Second, I won’t be filing for unemployment regardless because doing so would be 1. Illegal (I quit, I wasn’t laid off) 2. Immoral (I have plenty of other side income from my part-time jobs and side gigs), and 3. Unnecessary as I plan to be gainfully employed in some sort of full-time capacity ASAP. Here is what I’m doing to avoid any potential of the unemployment line (if I were eligible for it):
- Networking my bootay off. While it seems as if this decision was made out of the blue, it definitely was not. For the past few weeks, I have been a networking fool. However, I’m not a natural networker–in fact, it makes me quite nervous. So putting myself out there is not only sending the “I’m seeking a new job” vibes to the universe, it’s also giving me an opportunity to brush up on skills that will help me build my side businesses as well as hopefully secure me a new full-time job.
- Tweaking/upgrading my resume. Luckily, I’ve always had a bit of a talent when it comes to selling myself via cover letters. I also pride myself on having a decent resume, and I’m pretty much continuously tweaking it for one reason or another. For the latest round of upgrades, I sought out professional assistance….
- Accepting the assistance of a head-hunter. This is a first for me. But I have to admit that it was a great feeling to walk into a stranger’s office and have her pretty much shower me with potential job opportunities to apply for after just a few minutes of discussion regarding my resume, experience, and expectations. One day after meeting with this person, I had 2 interviews lined up for positions I’m interested in learning more about, so I hope this trend continues (and brings me a job!). She also offered a few suggestions for how to tweak my resume and I couldn’t be happier with the results. That being said, I’m not relying solely on someone else to find me a job. It was my decision to give notice at my job, and it’s my responsibility to secure a new one. I will work tirelessly to ensure that something comes along.
- Seeking out opportunity where it might not be evident. One of the reasons I’ve been able to turn my finances around is because I’m creative when it comes to solving problems, cutting expenses, and bringing in extra cash. Sure, I’m a hard worker, but I’m also someone who’s always thinking outside the box. In order to apply this to the job hunt, I’m keeping an open mind when finding job descriptions that relate to my skill set but not exactly to my current role, and I’m not passing them by. At this point, I’m targeting certain industries but the net I’m casting is quite vast.
- Staying positive. I’d be lying if I said I’m not nervous. This is the first time I’m throwing caution to the wind with regards to work (that’s in my control). However, I refuse to let negative thoughts or doubts slow me down. I feel like I’m entering the prime of my creative, personal, and professional pursuits, and I’m actually pretty excited about what the future holds for me. My biggest rule throughout this entire process is to keep smiling, even if it’s hard to do.
What suggestions/tips do you have for job searching?
Photo credit: Dean Meyers
Networking is definitely key! And I know what you mean, networking definitely makes me nervous.
Good luck to you!!! In the end I am sure you are making the right move for yourself. That new job is right around the corner, bigger and better
Use job search sites such as indeed.com, monster.com and simplyhired.com. They link to local sources. Oh, and Craigslist is always a good option too.
I think the key is to exhaust every possible avenue for searching. I know people that altogether really too much on 1 or 2 resources, usually Craigslist and immediate friends/family. But it's so crucial to use every possible resource from Linkedin, local job resource centers, social media, etc. I think your reasoning behind #4 is smart.
Good luck! Not that you need it.
My best piece of advice, again, not that you need it, is to ask the hiring manager why he or she is there. It helps you understand, and it's a question they don't usually get.
I think you're doing great! I find headhunters to actually be really helpful as long as they don't try to get you to sign like an exclusive contract with them or anything. And it's good you're not solely relying on them. Good luck with everything!
I think you will be just fine and you are off to a great start.I'm a little curious though, are all of your part time jobs, side gigs and school flexible enough to work around any schedule or will this be a deciding factor in your next full time job?
Better network that bootay off! Sounds like a good plan. I think you are young and resourceful and you will do just fine! Good luck to you and congrats on taking your life by the balls.
Yeah, it's definitely something I need to work on. No time like the present!!
I hope (and believe!) that you're correct, Debby. Thanks!!
Great ideas. I haven't used simplyhired before–I'll be sure to check it out soon
Done and done…every day!
This is great! I have an interview later in the week, and I'll keep this in mind. Thanks for sharing
Oh yes, no contract here! It's been a pleasant experience so far; I'm very happy that I reached out to her
Luckily, they are! The one that takes the most time is so flexible that I pretty much work from home. There will be a few hiccups with needing a couple of days off for work already scheduled, but if they want me to work for them, we'll have to work it out!
Haha…thanks, Michelle! I wouldn't have it any other way
I understand you're feeling nervous. That is natural. Connecting with a headhunter is an excellent idea. Some of the best jobs I have ever had were because I was working with a headhunter. Their experience is very valuable. I'm sure you will find something very soon, maybe even sooner than you were planning on
It's working out great so far, so I definitely hope it continues this way! Big interview later in the week for a company I'm veeery interested in…fingers are crossed!
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