February 2013 Goals

Monthly Financial Goals

This month’s goals are going to be much more conservative than last month’s simply because a big transition is around the corner for me (I hinted about it in my weekly update, and I’m close to being able to spill the beans publicly!). There’s a ton of income fluctuation this month so I may very well miss some of my financial goals, or I might smash them out of the park. Here’s to hoping for the latter!

Financial Goals:

  1. $600 to long-term savings
  2. $860 into retirement accounts
  3. $285 to student loan (last one left to pay off!)
  4. Limit variable spending to $500


Household Goals:

  1. Complete office renovation
  2. Cook 4 dinners/week
  3. Complete TV stand project
  4. Begin Pinterest bench project


Personal Goals:

  1. Run 3 times/week
  2. Get through the next 2 weeks with my sanity in tact
  3. Begin to plan my trips to Dubai and Kauai


Blog Goals:

  1. Increase to 600
  2. Increase to 200
  3. Increase to 250


What are your February goals?

January 2013 Recap

Monthly Financial GoalsJanuary has been a fantastic month. Not only did I crush one of my 2013 goals already, but I had some great media mentions and have secured a few more staff writing positions. I’m actively working to grow this blog, and I’m pleased with the small wins I was able to cross off for this month. Also, if you haven’t done so already, don’t forget to enter the $100 cash giveaway I’m part of. The contest ends tonight!

Overall, this was another good month thanks to a triple-paycheck month at my full-time job. I’ve also made some great progress with my household goals of the office renovation and cooking my way through The Joy of Cooking. The area I need to work on most is my fitness goals, but I’m hopeful these nagging knee injuries will be kicked to the curb by mid-February at the latest.

Financial Goals

  1. $3,000 to long-term savings CHECK
  2. $1,010 into retirement accounts CHECK
  3. $185 to student loan (last one!) CHECK
  4. Limit variable spending to $500 CHECK!–Just eeked this one out though

Household Goals

  1. Deep-clean the condo  CHECK
  2. Organize/de-clutter to make room for BF  CHECK
  3. Begin design for home office and kitchen renos  CHECK
  4. Cook 4 dinners/week beginning 1/14  CHECK

Personal Goals

  1. Transition kitties to their new home (sniff, sniff)  CHECK
  2. Run 10+ miles each week  FAIL
  3. Secure another PT job  In progress!

Blog Goals

  1. Increase to 550  FAIL–I’m at 525…so close!
  2. Increase to 25  CHECK
  3. Increase to 200  CHECK

Annual Goals

Have one month where my additional income is $1K+  CHECK!! I brought in an extra $1,298.12 (on top of my paychecks and not including any rent money)


How was your January?

January 2013 Goals

Monthly Financial GoalsI’m not usually one to get too caught up in the concept of karma, but I am always amazed when I put something out there and the universe answers. Case in point: I’ve already met one of my 2013 goals in the first full week of the year…

In the past 6 days, I’ve brought in $1,095 of extra income (I had no idea any of this was going to happen or else I’d have set that bar much, much higher! And none of this includes any rent/utility money from the BF as he’s not moving in until February). Plus, this month is a triple paycheck month at my full-time job…

Excuse me while I run around, dance and scream a bit out of pure excitement.  :)

Of course now I have an absolute mess of work to get through this week but it’s 100% worth it and gives me even more motivation for what the remainder of this year holds. Before I get too ahead of myself, I wanted to post my January goals:

Financial Goals:

  1. $3,000 to long-term savings
  2. $1,010 into retirement accounts
  3. $185 to student loan (last one!)
  4. Limit variable spending to $500


Household Goals:

  1. Deep-clean the condo
  2. Organize/de-clutter to make room for BF :)
  3. Begin design for home office and kitchen renos
  4. Cook 4 dinners/week beginning 1/14


Personal Goals:

  1. Transition kitties to their new home (sniff, sniff)
  2. Run 10+ miles each week
  3. Secure another PT job


Blog Goals:

  1. Increase to 550
  2. Increase to 25
  3. Increase to 200


What are your January goals?


December 2012 Recap

Monthly Financial GoalsWhen I originally set my December 2012 goals, I had planned on making my first car payment. Thanks to the European Delivery Program, I actually don’t owe the first payment until January so I was able to save a bit more than planned and make a decent donation to a local charity (plus throw in a few extra Christmas presents due to some other money that trickled in unexpectedly). The EDP covers your first monthly payment but because of the timing of my order/delivery date in Germany, they paid for two of mine…sweet!  

Overall, I’m pleased with my progress this month, and I’m looking forward to January as it’s another 3-paycheck month…

Financial Goals:

  1. $940 into retirement accounts  CHECK!
  2. $650 into savings  CHECK!–saved $710 plus made a $325 charity donation and saved $200 extra towards my New Years skiing trip
  3. $520 for Christmas gifts  FAIL–spent $653
  4. $230 to student loans  CHECK!
  5. Limit variable spending to $500  CHECK! (though not too sure how..ha!)


Household Goals:

  1. Transition my kitties to a new home  In progress–have two leads for great, new homes
  2. Begin reno of home office  In progress (slowly but surely)


Personal Goals:

  1. Begin working out again once cleared by doctor  CHECK! Back to running (slowly)…wahoo!
  2. Pick up with crunches/pushups  FAIL–Adding this to 2013 goals
  3. Draft my goals for 2013  In progress–look for a post early next week


How was your December?