With the amped up work travel, I really hope to meet my miscellaneous spending goals and I will also challenge myself to limit restaurant meals that aren’t reimbursed to one time/week. Of course, the clothing ban is still in full effect, too!
One final note is that I will still be paying off my student loans ASAP, but I also want to start contributing more to my mortgage as that’s currently the highest interest rate loan I have (it’s a blended loan, so only a portion of it is higher–I’ll detail this in another post).
Financial Goals:
- $2,000 into savings
- $1,200 extra to mortgage
- $1,050 for Greece flight
- $650 into retirement accounts
- $600 for new bike & accessories
- $200 extra to student loans
- Limit variable spending to$500
- Bring in an extra $200+
- Pay for Philly trip out of monthly budget
- Limit non-reimbursed restaurant meals to once/week
Household Goals:
- Install storm doors
- Have basement consultation done (our basement is having some moisture issues…fingers are crossed that it doesn’t need expensive repairs!)
Personal Goals:
- Bike to/from work–21 miles/day
- Start up P90X (borrowed from BF)
- Maintain healthy eating plan
Some great financial goals! Good luck!
These are excellent. I'd like to work out my August ones too *fingers crossed* Some friends recommended I do P90X as well but I'm seriously out of shape and don't think I could do even a portion of it. I'm thinking of just getting my cardio on instead.