These days almost everyone is looking for ways to keep a steady budget or skimp on their expenses by as much as possible. When you’re trying to save money while in a family, it can be difficult, but it’s definitely not impossible. There are quite a few things moms can do that will help them cut down on their spending without sacrificing anything for their families.
Coupons are a mom’s best friend. If you really want to start saving money consistently, start looking at the various coupons that you can find and use them whenever you can. Just by inputting a Williams Sonoma coupon code when you’re online shopping could have the potential to save you a lot of cash. One of the reasons people often don’t use coupons is because they forget about them so make sure you create a system that works for you.
Keep on top of sales items too. If you’re just buying the things that are on sale when you’ve visited the store, you can easily save more than fifty bucks in one trip depending on what it is that you’re purchasing. Some stores allow you to use coupons on top of sales items, which makes for even larger savings.
Plan your families’ meals in advance. If you can manage to create a month or two of dinner plans, you should definitely take the time to do it. But even if you can only do one week at a time, it’s still better than nothing. By planning out the families’ meals, you’ll be much less likely to spend impulsively the next time you’re at the supermarket because you aren’t scrounging around for something to make.
Another bonus to planning meals in advance is that it will keep you from buying fast food or take out. Having just one box of pizza delivered a week can easily add up to about one hundred dollars at the end of the month that was just spent on food. That hundred would be better served going toward ingredients that will make you more meals than just one.
You might be able to make your own cleaners if you don’t mind going through a few minutes of work for it. Many household items can be used and combined to create cleaners, detergents, and even air fresheners. Vinegar is an extremely easy and inexpensive substitute for a lot of different cleaners and it will typically do a much better job at getting odors out of clothes or carpets than the best detergents could.
Try to do all of your shopping and errands in one go. If you have to, make an afternoon out of it and make sure you hit up all the places around town you think you might need to visit. Random trips in and out of town, to the post office, or to the store because you forgot something really add up to a lot of gas money. Planning to do these things all at once is your best bet if you’re looking to save some easy cash.
Saving money with a family isn’t always easy, but it can be done as long as you have the right mindset and are armed with the right tools. Coupons and sales are going to be pivotal for saving money and once you get into the habit, you’ll see it becomes much easier with time.
There are always ways to save money and you are right it takes a certain mind-set to save that money. If you are someone who feels entitled and thinks that clipping coupons, and eating homemade meals instead of going out or making homemade cleaners is for cheapskates then certainly there is no money going to be saved. If you are someone who embraces all the ways to save a dollar here and there for the family it can quickly add up just as fast as some can rack up debt in the first place. Great tips!!
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I couldn't have said it better myself Mr.CBB. We have managed to cut our expenses drastically over the last few months and I still think there is more that we could be doing. Coupons are great to get into if you want to save money and have the time to spend finding them.
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AMEN! I'm shocked by those that scoff at these types of easy things you can do to save money. Why wouldn't you want to save!??
Totally agree. If you want to save money, there are tons of ways that you can do it. All you need to do is decide that you want to save. Get rid of your extravagant ways and start being frugal.
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Exactly! Kicking the extravagant lifestyle to the curb is what helped me dig out of debt and stay that way
There are a ton of ways to save money while having a family. We cut coupons, eat cheap meals, and buy used clothes for our kiddies. They don't know the difference!
Absolutely–if anything, they're just happy to have something to get stains on…haha
You know what I discovered this past month, I spent WAY less on weekly groceries if I go to Trader Joe's versus Market Basket. I think probably part of that is that there are less options, but whatever the reason, I've saved roughly $2500 if you assume that I usually spend about $600 a month. And Market Basket is super inexpensive…
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Wow–that's crazy!! I love TJs, but I usually do my shopping at Market Basket. I'm way too tempted by the awesome appetizer goodies that Trader Joe's has. Hmm…maybe an exercise in self restraint is in my near future
Whoops, that was supposed to say $250! Sorry for the extra zero. Now that really would have been a bargain!
I find that the best way to keep money in my pocket is to refrain from visiting stores when I have no need to buy. Impulse buying is very strong in my veins so I keep tight reins on it. When I window shop it is like going to a danger zone where I can expect to be in peril (of losing my hard earned cash)
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