Despite this month being a “big money month,” I still managed to miss the mark on a few of my goals. With the addition of my mortgage re-financing mission and the registration fee for the 2012 Chicago Marathon, all efforts to send oodles of extra cash to the mortgage were effectively thrown out the window. Fortunately, I really can’t complain about the month as it was overall very successful!
Financial Goals:
- $2,250 saved for Ireland trip CHECK
- $850 extra to mortgage Fail–sent $200 extra
- $800 into retirement accounts CHECK
- $725 into savings CHECK
- $433 back to savings for business expenses CHECK
- $200 for TurboTax fees/e-filing CHECK
- $100 extra to student loans CHECK
- Limit variable spending to $500 Fail–went over by $130 due to business expenses
Household Goals:
- Complete dining room decor project In-progress and will be finished this week!
- Crown molding in both bathrooms CHECK
Personal Goals:
- Bike to/from work, weather permitting Fail–broke my tailbone in a snowboarding accident & can’t bike right now
- Run 3x/week or more CHECK
- Continue building business website/contacts CHECK
How was your February?
My Feb was so-so. Our main goal of getting our house refinanced still isn't done, which is frustrating. Although waiting for that has helped us increase our savings by a ton. Your personal goal of biking to work, and not being able to because of the tailbone. I did the same thing on my snowboard about 8 years ago. Not fun at all. I haven't went in a couple years due to so many injuries from it, but have been wanting to go again. I remember it was fun, should get back into it.
That stinks about your tailbone! Get better.I still think you're doing good, lots of checks!
As someone who loves snowboarding, that's really scary about your tailbone! What happened?
Hope you get better fast. And I think you're doing great on your finances!
Congrats on a great month!! Humm.. did you work your tail bone off!! Just kidding
Ouch! I hope you heal soon.
I'm glad Feb is over since my pay increase kicks in this month. Paychecks are going to be slightly larger. Planning on just putting it all into 401k.
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Wow, that's great news about the pay increase! Way to put it to good use, too
Haha, thanks! I'm working on it although it's super tough for me not to be active…
Thanks, Debby! And I'm sure that some people would be convinced that I did…haha!
Thanks, YPF! I've been riding for over 10 years–it was an unlucky encounter with some black ice at the end of a (very fast) run. Boo for New England conditions!!!
That's great about increasing savings; good luck with the re-fi!I absolutely LOVE to snowboard, but I have had my fair share of injuries. I keep saying that I should begin to take it a bit on the easy side, but I always find myself going faster, higher, biggest, and further into the backcountry…haha!
Thanks, Michelle! It really was a great month overall considering how much I saved. Hopefully my re-fi will work out so I can begin to save even more every month!
I think I will have to redefine what good is for you or else I am going to have to keep congratulating you on a job well done.9 and a half out of 13 is good but obviously that isn't good enough for the awesome Happy Home Owner. I expect no more than one fail in March soldier.Sorry to hear about your tail-bone. I would love to learn to snowboard.
Ugh….Good-bye, Mr. Spambot!
Hahaha…you crack me up! It's certainly OK when I think about how much I saved this month…
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