Sorry gents, today’s post is one for my ladies (unless of course you’re in the market to hook up your best gal pal or your sweetheart with some great, free products–in which case, read away!).
I’m definitely not too proud to admit that I love getting free stuff. In fact, I love free stuff so much that I’m often seeking out new opportunities to exercise my inner free booty pirate from time to time.
What’s a free booty pirate you ask? Well, it’s my phrase for how I conquer the world of free products, samples and experiences in a way that ensures me quality goods for the time I spend acquiring them. Simply stated, I’m not talking about getting a 0.000009 ounce tube of Crest toothpaste in the mail after 6-8 weeks. I’m talking about scoring free clothing, lingerie, champagne, beauty supplies, etc.
Last night was a prime example of bringing home a load of free stuff while having an absolute great time with one of my best friends. As I’m no stranger to having multiple side gigs and interesting ways to boost the bottom line, I received an email last week from one of my supervisors about a shopping event taking place in Boston. Basically, she was offering free tickets to anyone who’d be willing to attend the event, take photos at our company’s booth, then post them to Facebook and tag the company’s page. Sensing that this could quite possibly be the easiest way in recent memory to unleash the free booty pirate, I immediately responded and was confirmed to attend StyleFixx, a glorified shopapalooza event complete with manicures, makeovers, and lots ‘o champagne.
Lest you think I threw my budget out the window and went on some gigantic shopping spree, I assure you that I didn’t spend a penny. Instead, I brought the following home from my (free to me) event that I would have never in a million years paid for (seriously, paying to shop?!):
- A full-sized bottle of Barefoot Wine & Bubbly’s Brut Cuvee Champagne
- A full-sized bottle of self-bronzer that came with two free Mystic Tan sessions (random!)
- Full-sized samples of LUNA bars, Kind bars, peanut butter, PopCorners, Pretzel Crisps and a whole bunch of other goodies I don’t remember
- Full-sized samples of make-up & perfume, nail files/buffers, hairspray, dry shampoo and nail polish AND…..
- A $500 gift card to a leading online athletic wear retailer (yes, you read that correctly!)
Other Free Events (and their associated free booty) I’ve Attended in the Past:
Shecky’s Girls’ Night Out
Another event similar to StyleFixx where you shop, drink and pamper yourself. Usually, you have to buy tickets but I typically will reach out to vendors who I know will be there and offer to do press or photos for them in exchange for a vendor pass or two. Once I have the pass, I’m able to enjoy the event just like anyone else and the “work” is actually fun! Takeaways from Shecky’s have included full samples of tons of beauty products, food, perfume, DVDs, gift cards, bags, etc. Every event is different so I try to attend as many as I can.
Skinny Cow’s Perfect Cup Event
This one is completely free to everyone as long as you register before they run out of tickets. Essentially, by signing up, we attended an event geared around finding the “perfect” bra fit in a fun, ladylike setting. There was a smorgasbord of fabulous hors d’oeuvres, free drinks, free Skinny Cow ice cream and plenty of raffles (I won one that included a SATC II DVD, iTunes gift card and a small cocktail recipe book). The best swag of the night was the *free* coupon for a bra at Macy’s. A week after the event, my girlfriends & I hit the mall to retrieve our loot and I walked away with a $60 bra…for free!
Lululemon Post-Boston Marathon Spa Experience
Best post-marathon recovery. aid. ever. After hobbling across the finish line for this year’s Boston Marathon, I limped my way to Exhale Mind Body Spa for the best post-race party I’ve ever witnessed, thanks to one of my friends being a Lululemon Brand Ambassador. In addition to loads of champagne and food, all runners were treated to a free massage by the spa’s staff as well as full use of the shower facilities (complete with warm robes and fuzzy slippers!) AND a bag filled with free Lululemon gear! I (somewhat) walked away with a free pair of Lulu capri pants, a tank top and two pairs of their microfiber, seamless boy short underoos. Hot diggity damn!

I didn't know there wre events like that even! I'm just excited when I grocery shop with my wife and there's a guy giving out free pieces of cheese on a toothpick!
Wow I need to look into stuff like these.
Wow I'd love stuff like this! I need to look this. The last thing I went to was a Mary Kay thing and I didn't like it–it was my first and last event but those above sound awesome.
Very cool. I don't think we have as much of this in Canada. There have been a few yoga events in my city in the past which have been a real blast. Good for you for scoring such sweet deals.
Ha! I remember getting an email about the StyleFixx one and thinking that I couldn't justify buying a ticket! I have been to a few of the Shecky's GNO ones and the Skinny Cow one- LOVED the free Macy's bra that it came with!You got some fantastic booty!
I've never been to one of these! I've been to the working women's survival show and they always have freebies and samples, but not anything as nice as what you described!
If the $500 gift card is to Red Star, be sure you google it. I received one in an marathon loot baglast week, and what I found online about this promotion was so disturbing that I just threw it away. Remember, if it sounds too good to be true. . . it is!
Hahaha..I like that, too! Yes, there are tons of these types of events–check them out!
Definitely; you'd love them!
You certainly would, they're so much fun–especially if you go with friends. I'll let you know if I find any others
It's like a part-time job…haha…I love scoring free stuff!
Nice!!! Yeah, the bra I got from Macy's is one of my favorites. And I love that you thought the same of StyleFixx–I still can't fathom paying for a ticket!
You should go! And I need to read up on this one you mentioned; I've never heard of it. More freeeeee isn't! But I know the one you're talking about–I get those at running events all the time, too. I'll give more details in a later post as there's a few reasons why I can't divulge the real name. Rest assured this is a great deal!
Awesome, innovative, and grabbing opportunities that fall your way. Fits you perfectly. You are always ahead of the game.
Or perhaps I just like free booty?! (Wow, this comment can be perceived so many ways but I'll just leave it at that….bahahaha)
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