Friday Link Love: Homes, Babies and Loving Your Job

Friday Link Love Happy Friday! This week has literally flown by–which is more exciting than usual given I’m finally done at my full-time job:)

This weekend will be filled with prepping for the big transition next week (starting my new part-time job that’s just 4 hours/day, rolling forward with some new opportunities now that I have dedicated time to do so and making sure I set up a challenging, yet realistic schedule to keep things moving along well).

If you haven’t done so already, don’t miss your chance to win some cash! Enter now in the $500 giveaway I’m part of.

Good Reads from Others:


Good Reads from The Happy Homeowner:


Have a great weekend!


Freelancer; reformed spendaholic; risk taker; adventure seeker; world traveler; rose smeller; debt destroyer. My mission is to inspire others to live a healthy, balanced life one cent at a time.

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Friday Link Love: Homes, Babies and Loving Your Job10

  1. I agree this week has just flown freaking by. One thing I have learned in running our business is that the weeks generally go by much faster as opposed to when I was in the corporate world. It could also be that I hated what I was doing and love what I am doing now. ;) Have a great weekend Jen!


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