August 2011 Goals

I am fortunate to have another healthy month of income, thanks to my old job’s paychecks that are still rolling in (I’ve linked this quite liberally, but feel free to read about it here).  This month’s goals are all over the place because I will be traveling for work every weekend and I also will finally be purchasing my flight to Greece.

With the amped up work travel, I really hope to meet my miscellaneous spending goals and I will also challenge myself to limit restaurant meals that aren’t reimbursed to one time/week.  Of course, the clothing ban is still in full effect, too!

One final note is that I will still be paying off my student loans ASAP, but I also want to start contributing more to my mortgage as that’s currently the highest interest rate loan I have (it’s a blended loan, so only a portion of it is higher–I’ll detail this in another post).

Financial Goals: 

  1. $2,000 into savings
  2. $1,200 extra to mortgage
  3. $1,050 for Greece flight
  4. $650 into retirement accounts
  5. $600 for new bike & accessories
  6. $200 extra to student loans
  7. Limit variable spending to$500
  8. Bring in an extra $200+  
  9. Pay for Philly trip out of monthly budget
  10. Limit non-reimbursed restaurant meals to once/week


Household Goals:

  1. Install storm doors
  2. Have basement consultation done (our basement is having some moisture issues…fingers are crossed that it doesn’t need expensive repairs!)

Personal Goals:

  1. Bike to/from work–21 miles/day
  2. Start up P90X (borrowed from BF)
  3. Maintain healthy eating plan


August 2011 Goals2

  1. These are excellent. I'd like to work out my August ones too *fingers crossed* Some friends recommended I do P90X as well but I'm seriously out of shape and don't think I could do even a portion of it. I'm thinking of just getting my cardio on instead.


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