February 2012 Re-cap

Despite this month being a “big money month,” I still managed to miss the mark on a few of my goals. With the addition of my mortgage re-financing mission and the registration fee for the 2012 Chicago Marathon, all efforts to send oodles of extra cash to the mortgage were effectively thrown out the window. Fortunately, I really can’t complain about the month as it was overall very successful!

Financial Goals:

  1. $2,250 saved for Ireland trip  CHECK
  2. $850 extra to mortgage  Fail–sent $200 extra
  3. $800 into retirement accounts  CHECK
  4. $725 into savings CHECK
  5. $433 back to savings for business expenses  CHECK
  6. $200 for TurboTax fees/e-filing  CHECK
  7. $100 extra to student loans  CHECK
  8. Limit variable spending to $500  Fail–went over by $130 due to business expenses

Household Goals:

  1. Complete dining room decor project  In-progress and will be finished this week!
  2. Crown molding in both bathrooms  CHECK

Personal Goals:

  1. Bike to/from work, weather permitting  Fail–broke my tailbone in a snowboarding accident & can’t bike right now  :(
  2. Run 3x/week or more  CHECK
  3. Continue building business website/contacts  CHECK

How was your February?


February 2012 Re-cap18 Commentshttp%3A%2F%2Fwww.thehappyhomeowner.net%2F2012%2F02%2Ffebruary-2012-re-cap.htmlFebruary+2012+Re-cap2012-02-28+14%3A43%3A00Jenhttp%3A%2F%2Fwww.thehappyhomeowner.net%2F2012%2F02%2F28%2Ffebruary-2012-re-cap.html

  1. My Feb was so-so. Our main goal of getting our house refinanced still isn't done, which is frustrating. Although waiting for that has helped us increase our savings by a ton. Your personal goal of biking to work, and not being able to because of the tailbone. I did the same thing on my snowboard about 8 years ago. Not fun at all. I haven't went in a couple years due to so many injuries from it, but have been wanting to go again. I remember it was fun, should get back into it.

  2. As someone who loves snowboarding, that's really scary about your tailbone! What happened? :( Hope you get better fast. And I think you're doing great on your finances!

  3. That's great about increasing savings; good luck with the re-fi!I absolutely LOVE to snowboard, but I have had my fair share of injuries. I keep saying that I should begin to take it a bit on the easy side, but I always find myself going faster, higher, biggest, and further into the backcountry…haha!

  4. I think I will have to redefine what good is for you or else I am going to have to keep congratulating you on a job well done.9 and a half out of 13 is good but obviously that isn't good enough for the awesome Happy Home Owner. I expect no more than one fail in March soldier.Sorry to hear about your tail-bone. I would love to learn to snowboard.

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