Marathons & Money: Training Plans Can Help Your Finances

Marathon Bling As I’ve mentioned previously, I will be running the Chicago Marathon in October. This will be my third marathon this year, after running Disney’s Goofy Challenge in January and the Boston Marathon in April. Throughout all of my various training plans for these events and more, I’ve learned a bit about how the mental tenacity needed to adhere to a running training plan is a lot like that which is needed to maintain a budget.

Here are some ways I’ve learned to apply marathon training techniques to money management:

Slow & steady wins the race.

Much like a marathon is not a sprint, saving money takes time. When I first set out to fix my finances, I wanted to see immediate progress-yesterday. I literally spun my wheels trying to figure out the best way to quickly pay down my debt, beef up my savings, and live the financial life I’d always dreamed of. The problem is, all of this takes time.

You can’t simply go off on a 15-mile run during your first week of training, and you certainly can’t save $15K in your first week of saving (unless you’re a millionaire, win the lottery, or receive an inheritance!). So set yourself up for success right out of the gates by setting incremental goals that are realistic for your situation. The sustained progress you’ll maintain definitely trumps any potential burnout you could experience if you’re too zealous in the beginning of your plan.

Pain is temporary.

Yes, there will be times when your muscles are aching so bad you’ll wonder why you ever signed up to run a marathon. And there will be times when your head pounds from staring at numbers too long. Remember that these feelings are fleeting and with the proper mindset, you can overcome any physical or mental roadblock.

Listen to internal and external cues.

When you set out on your morning run, is there a nagging pain shooting up your shin? Do you notice your friends raising an eyebrow when you offer to pick up the tab because they know your current financial situation can’t support such a generous offer? These are examples of internal and external cues telling you to slow down, take a step back, and/or readjust your course.

Training plans and budgets are both fluid entities–not set-it-and-forget-it. You need to pay attention to how you’re feeling, how your situation is changing, and what your stress levels are in order to shake things up when necessary. Giving yourself a bit of freedom to do so while keeping a sense of the cues being sent your way is a great way to keep moving forward towards your goals.

Believe in yourself.

This is the easiest, most effective way to successfully complete your training, your race, and your financial goals: Believe in your ability to do so! Stay positive, keep striving for bigger & better (whatever that means to you), and never stop believing in yourself. My best marathons have been run while I’ve maintained a rock-solid, positive state of mind. Not surprisingly, my best months in terms of debt payoff and savings have also been those where my mental tenacity has remained rock-solid….


How do you connect fitness and finances?



Photo credit: zhurnaly



What Running 26.2 Miles Can Teach You About Personal Finance

Yesterday, I somehow managed to complete the most excruciating marathon in my 19 years of running. With temperatures of 89+ degrees on the course and a record-breaking 92 degrees in the city upon finishing, it’s still all a bit surreal to me. Unfortunately, I further injured my knee so I’m looking at a few weeks of physical therapy, but I’m so happy and honored to have finished the race.

As I was thinking about the day I’d just endured this morning while checking email, I began to find direct correlations between running 26.2 miles and personal finance. Here are some of the more poignant examples of how marathoning overlaps with the principles of sound financial management:

It’s an individual accomplishment.

Even if you’re running the marathon in honor of someone or running with a friend, you’re running by yourself; it’s a personal accomplishment to finish a marathon just as much as finance is a personal endeavor. It’s only you that can make your body continue to move forward towards the finish line, much like it’s only you that can choose to take control of your finances in a positive manner.

You can always dig deeper.

Just when I thought my knee was going to give out on me permanently yesterday, I stumbled across a medical tent at mile 11. Once I had my knee wrapped, I continued on in pursuit of the finish line despite some pretty agonizing pain. This type of fortitude can be found when it comes to reaching your financial goals–you can always cut back or earn more; you can always spend less. What it comes down to is successfully managing the perceived pain of doing so.

Expect the unexpected.

I didn’t expect my knee to give out on me much like some other runners didn’t expect to be taken to the hospital mid-run. When you set out on a 26.2 mile jaunt, you really have no idea what can happen. The same stands true in the world of personal finance, which is why so many of us advocate heavily for having an emergency fund. Even if you have a stable job today, realistically, we’re all one major illness or accident away from potential financial ruin tomorrow. This is why I’m careful to balance my spending and saving, I make sure to have adequate insurance, and I maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Give up your pride.

It was ugly out there yesterday and I’m not just talking about the heat. Vomiting, dry heaving, blood, sweat, and tears–I saw it all. Marathon day is not about maintaining your pride as much as it’s about reaching your goal. With your finances, you may have to give up at least a bit of your pride in order to not keep up with the Jones’. While living a lifestyle you can actually afford may not be the most glamorous choice, giving up the vain pride of materialism can do wonders for your bottom line.

Suck it up, Princess.

Three words here: Just. Do. It.

It’s about the journey, not just the destination.

In running and financial management, there are going to be peaks and valleys; setbacks and triumphs. What’s important is taking the time to let it all soak in so you can learn from each experience whether it be positive or negative. If I had given up a mere 8 years ago today and resigned myself to a life of debt, poverty, and financial illiteracy, I may have never known what it’s like to be a financially independent woman.


What are some of your hobbies/interests/passions that overlap with financial wisdom? Please share!

And I’m Off….

….for one hell of an adventure!!

In less than 12 hours, I’m headed to Disney World to take part in the Goofy Challenge. Basically, I’ll be running 39.3 miles between Saturday (half marathon) and Sunday (full marathon), then praying I’m still able to walk around the park on Monday!  Not only will I hopefully complete one of my 2012 goals, but I’ll also put to rest some serious drama that was incurred in planning this whole crazy experience.

Wish me luck!!

I have some scheduled posts set for your reading pleasure, but I’ll be off the grid until next Tuesday. I hope all of you have a wonderful weekend. On a closing note, I leave you with 2 quotes that will definitely help me get through the toughest of the miles this weekend:

10 Reasons for Biking to Work

Bike Wheel Last week while my car was in the shop, I borrowed a co-worker’s bike to commute to/from the office.  Literally 10 minutes into the first ride home, I knew that I needed to purchase my own bike and kick the daily driving habit to the curb.

Today was my first official day of biking to work and I couldn’t be happier with my new setup:  a brand-new bike purchased on sale, 20% discount on the necessary helmet, blinking lights, and water bottle holder accessories, and a shower at work to clean up before the workday.

Here are 10 finance-related reasons why I’ll continue to bike to work as long as possible: 


I have spent about $125/month on gas in the past 6 months.  I’m hoping to cut that to $50 or less despite the horrendous pump prices (I will still need my car for grocery shopping and trips out of the city). 

Car maintenance

I just spent $292 on a repair that had nothing to do with how I drive or an accident and everything to do with the massive pot-holes Boston city officials can’t seem to find the $$ to fix.  The only reason I was even on said road was because of my commute to work.  Also, I imagine less driving = less wear & tear = more time before required maintenance trips = longer life of car, you get the point here.  :)


Parking in Boston is expensive!  While I do have free parking where I work, I will now use my bike for all small-scale errands that I may run during lunch breaks.  In fact, the only errand I plan to use my car for is grocery shopping, which I do in the ‘burbs anyway.


My office has a separate shower suite where I now shower every weekday morning.  This is definitely going to decrease my water bill.  It may even impact my electric given the reduced use of my hot water heater, but I doubt the savings will be that noticeable.


I’m not partial to a certain shampoo/conditioner, although I do tend to pay just a bit more (ie. Pantene vs. Suave).  My consultant boyfriend spends a lot of time in nice hotels during the work week and will be saving the (expensive!) mini bottles of shampoo, etc. for me.  Easier to carry on my back + free to me = huge win.

Doctor co-pays

With built-in, automatic exercise almost daily, I run a lower risk for infection, virtually eliminating doctor’s visits for common colds, sinus infections, etc.  I’m the type of person who stays healthiest when exercising frequently.  Aren’t we all??

Long-term healthcare

Besides the co-pay/Rx savings, I should also see a longevity bonus in terms of overall health by biking daily M-F (at the very least).

Increased job performance

My biking commute leaves me much less stressed than gridlock traffic and sets me up for productive, successful days.  This in turns boosts my job performance which will be useful when performance review time (and subsequent raise) comes around.

Reduced carbon footprint

Not only am I helping the environment by not driving my car solo, but I am setting a good example for those around me, and I hope they begin to bike to work as well!

Meeting Personal Finance goals

I’ve blogged quite a bit about how I’m in the process of eradicating my student loan debt.  The savings found in my new commuting lifestyle once I break even on my purchase (should be in a mere 3.5 months) will help me achieve this most epic goal I have set for myself.


Please note that despite living in an urban area, I am still biking 10+ miles each way to work.  While that may seem like peanuts compared to those of you who live in more remote or rural areas, I encourage everyone to find a way to add alternate commuting methods into your daily “to-work” formula!


Photo credit: Moyan Brenn