choose to pay for. Aside from that I honestly don't feel I spend a lot trying to look good. I am sitting here at work with a swipe of chap stick on my lips and that's it. I think it's awesome to feel comfortable enough that you don't have to wear make up. I feel lucky that my skin is nice enough that I can. I do like to wear cute outfits to work though.
My recent post How I Celebrate April Fool's Day
I think it can all be a big balancing act and that you have to decide what's worth spending your money on. I think it's great that you have a balance that works for you!
Ehh, I get my hair cut about every six months at an Asian hairdresser (they understand Asian hair and are cheap – $25-35). I take about 10 minutes to get ready in the morning. I've learned the less I put on my skin, the better. Wedding day makeup is not going to be that different from everyday makeup – lippy, eyeliner, and maybe a bit of foundation.
I'm also hopeless at dressing myself. I have no style.
Basically, I try to look presentable, but I'm really not that fussed about how I look – it's not something I spend a lot of time and money about. I don't read style or fashion blogs, though I do envy people who are really put together.
My recent post New York, New York…
Ehh, I get my hair cut about every six months at an Asian hairdresser (they understand Asian hair and are cheap – $25-35). I take about 10 minutes to get ready in the morning. I've learned the less I put on my skin, the better. Wedding day makeup is not going to be that different from everyday makeup – lippy, eyeliner, and maybe a bit of foundation.
I'm also hopeless at dressing myself. I have no style.
Basically, I try to look presentable, but I'm really not that fussed about how I look – it's not something I spend a lot of time and money about. I don't read style or fashion blogs, though I do envy people who are really put together.
My recent post New York, New York…
Sounds like we're on the same page! I do love those ladies who look impeccable, but I can't fathom spending that much time, effort and money on my appearance. I'm much happier spending it doing things that matter most to me such as traveling.
Yes, yes, yes and then some! I’ve always found it odd when some ladies talk about how much they can “save” on their beauty routines when their “savings” and the spending that still goes tandem with it is orders of magnitude above my own!
I’ve always gone for “clean and classic” as the basis of my beauty regime – though it’s hard to call it a regime if it takes so little time. I get clean, and generally put on sunscreen and maybe chapstick with SPF. That’s about it 99% of the time. If I really want to fancy it up, I put on mascara and do actually own eyeshadow that gets used a couple times per year. But Mr. PoP actually hates it when I wear makeup because he loves natural beauty perhaps even more than I do. (Very convenient in a spouse!)
When at my height of vanity in college, haircuts were every 6 months or so… Now that’s being stretched out to every 18-24 months and I’m donating the hair to charity, though I’ve considered selling it and taking a profit on my beauty regime as well. =)

Mrs PoP @ Planting Our Pennies recently posted..PoP Income Statement – March 2013
Mrs PoP @ Planting Our Pennies recently posted..PoP Income Statement – March 2013
Wow, that's amazing about donating your hair–good for you!! I wish I could grow mine that long but it's just a fine, thin, stringy mess…haha.
I'm right there with you for the sunscreen and chapstick…those are key pieces in my "arsenal."
I had my last haircut 6 months ago but cut very short and now it is at that time where you can only wear a head band, too short for ponytail and loose hair gets in your face. A haircut is $2 in the village, I am considering "splurging" haha. It is too hot for makeup or anything more than moisturizer, although I like to dress up and make up once in a while, the day to day is minimum maintenance only.
My recent post Increase the value of your home
I had my last haircut 6 months ago but cut very short and now it is at that time where you can only wear a head band, too short for ponytail and loose hair gets in your face. A haircut is $2 in the village, I am considering "splurging" haha. It is too hot for makeup or anything more than moisturizer, although I like to dress up and make up once in a while, the day to day is minimum maintenance only.
My recent post Increase the value of your home
I had my last haircut 6 months ago but cut very short and now it is at that time where you can only wear a head band, too short for ponytail and loose hair gets in your face. A haircut is $2 in the village, I am considering "splurging" haha. It is too hot for makeup or anything more than moisturizer, although I like to dress up and make up once in a while, the day to day is minimum maintenance only.
My recent post Increase the value of your home
I had my last haircut 6 months ago but cut very short and now it is at that time where you can only wear a head band, too short for ponytail and loose hair gets in your face. A haircut is $2 in the village, I am considering "splurging" haha. It is too hot for makeup or anything more than moisturizer, although I like to dress up and make up once in a while, the day to day is minimum maintenance only.
My recent post Increase the value of your home
I had my last haircut 6 months ago but cut very short and now it is at that time where you can only wear a head band, too short for ponytail and loose hair gets in your face. A haircut is $2 in the village, I am considering "splurging" haha. It is too hot for makeup or anything more than moisturizer, although I like to dress up and make up once in a while, the day to day is minimum maintenance only.
My recent post Increase the value of your home
I had my last haircut 6 months ago but cut very short and now it is at that time where you can only wear a head band, too short for ponytail and loose hair gets in your face. A haircut is $2 in the village, I am considering "splurging" haha. It is too hot for makeup or anything more than moisturizer, although I like to dress up and make up once in a while, the day to day is minimum maintenance only.
My recent post Increase the value of your home
Omg…with a $2 haircut, I might be inclined to have more than 1-2/year…haha!
I certainly don't spend a lot on beauty. Even though I am beginning to spend more now. I have curly hair and I honestly need certain products to keep it nice. Otherwise it gets dry. Ever since I started working I do buy the more expensive conditioner, shampoo, mousse, stay in conditioner, and I have been getting more haircuts. My hair is so healthy now! Seriously! i NEVER THOUGHT IT would be this healthy. It still has a long way to go though.

I don't wear a lot of make up because i break out completely. I do buy acne medicine which is pricey but otherwise I break out all the time. No fun! Not only does it not look good, pimples hurt.
I do spend money on clothes. But I do always buy good quality at a good price. I don't feel guilty about my wardrobe
I can count the # of mani/pedis in one hand! That saves lots of money
My recent post Is It Time To Move On?
It sounds like you have your priorities straight and only spend on what is most important and makes you feel the best/most comfortable…I love it!
I'm not sure what my overall total is but as you probably read on my blog I just "broke up" with my hairdresser and she cost a fortune. For me I do have some investment in trying to look good because it makes me "feel" good. I try not to go overboard and keep things in budget, but I don't mind spending for the occasionally manicure or facial. It just gives me some confidence, along with the other free things that can give me confidence which you mentioned.
My recent post Create Wealth that Matters
I'm not sure what my overall total is but as you probably read on my blog I just "broke up" with my hairdresser and she cost a fortune. For me I do have some investment in trying to look good because it makes me "feel" good. I try not to go overboard and keep things in budget, but I don't mind spending for the occasionally manicure or facial. It just gives me some confidence, along with the other free things that can give me confidence which you mentioned.
My recent post Create Wealth that Matters
I enjoyed that post…I can't believe how she treated you!!!
And I think it's great that you allow the splurges and they build your confidence–what I get bothered by are the insecure people that put far too much value–and money–into products and their appearance in hopes of being/becoming someone else. That makes me sad and just want to hug them
I see that all the time living here in LA. Girls who really sl*t themselves up to get attention from guys. They get super drunk. Classy. I guess everyone has their own tolerance and limits!
My recent post Create Wealth that Matters
That seriously pains me
We went out for dinner last night and saw two girls at the bar (with different men). One was stuffed into a dress that was super short, too tight, with 10 pounds of makeup and sky-high heels. She looked soooo uncomfortable. The other was absolutely gorgeous, wore a cute (cotton!) dress with comfy flats and smiled like she loved life. I'm not gonna lie that I was happy that the second one was the one who got our seats when we left the lounge area
It sickens me to think about how much money I have spent on make-up in the past and for what? Absolutely nothing. I get my hair cut twice a year (spring & fall). My shampoo bar lasts forever and I just use normal Dove soap in the shower. I can't even remember the last time I bought mascara or anything like that. It feels great too!
My recent post
Ooh…a shampoo bar?! I've never heard of that! I'm with you–there were definitely times in the past where I got caught up in the madness–luckily now I've come to my senses
There are others but I still use shampoo bars from Lush. They're kind of pricey but seriously last me forever.
My recent post
There are others but I still use shampoo bars from Lush. They're kind of pricey but seriously last me forever.
My recent post
I have to try these things….they would make traveling so much easier, too!!
Looking good is definitely an investment and I admit it is something I do invest in!
Although not to the tune of 10-12K a year, I am curious to know what they are buying! And boy I sure hope it works!! I do agree that how you carry yourself, being healthy and a positive attitude can do more for us than make-up, although I sure wish those things helped erase wrinkles and gray hairs – not that I have any of those things. 
My recent post How Financially Literate Are You? Take a Quiz and Find Out!
Hahaha…yes, wrinkles and gray hairs are absolutely no fun!!!
And I've love to know what they're buying, too!
I just recently got a hair cut after about a year. What's funny is the week before I got my hair cut 2 different people asked me if I was the new intern. Both were shocked and a little embarrassed when I told them I'm actually the manager of team 1. I'm 30 and people consistently think I'm in my early 20's (sometimes younger). $10,000-$12,000 each year, lol more like $1000-$2000 for me (maybe less some years). I do my nails at home and buy drugstore makeup. I'm pretty low maintenance like that.
My recent post The Fresh Direct Dinner Challenge
I just recently got a hair cut after about a year. What's funny is the week before I got my hair cut 2 different people asked me if I was the new intern. Both were shocked and a little embarrassed when I told them I'm actually the manager of team 1. I'm 30 and people consistently think I'm in my early 20's (sometimes younger). $10,000-$12,000 each year, lol more like $1000-$2000 for me (maybe less some years). I do my nails at home and buy drugstore makeup. I'm pretty low maintenance like that.
My recent post The Fresh Direct Dinner Challenge
I just recently got a hair cut after about a year. What's funny is the week before I got my hair cut 2 different people asked me if I was the new intern. Both were shocked and a little embarrassed when I told them I'm actually the manager of team 1. I'm 30 and people consistently think I'm in my early 20's (sometimes younger). $10,000-$12,000 each year, lol more like $1000-$2000 for me (maybe less some years). I do my nails at home and buy drugstore makeup. I'm pretty low maintenance like that.
My recent post The Fresh Direct Dinner Challenge
Haha…I LOVE the bit about being an intern–that's happened to me before, too! I always joke that it will be awesome when I'm in my 40s and people think i'm in my late 20s.
Sounds like you've got a great system that works and doesn't cost an arm & leg–low maintenance is a beautiful thing!
I often go that long without a haircut. I usually let my hair get pretty long. It's stick straight and really easy to manage and then every blue moon I get it cut just below my shoulders. I hardly every blow dry my hair so it stays healthy without trims
However I feel naked without makeup. I won't go out of the house without foundation, eyeliner, and mascara.
My recent post March Goal Review and April’s Goals
Ahh..not blow drying makes such a HUGE difference! I only dry mine with it if I have to (those lovely, frigid Boston mornings in the winter…blech!).
I definitely purposely grow my hair long to avoid going to salon often. It's about every 6 or more months for me. Same with getting my hair dyed. I usually go to a hair school since it's cheaper and let my roots grow out, but I always dye my hair close to my natural color anyways so it blends in.
A hair school is a great option–have you liked what they do?? I've always been curious but a little nervous to see what would happen…
I had hair cut two weeks ago. Believe it or not but I have the same hairdresser as my grandmother (she's 81) so we go there together and it looks more like social event. I really like this crazy lady in her late forties, she's amazing with her skills and sense of humour
We go there every four months or something like that. I wear makeup daily, not four layers of plaster construction or anything like that, just simple, fresh makeup. But as you said, I believe in smile, good hygiene and self-confidence 
My recent post
I had hair cut two weeks ago. Believe it or not but I have the same hairdresser as my grandmother (she's 81) so we go there together and it looks more like social event. I really like this crazy lady in her late forties, she's amazing with her skills and sense of humour
We go there every four months or something like that. I wear makeup daily, not four layers of plaster construction or anything like that, just simple, fresh makeup. But as you said, I believe in smile, good hygiene and self-confidence 
My recent post
I had hair cut two weeks ago. Believe it or not but I have the same hairdresser as my grandmother (she's 81) so we go there together and it looks more like social event. I really like this crazy lady in her late forties, she's amazing with her skills and sense of humour
We go there every four months or something like that. I wear makeup daily, not four layers of plaster construction or anything like that, just simple, fresh makeup. But as you said, I believe in smile, good hygiene and self-confidence 
My recent post
Hahahaha….plaster construction! Oy!
And I'm right there with you on the hairdresser entertainment…mine is such a hoot! It's awesome that you share that time with your gram–I bet it's a blast!
Regarding clothing, another tip is to invest in a few quality pieces. Particularly if you are in a field that requires a professional appearance. You have to shell out in the beginning but if you buy the right mix of quality pieces you’ll be less likely to buy new clothes in order to stay on trend or you can buy less expensive items for variety such as accessories. Quality clothes will last longer and you are more likely to take better care of them.

Dianne @ Skinny Seahorse recently posted..Fiscal Fast – the Results
Dianne @ Skinny Seahorse recently posted..Fiscal Fast – the Results
Yes! Thanks for sharing that–I thought about adding in my coat that I splurged on but have had for over 5 years now & wear regularly in the winter. I'm glad someone brought this up!
I am lucky that I look pretty decent without makeup! I am expected to get dressed up for work so I do wear makeup during the day. I buy the cheap stuff, though. Covergirl, Maybelline, and Loreal=)
Cheap is fine as long as it doesn't make your skin a mess and you're happy with the colors–most of my makeup is proudly purchased at a drugstore..mainly CVS when things are 75% off
I don't buy many new clothes anymore since I have pretty much everything I need and they are all in good condition. I do though avoid the mall only because I am easily tempted! As for haircuts, I used to have my sister cut my hair for me for free until she moved away. Now I go to a stylist that doesn't charge me that much.
My recent post When Was The Last Time You Got A Raise?
I still have a tendency to over shop so I avoid the mall, too! I have to make a list, only go to those stores, and beeline it out of there or else I'm way too easily tempted.
Great post Jen! Being as that I work from home I do not have to spend a whole lot on clothes and have a number of nice things I can wear for client meetings and such. My wife has much of the same mentality that you do and does the natural look, which I love. She actually just started getting her hair cut at a local beauty school and gets it done for $9 as opposed to the normal $50 that her previous lady charged.
Great post Jen! Being as that I work from home I do not have to spend a whole lot on clothes and have a number of nice things I can wear for client meetings and such. My wife has much of the same mentality that you do and does the natural look, which I love. She actually just started getting her hair cut at a local beauty school and gets it done for $9 as opposed to the normal $50 that her previous lady charged.
Ahhhh…you're the second person to mention the school bit….$9?!?!?! I'm going to take the plunge and try it…in 12 months from now
I am all for looking good, but when it cuts into financial freedom or any future savings, forget it. I wrote a post in that realm of things.
I am one of those people who cut my own hair. I let it grow long in the winter and then once spring comes near, I chop it off. This year I never let it grow long, because I didn't feel like it. I don't get manicures or pedicures, but I do all my own nails at home. I guess I don't see the point of paying someone more per hour than I currently make.
My recent post Happy Back into Debt Day (*Sarcasm)
I'll definitely read your post! This has been interesting to see the responses to this…lots of great opinions/info!
I wish I could cut my own hair…how did you learn to do that? And yes, no way would I pay more an hour than I make–especially when my 49 cent nail buffer does such a nice job!
Wow, and here I was feeling guilty about letting my hair go lately! I'm trying to make it three months without getting a cut or color but my roots are growing fast!
I usually get my hair done 4-5 times per year and my eyebrows waxed six-eight times a year. I also spend money on beauty products and makeup, but I've been keeping track lately and it's not as much as I thought I did or did in the past. Really watching my budget helps out but I am guilty of spending money to look good. I'm just not a natural, lol.
My recent post April Savings Challenge!
Haha…three months is awesome!
It's great that you've cut back costs to what works for you–that's what it's all about!
I wrote a post a while back on how much I spend on my skin – I struggled with skin problems when I was young, so now I'm MORE than happy to pay money for something if it will help me maintain a clear complexion. In terms of overall appearance, I probably get a haircut 3-4 times a year (around $15-$70 each, depending on if I have the patience to sit through a 4-hour hair cut at the beauty college), and I spend around $800-$1,000 a year on facials, skincare products, prescriptions, etc. I probably spend around $2,000 a year on clothing and tailoring.
My recent post How do you decide where to live?
I wrote a post a while back on how much I spend on my skin – I struggled with skin problems when I was young, so now I'm MORE than happy to pay money for something if it will help me maintain a clear complexion. In terms of overall appearance, I probably get a haircut 3-4 times a year (around $15-$70 each, depending on if I have the patience to sit through a 4-hour hair cut at the beauty college), and I spend around $800-$1,000 a year on facials, skincare products, prescriptions, etc. I probably spend around $2,000 a year on clothing and tailoring.
My recent post How do you decide where to live?
I wrote a post a while back on how much I spend on my skin – I struggled with skin problems when I was young, so now I'm MORE than happy to pay money for something if it will help me maintain a clear complexion. In terms of overall appearance, I probably get a haircut 3-4 times a year (around $15-$70 each, depending on if I have the patience to sit through a 4-hour hair cut at the beauty college), and I spend around $800-$1,000 a year on facials, skincare products, prescriptions, etc. I probably spend around $2,000 a year on clothing and tailoring.
My recent post How do you decide where to live?
I think I remember that post! I'm all about finding the balance that works for each person's situation/preferences…sounds like you've done that!
This is something that my wife and I worked out when we started to track our spending. It is amazing how much people spend on looking good. We don't really care about looking good anymore either – except for special occasions.
My recent post Top Personal Finance Articles #8
This is something that my wife and I worked out when we started to track our spending. It is amazing how much people spend on looking good. We don't really care about looking good anymore either – except for special occasions.
My recent post Top Personal Finance Articles #8
This is something that my wife and I worked out when we started to track our spending. It is amazing how much people spend on looking good. We don't really care about looking good anymore either – except for special occasions.
My recent post Top Personal Finance Articles #8
Haha…sounds about right on par with my feelings, too!
Haircuts seem to be a huge money sink. I think guys luck out with cheaper options!
They really are! I wish I could get a $10 haircut that didn't make me look like a boy…haha
Great post, this is definitely a common spending trap that a lot of people fall into. I used to spend tons of money on hair, body and beauty products until I realized that I just don't need that much stuff. My new motto is that if I don't need it to keep warm, stay full and keep clean then I don't buy it. I am going to share this post next Friday on the Dinks Finance weekly roundup. Have a great weekend.
It's incredible how much you can accumulate! I wasn't always this good with my beauty/appearance-related spending, but I'm so happy to have changed that.
Stoked to have this (or anything I write) featured on Dinks! Thank you!
I cut my husbands hair (with a one time purchase $25 hair clipper set), and my aunt cuts mine, so sometimes its in exchange of favors. Either way I let my hair grow long, I don't dye my hair, and I get my haircut maybe once a year and thats if I feel like a change -otherwise it just doesn't get cut. I've never had anyone say that my hair looks unhealthy, it is very volumionous.
The most I wear for makeup (when I want to – not everyday, maybe once a month to feel pretty-ied up) is foundation, blush, mascara.
I had my first and only manicure when my husband and I got married, and growing up always did my own nails. He even bought me a manicure set thing for my birthday one year.
I cut my own, and my kids bangs and luckily they are both girls so their hair can grow too.