I dream of:
Moving back to Colorado
Between college & moving to Boston for grad school, I lived in Colorado. For an active person, there’s no closer connection to nirvana than living in a mountain town with like-minded, easy-going people. I crave that kind of environment, and I know Boston doesn’t not come close to providing it (sorry New Englanders, you people are too nuts for me!). To give you an idea of what I mean, when living in CO I not only biked to work, but I also ran, skateboarded, and snowboarded to my office at various times throughout the year.
Having no student loans
While I’m already well on my way to making this a reality, I have recently discovered that I’ll probably be taking a bit longer than originally anticipated to pay off my student loans. I plan to highlight this more in its own post, but I had a great conversation with someone last week who helped me to see the value in slowing down my SL payments in lieu of investing more. I certainly hate the idea of having any debt, but I also know that I’m close to paying off most of my loans and the remaining portion is locked in at 1.625% for the life of the loan–it would be silly not to make my money work harder for me in other capacities!
Starting my own business
This will take a hell of a lot more work to suss out some concrete details in terms of which type of business I’d like to own but I can’t ignore that the fire in me to do so is burning brighter with each passing day. Add in that multiple friends & family members–even strangers–have commented on a particular talent of mine that can easily be turned into a business and I know in my heart that I’m destined to do this sometime soon.
Investing in real estate
I’m also beginning to realize that it may be possible for me to be comfortable having mortgage debt, but I’d like that to ultimately only be for investment properties. My pie-in-the-sky dream is to own buildings in which small businesses can get their start or where non-profits can afford to carry out their missions. I love the idea of turning my personal investment(s) into a foundation for others to carry out their own dreams.
Completing my “Life List”
Yes, it’s extensive, always growing, and probably will never be absolutely complete, but I want to put more focus towards crossing some things off of it. You can view it by clicking here. I have a few things in the pipeline for next spring that will knock off at least 5-6 of these, so I’m definitely moving in the right direction.
I dream of sending my parents on a really, truly, EPIC trip. Like… a grand tour of Europe. Or Latin America. Or Australia for 2 weeks. Or a 20-person luxury cruise through the Mediterranean. Business class both ways. 3-4 star hotels. Great, in-depth tours in their native language. I also dream of sending my fiance's parents on something similar. I dream of making enough money where my fiance and I can max out all of our retirement accounts, pay off a home early, invest in rental properties, and travel domestically and extensively. And of course, send our parents on really, great trips.
You know. I've been thinking a lot about my goals and when and how I will achieve them.Thinking of these somehow naturally led me to thinking about you and all of the achievements you have achieved thus far in life and ways in which you have done this.I'm happy to tell you that you have become one of the bigger inspirations in my life to better myself and achieve more. I honestly am going to get out of my comfort zone to achieve more sooner. I guess impatience is also getting the better of me.I know you said you have developed a rep on the web as a workaholic but know that you have inspired at least one person to work hard/more to achieve more and get the most out of life. That one person is me and I am sure you have inspired quite a few more as well.And I love your reasoning for wanting to invest in real estate as a way to help others achieve their dreams. I love it and if ever in the future I have the opportunity to do this I will.Thank you for everything
@Well Heeled–those goals sound incredible!!!! I LOVE the travel ideas. What's the game plan for reaching these??
@Rafiki–It's more of a Thank YOU for everything. Your comments continue to blow me away; thank you for such incredible support! I'm sitting here with a big, cheesy (ridiculously cheesy) grin on my face reading what you've written. All I can say is that people like you are the reason why I blog. Keep up the amazing work you're doing and never discount your dreams. It's a freakin' love-fest in these comments…haha!!!
The plan is to make more money! Easier said than done, no? This year our household income is around $130K-$140K. My plan is to have several years of $250K-300K+ income (which, with two full-time careers in relative compensated but not extremely lucrative fields, should be within the realm of possibility) during our peak earning years, when we can hit our goals *really* hard.
I meant to say, *relatively well-compensated but not extremely lucrative* in the earlier comment. Fingers were too fast!
@Well Heeled–sounds like a fantastic plan! I agree with your thinking. Best of luck to you