How to Overcome Emotional Spending

The past few weeks have been an incredible whirlwind for me; I’ve taken the initial steps to start my own business, I’m working on refinancing my mortgage, and I’m moving forward on a bunch of my 2012 goals.

While I’m exhilarated to take on/kick butt with these new challenges, I’m also exhausted because I’m doing all of this while balancing a full-time job, 3 part-time jobs, graduate classes, and marathon training.

Lest you think this is a complaint (I do it to myself!), I feel myself struggling with the temptation of emotional spending as a result of the varied stressors in my life right now.

In an effort to maintain my bottom line (and sanity!), here’s a list of habits I automatically employ when I have a bit too much on my plate and simply feel like spending my way into oblivion:

Quantify my stress level

When I feel like a wound rubber band that’s ready to snap, I take a quick minute to quantify my stress level with a number from 1-5 (1= not stressed at all, 5= sound the alarm, she’s gonna blow!). When I’m at a 4 or 5, I make sure not to complete any activities that involve spending until after I’m able to decompress.

Identify my triggers

If I really find the urge to spend but I’m not in a positive, balanced frame of mind, I’ve learned to take a breather in order to identify exactly what is bothering me. In the past if I’ve been upset, I’ve taken my sorry butt to the mall and purchased needless things simply to feel a retail high. Now, I stop to identify what is actually bothering me before spending, which in turn helps me to figure out a non-spending solution to the problem.

Eliminate impulse buys

During particularly stressful times, I institute a 24-hour rule on all spending which helps me eliminate impulse purchases. While I maintain a steadfast 72-hour rule when in the final stage of making larger financial purchases all the time, this shortened version is saved for when my circuits are feeling shorted.

Avoid advertisements as much as possible

For instance, today I’m feeling a bit frazzled, so I haven’t checked my “spam” email address; the one I use to sign up for coupons, newsletters, discounts, etc. As I listened to the radio on my way to work, I switched the station when the ads came on. If I end up turning on the TV at all tonight, I won’t be watching commercials. While these are all temporary, day-to-day measures, all can be adapted to limit ad exposure at all times (such as opting out of catalog deliveries, exercising during commercials, having a separate email account as I do, etc).

Find spending alternatives

Instead of shopping, I’ll go for a run, cook a meal, read a book, or call someone on the phone. I also like to clean, organize, take a bubble bath, or listen to music. Basically, whatever you like to do that doesn’t involve spending, now is the time to do it!

Track spending to the penny

While I’m careful to not overspend when I’m stressed, it’s not to say that there aren’t ANY expenditures. The difference is that these are all pre-planned (note the 24-hour rule), they’re budgeted, and they’re all written down. I’m already in the habit of writing down every penny I spend, but I review the spreadsheet a few times more during the crazier weeks.

Take care of myself

As a means to reduce my stress (and thereby make it much easier to not spend emotionally), I make sure to get enough sleep, eat well, and take small breaks whenever possible. I also work hard to not become isolated, and I keep up with my exercise regimen. When you’re stressed, it’s way too easy to throw caution to the wind and slack off. But this is precisely the time I should be ensuring the continuance of my healthy habits–if only as a means to deal with the stress!

Forgive myself

I’m only human, and I’m bound to make mistakes along the way. Rather than let the mistakes pile up and be used as excuses to give up, I forgive myself, pick myself up, dust myself off, and continue moving forward. It’s truly the best thing you can do for yourself in any situation where you’ve made mistakes. Of course, you should also attempt to learn anything you can from each mistake in order to not repeat them again!


Do you spend emotionally? How do you overcome the temptation (or act) of doing so?



Freelancer; reformed spendaholic; risk taker; adventure seeker; world traveler; rose smeller; debt destroyer. My mission is to inspire others to live a healthy, balanced life one cent at a time.


How to Overcome Emotional Spending13

  1. I don't know if for me it qualifies as overspending but sometimes when I am fed up, or having a really frustrating day which us usually while at work, I usually give into temptation and buy a snack from the shop. It isn't that often that I do it, probably once or twice a month.Still I know it only happens when I am frustrated. Since it isn't a big amount of money and it doesn't happen too often I just give in and let it be. I have to admit I do like a good snack.A good tactic to help limit emotional spending though is to travel with as little money as possible, you can't spend what you don't have. If you use a debit or credit card though, this can be a little tricky.

  2. I notice that I do not spend emotionally but I tend to impulse spend. This hasn't hurt us because we have a huge savings rate.

  3. I'm not much of a shopper but when I get over stressed I do tend to throw money at problems rather than taking the time to think things over. Great tips for getting your head on straight!!!!

  4. Great post. I think finding your triggers and managing your stress are huge factors. In fact both of these things can wreak havoc in many areas of our life, not just in our finances. I know for me and improving my financial habits, getting my stress under control was huge. It's is a constant work in progress though.

  5. Great post! When I have an especially stressful day, I like to hit the library and find a new book.Or go on hulu and find a show I've never seen before and watch it! It helps me to stay away from the stores and calm down. But I have a lot less on my plate too. You are amazing!

  6. Thank you, Lena! Those are great tips for relaxing when you need to most. And for the record, I'm crazy to try to do all of this but I guess I'm not exaggerating when I say my life's pace is about a 1,000 MPH…haha! :)

  7. Pingback: Carnival Of Financial Camaraderie #22 - My University Money

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