DIY Tile Repair

DIY Tile Repair

Shower in my old condo…

When I bought my condo in 2010, I scored a great deal because it was a foreclosure. And while I sold it for a hefty, six-figure profit three years later, I did put in a great deal of sweat equity to transform the entire unit.

From drywall repairs to fixing broken closet doors, I had a ton of cosmetic work to do when I moved in.

Part of that work was repairing some broken tiles in the master bathroom. I’m not sure how they were damaged because they were high up on the wall of the shower rather than the floor, but I learned a great deal about DIY tile repair because I was determined to fix the issue myself rather than pay a contractor or handyman boatloads of money for a simple repair.

DIY Tile Repair Done Right

Regardless of where the cracked tile is (kitchen, bathroom, foyer), use the following steps to ensure a successful, inexpensive DIY repair:

Remove the Broken Tile and Grout

The easiest way to remove a broken tile is to cover it with a rag and gently tap it with a hammer to break it into smaller pieces. If necessary, you can also use a chisel and/or putty knife to scoop out all of the tile pieces.

Next, remove as much of the grout as possible. I used the chisel to complete this part but you can also purchase a like the one pictured below to save more time.

Clean and Dry the Area

This sounds like a no-brainer, but you’d be surprised at how many people do a sub-par job with this critical step (or completely disregard it altogether!).

I like to use a bleach-based bathroom cleaner; saturating the area and scrubbing everything with an old toothbrush to loosen as much of the tile adhesive and grout as possible. Next, I run my Dirt Devil hand vac over all of the cracks/crevices. Finally, I let a solid hour or two go by before moving on with the next steps of the repair.

Mix and Spread New Grout

Up next is mixing the new grout according to the manufacturer’s directions. Make sure to choose a grout color that’s as close to the existing grout’s as possible to save yourself the hassle of needing to re-grout the entire shower.

When spreading the new grout, ensure a consistent and even application by using a

As you’re working, carefully wipe the new tile/grout with a large sponge to remove any excess. Remember that once the grout dries, it’s much harder to remove it, so keep wiping as you work to safe time and effort.

Set and Buff

After allowing the new tile and grout to completely set and dry, take an old t-shirt or rag and buff the tile to clear off any grout residue.

Other Tile Considerations

On my first round of repairs, I successfully repaired 6 broken tiles using the steps above, but I failed to notice a small gap in the corner of the shower until a week later. This small, seemingly insignificant gap could have cost me thousands of dollars in water damage had I not caught it as soon as I did.

Thankfully, I did catch it, and I used a special sealant compound to ensure that no water would leak behind the shower walls. The process was quite simple and a great way to protect my investment as water damage is a huge issue if it’s not caught early.

What kinds of DIY home repairs have you done?


Freelancer; reformed spendaholic; risk taker; adventure seeker; world traveler; rose smeller; debt destroyer. My mission is to inspire others to live a healthy, balanced life one cent at a time.

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