7 Things I’ve Done, Still Have to Do, and Hope to Do Before 2011 Ends

Judy over at We May be Poor, But We are Happy has created another great “7 Things” post–7 things she has already done this year, 7 things she still has to do, and 7 things she hopes to do in 2012.  In the spirit of checking in with my annual goals and taking stock of my progress, here is my List of 7 Things (I’ve changed mine up to include all things 2011):

7 Things I have Done:
  1. Paid $7,763 towards my student loans
  2. Paid $19,072 towards my mortgage (if only all of that went towards principal!)
  3. Of the above figure, $5,110 was extra and was sent to principal only
  4. Contributed $5,850 to my retirement accounts
  5. Saved $11,478 in non-retirement account savings (that has not been spent!)
  6. Fully funded my $20K e-Fund
  7. Transitioned jobs successfully 
 7 Things I Still Have to Do:
  1. Save $3,522 to hit my goal of $15k in non-retirement savings for the year
  2. Hang new front door
  3. Install storm doors
  4. Finish crown molding
  5. Purchase a new camera
  6. Step up my fitness goals
  7. Establish tangible goals for 2012
   7 Things I Hope to Do:
  1. Hit my $15K non-retirement savings goal 
  2. Bring in an extra $200+ each month
  3. Continue to limit my miscellaneous spending to $500/month
  4. Finish demo of concrete walkway/lawn re-grading project
  5. Overhaul my 2nd bathroom (grout, caulking, etc.)
  6. Apply to be a Shape Reader Model
  7. Stay under budget for Greece and Cancun trips



    Freelancer; reformed spendaholic; risk taker; adventure seeker; world traveler; rose smeller; debt destroyer. My mission is to inspire others to live a healthy, balanced life one cent at a time.


    7 Things I’ve Done, Still Have to Do, and Hope to Do Before 2011 Ends7 Commentshttp%3A%2F%2Fwww.thehappyhomeowner.net%2F2011%2F09%2F7-things-ive-done-still-have-to-do-and.html7+Things+I%27ve+Done%2C+Still+Have+to+Do%2C+and+Hope+to+Do+Before+2011+Ends2011-09-21+11%3A08%3A00Jenhttp%3A%2F%2Fwww.thehappyhomeowner.net%2F2011%2F09%2F21%2F7-things-ive-done-still-have-to-do-and-hope-to-do-before-2011-ends.html

    1. @Carla–I just need to get the courage to actually mail it in..haha!@Sensualist–I look forward to reading your list. This certainly was a great way to remind myself of the hard work I've put in this year.@Jackie–Thank you! Headed to Greece next week…wahooo!


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