Carnival of MoneyPros

Carnival of MoneyPros I’m excited to be hosting this week’s installment of the Carnival of MoneyPros. Here are the great posts submitted for this week’s edition….

Jeff Rose @ Good Financial Cents writes The Top 16 Careers for the Future – Always keep in mind that finding your dream job often comes after having a variety of experiences in different industries before settling into that perfect fit. Here are a few of the best career opportunities in industries that are expected to see growth in the next few years. This list may motivate you to spruce up your resume.

Robert @ The College Investor writes IRS Where’s My Refund Reference Codes – Finding the IRS reference codes has also been one of the hardest things to track down this year, especially with all the changes to the way the IRS is processing refunds.

Robert @ My Multiple Incomes writes My Monthly Income Stream Report – February 2013 – This month was a very interesting month. I was able to make some awesome progress to one of my biggest goals, but I didn’t make much progress towards the second goal.

Robert @ Entrepreneurship Life writes Vendor Diversity – Here are some ideas to best manage your supplier relationships so you don’t end up with problem vendors.

Mike @ The Financial Blogger writes Stop Trading Time for Money – How much time goes towards earning money?

Div Guy @ The Dividend Guy Blog writes My Investing Pains and How I’ve Solved Them – How to overcome investing issues.

Lance @ Money Life and More writes What to Do If You Are A Victim of Identity Theft – Last week I discussed what happened when I was a victim of credit card fraud. Unfortunately, the night before you read about my experience with credit card fraud things took a turn for the worse. Turns out my credit card fraud case turned into identity theft quickly.

Michael @ Financial Ramblings writes The Economic Impact of Income Taxes – As we all know, tax cuts produce economic success. Right? Well… It appears that things might not be quite so simple.

NoTrustFund @ Where’s My Trust Fund writes Are Your Finances Resilient? – How resilient are your finances?

Kyle @ The Penny Hoarder writes Looking for Quick Money? Those Days Are Over… – Ten or 15 years ago, day traders were often rolling in the cash. The market was good and the money was easy. Investors doubled their income and had more money than they knew what to do with it. Everything was good, until it wasn’t. The days of easy money are largely gone.

Jon the Saver @ Free Money Wisdom writes Preparing Meals: How It Can Save You Big Bucks – Preparing meals can save you a ton of money. Everyone knows that cooking at home saves you money but do you really do it?

Michelle @ The Shop My Closet Project writes Pride, Prejudice, or Preference? How your choices affect your financial life – I don’t like to eat fast food (Taco Bell, McDonalds, Burger King) . I will only eat at local businesses such as: Smashburger, Lark Burger, Chipotle, or Noodles and Co. and I only go to those places no more than 10 times a year. I would say that in the past year I’ve eaten fast food fewer than 10 times. Why? For several reasons: taste, smell, cost, and vanity.

Edgar @ Degrees and Debt writes Make Money While Shopping – How to make money while online shopping!

Kevin @ Passiveincometoretire writes How to Clear Debts Before You Retire – How time flies! One minute you’re at school; the other you’re in the working world; the next you’re approaching retirement. As retirement nears, it becomes more important to clear your debts. This is particularly the case if you’re relocating to somewhere like the UAE, which is popular as both a tourist destination and retirement destination.

BARBARA FRIEDBERG @ Barbara Friedberg Personal Finance writes 5 TIPS TO INCREASE YOUR INCOME – Make extra money-tips to make more money.

Jen @ Master the Art of Saving writes Saving Money Isn’t Always Easy – I know, you’re probably thinking, “duh!” right? Of course saving money isn’t always easy, if it was…so many of us wouldn’t strive and dream of being able to do it…

PFC @ PF Carny writes The Starter Emergency Fund – Not everybody has the money or interest needed to have a fully funded emergency fund. How much do you need for an emergency fund? That depends on…

Kevin @ AllPersonalFinance writes Saving Money at the Supermarket – We all know that we need to eat and buying groceries is where a sizeable amount of your income goes. However many of us do not bother to save as much as we could while shopping for food and common household products. Taking a little extra time and effort before going to the supermarket can help you cut down on additional expenses.

SFB @ Simple Finance Blog writes How Big Is Too Big When It Comes To Your Emergency Fund? – We’d always followed the advice of the “pros” to have an enormous amount of cash on hand in case of emergency. But were these liquid assets too much?

Corey @ 20s Finances writes Should You Try to Beat the Index? – Trying to beat the index is difficult. Very few investors succeed. Find out things you can do to obtain higher returns with your investments.

Tushar @ Finance TUBE writes Free Money Is Everywhere If You Know Where To Look – Today we will be talking about Free Money is Everywhere If You Know Where to Look. After years of being a penny holder one remarkable thing I have discovered that free money is everywhere. Yes you may need to jump through some hoops to get up.

Ted Jenkin @ Your Smart Money Moves writes 5 Money Saving Tips When You Go Out For Dinner – I went out to Hal’s Steakhouse in Buckhead (Atlanta) the other weekend and thought to myself that clearly we are in no sign of a recession.

Scott Skyles @ writes Thirteen Mortgage Servicers Reach 9.3 Billion Settlement Agreement – The aftermath of the mortgage and housing crisis is not only affecting past homeowners, it looks as though a variety of mortgage servicers will be paying a hefty price for their behavior as well.

Harry Campbell @ Your Personal Finance Pro writes I Finally Guessed Right In My Trading Account – Even though I generally recommend investing in index funds and low cost mutual funds, from time to time I do trade individual stocks. Don’t get me wrong, I usually end up losing money, but I never invest more than 1 or 2% of my total net worth in one stock and the total value of my current trading account is less than 5% of my net worth.

TTMK @ Tie the Money Knot writes Husband and Wife Both Work, But She Does More Around the House – When both people in a relationship are working to make money, it would seem that housework would be shared. However, is this really what happens? This post shares a story about how one person took on a disproportionate share of the work, and the impact – if any – on the relationship.

DPF @ Digital Personal Finance writes Is it Worth Getting a Safety Deposit Box – A safety deposit box can be of great use, but might not be for everyone. Pros and cons of getting one are discussed here.

Ray @ Squirrelers writes Urgent and/or Important? Two Questions to Ask About Items on Your To-Do List – Time management and prioritization of activities is essential for being productive. In terms of investing our time wisely – and thus potentially impacting our finances – one may want to view things in terms of importance and urgency.

Kevin @ MyDividendStocks writes Buying stocks and shares with a credit card? – It’s an old adage, speculating to accumulate. Not, however, using a credit card. Yet it’s one of the most common questions asked by wannabe investors looking to make a quick buck or two trading in stocks and shares. The question has a something-for-nothing feel about it, even smacking of desperation, a state of mind hardly conducive to successful trading.

SBB @ Simple Budget Blog writes Too Busy to Plan for Retirement? – We all know that life is busy from time to time. It happens to everyone. Whether it is taking care of your family, working a job that sucks all of your energy, grad school, or one of the many other things that takes your time, I can understand. I’ve gone through quite a roller coaster…

Amanda L Grossman @ Frugal Confessions writes What Extreme Couponers Know about Coupons that You May Not – I’ve caught a few episodes of the show Extreme Couponing in the past, and each time it has led me to wonder about the logistics of these people’s lives: how

Invest It Wisely @ Invest It Wisely writes How Finances can Stress a Relationship and What You Can Do About It – The money talk is extremely important because things can change very quickly when financial struggles begin. The pressure of a job loss or debts piling up can have a powerful impact on a relationship.

Daniel @ Sweating the Big Stuff writes Concerns Define The Middle Class – A few weeks ago I spoke to Zach Shrier of Shrier Wealth Management (who also happens to double as Lauren’s cousin and was my investing teacher my freshman year of high school) about the definition of “Middle Class.” Last year, about 50% of Americans classified themselves as part of the middle class.

Suba @ Broke Professionals writes Will You Pay the Price for Preparedness? – Will You Pay the Price for Preparedness? is a post from: Broke Professionals if you enjoy it, please visit us and subscribe to the Feed. We all know that it is prudent to have a financial emergency fund in place and most of us strive towards that.

Rich @ Growing Money Smart writes Uncommon Stock Lessons Learned – Along with this great 2013 bull rally, I find that I’m continually evolving both my investment understanding and my approach to investing in stocks.

Tushar @ Earn More and Save writes 5 Cool Ways to Ask You Boss for a Raise – Five cool and unorthodox ways to ask your boss for a raise.

David Leonhardt @ Self-Help Happiness Blog writes Quirky ways to save money on your car – Anybody can save money on one’s car the tried and true ways – and why not? But a special person can really have fun saving money. All it takes is some discipline and the willpower to be quirky. Do you have what it takes?

Kevin @ writes Top 5 Financially Savvy Transportation Choices – Since the economic crisis in 2008, many hard-working Americans were left without the necessities that many of us take for granted.

Evan @ My Journey to Millions writes February 2013 Net Worth Update – From February 2013 to March 2013 my net worth increased decreased –1.45% Much better than the 13%+ I lost last month! I think going forward I will get back to increasing my net worth month over month 97% of the time (only missed a few months over the course of 2 years).

Eddie @ Finance Fox writes The Key to Avoiding Buyer’s Remorse on Large Purchases – Whether you’re buying a new house, a new car, or another big item, buyer’s remorse is common.

Lazy Man @ Lazy Man and Money writes Reader Email: What Is a Good Food Budget? – People typically spend a good amount on food, especially eating out. The USDA has some guidelines on how much people spend on groceries. Using the most recent data, a typical couple in the 19-50 range (a typical Lazy Man reader) would spend between $87.30 and $111.50 a week on thrifty or low-cost plans.

Jason @ Live Real Now writes How to Build a Business on Cannabalism – When your business model consists entirely of your sales force doing all of the buying and consuming, it’s not a business model, it’s cannibalism.

Peter @ Bible Money Matters writes How Having a Strong Faith Can Give You Financial Strength – Recently, I had been trying to pin exactly where my new-found respect and responsibility with my money had come from – one of the reasons why I started my blog. Having searched my soul for some time, I finally figured it out – my faith.

MMD @ IRA vs 401k Central writes 401k Income Limits – Can I Make Too Much to Contribute? – Unlike a Traditional or Roth IRA, there are no 401k income limits keeping you from contributing to your employer sponsored plan. This is a great benefit for those who may not be able to save using other types of plans.

MMD Guest Gary @ My Money Design writes Types of Investment Funds – Open-End and Closed-End Funds – When you break it all down, there are really three main types of investment funds: Open-end funds, closed-end funds and unit investment trusts. Each one has their own unique set of benefits that you can use to your advantage.

Alice @ Hurricanes, Panties & Dollars writes The Empty Wallet Romantic Evening – You don’t have to rolling in dough to give that special lady in your life a romantic evening to remember. You can do it for cheap with a little bit of effort.

Miss T. @ Prairie Eco Thrifter writes How to Place a Stock Order – For years, as a novice, I used Merrill Lynch and while my broker did a great deal to educate me about stocks and bonds, he never mentioned that I could set the price at which I wanted to buy or sell my stock! Here’s how you go about placing an order to buy or sell stock:

CT @ Cashtastrophe writes Why You NEED To Work Through College – How to Avoid a Cashtastrophe – Save more, spend less, and live a good life

Debt Guru @ Debt Free Blog writes Simple Reason Why it Pays to Be Debt Free – Everyone knows that I am a huge fan of living a debt free life. I want others to experience the same joy and sense of peace that I have. Yet, unfortunately, not everyone is able to live a debt free life. I see this every day. My friends closest to me not only are burried in college debt, but are piling on the consumer debt.

Darwin @ Darwin’s Money writes Why Stocks Are Breaking Records and it’s Not a Bubble – US Stocks broke new ALL-TIME records this week which is shocking given the state of the economy. Here, you’ll find why this is likely to continue and shouldn’t be a surprise at all when you consider what’s driving it.

Everything Finance @ Everything Finance Blog writes Property Tax Vs. Real Estate Tax – Homeowners are familiar with real estate tax largely because real estate tax may take a chunk of their money every year, but did you know that property tax is not always the same thing? Many people use the terms interchangeably, but they are not exactly the same.

Kevin @ Simplefinancialfreedom writes Lowering Your Insurance Costs: A Guide – The article describes methods of keeping your insurance costs low by providing helpful insights, hints and tips.

Luke @ Learn Bonds writes Catastrophe Bonds – What They are and how They Work – Thinking about investing in Catastrophe Bonds? Here is an overview of what CAT bonds are, how they work, and what you should consider before investing.

William @ Quote Me A Price writes Facts You Need to Know Before Selling Your Annuity – Selling your annuity might be a viable choice for you if the situation does come up, but there are things you should know in order to determine if this is the right option for your needs.

Shredding Debt @ Shredding Debt writes Debt Payoff Progress for February 2013 – Here are the results from February with the total consumer and credit card debt that I was targeting:

Penny Thots @ Penny Thots writes Be Wary of These Scams – The scammers and swindlers are always one step ahead of the authorities when it comes to producing scams. Be cautious of anyone you don’t know that contacts you through phone, email, or social media sites. If they tell that you won a prize, think long and hard before continuing the conversation. You should never have to give up anything to claim your prize.

SavingMentor @ How To Save Money writes Ultra Cheap Designer Prescription Glasses Tutorial (VIDEO) – Most people need glasses at some point in their lives and one thing is for certain, designer prescription eyeglasses don’t come cheap. Most glasses retailers that have an in-house optometrist will charge at least $400 a for mid to high end set of frames and lenses with the usual coatings on them.

CAPI @ Creating a Passive Income writes Common Ways to Increase Your Passive Income – Passive income isn’t all fun and games. It takes a little work and/or money at first to get the stream(s) of income coming in. A great example of this is real estate. It’s not as simple as putting money in an account and then you generate a small percentage of income each year. It takes a lot of work to set up the system that generates income.

Little House @ Little House in the Valley writes Mortgage Life Insurance Explained – The following article is a brief explanation of mortgage life insurance.

Jennifer Lynn @ Broke-Ass Mommy writes I am a grinch for Valentine’s Day. – Read how I was a grinch at Valentine’s Day this year!

ETZ25 @ Entertainment Timez writes AIG Second Thoughts – Lately, I’ve been rethinking my AIG purchase because of the reasons in this article.

Tony @ We Only Do This Once writes How to Live Without Using Credit Cards – On Plunged in Debt: I wrote a post for Catherine called the How to Live Without Using Credit Cards.

Roger Elder @ 2009 to 2013 Tax writes Strange But Legitimate Tax Deductions from – Tax season is anticipated by some and dreaded by others. For accountants and tax professionals, however, it can be a time of amusement.

krantcents @ KrantCents writes The case against paying off your mortgage! – Many personal finance experts suggest paying off your mortgage. I realize that interest rates are very low on savings, but mortgage rates are historically low too. If you itemize your income taxes, you can write off your mortgage interest and the government subsidizes your rate by giving you a tax deduction.

Corey @ Steadfast Finances writes Six More Tips to Put You on the Road to Riches – Everyone wants to know how to be more successful with their finances. Here’s a list of things you can do.

Crystal @ Married (with Debt) writes Living the “Home for Sale” Life – The other night I got home late. I had been out of town three days for work. Though it was dark, the neighborhood glowed with the brightness of five inches of snow, which amplified all light sources.

Don @ MoneySmartGuides writes Many American’s Taking Loans From 401k – A recent article by the Washington Post highlighted a very scary personal finance situation that many Americans are facing: taking a loan from their 401k plan.

Will Van Hartog @ The Color of the Money writes What Is An Islamic Bank Account? – You may have heard the term Islamic bank account, but have yet to learn what one is. What is the difference between an Islamic bank account, and a ‘normal’ bank account? It is a normal question to ask. This article covers just what is an Islamic bank account in an easy to follow way.

Roger the Amateur Financier @ The Amateur Financier writes The 10 Most (and 5 Least) Profitable College Degrees – With February nearly over and spring rapidly approaching, there’s many things that you need to do to get ready for the rest of the year.

Maria @ The Money Principle writes Tax Avoidance for the masses (well some of them anyway) – The masses can indulge in tax avoidance to save losing Child Benefit by contributing to additional pension and the government chips in!

Crystal @ Budgeting in the Fun Stuff writes Fear and Anger Are Freaking Motivating – I want to grow my passive income and the income that isn’t affected by Page Rank. Here is my plan of attack and my results from February 2013.

Nick @ A Young Pro writes Why You Can’t Get an Interview – The reason you can’t get an interview has little to do with you, it’s all about the resume baby!

John @ Card Hub writes Ask the Experts: How to Fix the Private Student Loan Market – It’s also natural to wonder if student loans could become the next sub-prime mortgages. They’re relatively easy to get, after all, and the amount of unpaid debt is prodigious.

Joe @ Midlife Finance writes Ten ways to get Cash… FAST! – Can $150 magically float from the sky, and land at your feet? Will a couple of Ben Franklins surface in the gutter, rain soaked and waiting? Probably not. But there are other ways to come up with extra cash in a short time period.

Grayson @ Debt Roundup writes Why Do Sales Make Us Irrational Shoppers? – We are always inundated with sale advertising that we have slowly become irrational when we see them. We think we are getting a good day and we want to take advantage of it. Why do you think we become irrational when there is a sale?

Jon Haver @ Pay My Student Loans writes 10 Ways To Make Money in College – Chances are you’re good with at least one main subject, such as math or music. Chances are there’s someone in your area who isn’t but wants to be, and who will pay you quite well to share your skills. If you’re really good, word-of-mouth might be enough, but even so, placing an ad in college and local newspapers or on public bulletin boards with your desired pay and contact info will net you some clients.

Hank @ Money Q&A writes How Much Life Insurance Do You Need? 4 Key Driving Factors To Know – How much life insurance do you need? Like most financial decisions, there is a lot of factors that go into making the decision about how much life insurance to carry.

Lynn @ Wallet Blog writes Surviving the Sequester: Quick Tips for Laid-Off or Limited-Hours Workers – If you are one of the many government workers who has been laid off, might be laid off, or has had your hours slashed, you need to be thinking of a new plan, pronto. The U.S. economy added 741,000 jobs between September 2012 and January 1, 2013. The CBO estimate of jobs that will be lost due to sequestration is 750,000. That means you’re going to have a lot of company in the unemployment line.

Lynn @ Wallet Blog writes Surviving the Sequester: Quick Tips for Laid-Off or Limited-Hours Workers – If you are one of the many government workers who has been laid off, might be laid off, or has had your hours slashed, you need to be thinking of a new plan, pronto. The U.S. economy added 741,000 jobs between September 2012 and January 1, 2013. The CBO estimate of jobs that will be lost due to sequestration is 750,000. That means you’re going to have a lot of company in the unemployment line.

A Blinkin @ Funancials writes Warning: The Market is NOT the Economy – there’s a disconnect between the market and the economy. When I say that our economy is in shambles, it doesn’t necessarily mean that stocks will immediately suffer. For example, last year we were subjected to many congressional battles over fiscal policy, a global economy refusing to grow, and an increasing debt-crisis that needs to be tackled.

Mike @ Personal Finance Journey writes Retail Tips to turn you into a smart shopper – My insiders hot 10 tips to turn you into a smart retail shopper and save you money along the way.

JP @ My Family Finances writes What Savings Account Scheme to Apply to Save for a New House – As buying a new house is one of the biggest financial decisions of one’s life, it is extremely critical to plan it carefully.

MR @ Money Reasons writes Why Unemployment Is Likely To Be Higher Than In The Past 50 years – Here’s my take on why unemployment will continue to be a problems for the united states in the future.

Ashley @ Money Talks Coaching writes A Rapping Financial Planner? – Rapping Financial Planner! This is hilarious and so so true! I just had to share.

Wayne @ Young Family Finance writes Simple Ways to Save Money – What are some simple ways to save money? The first order of business is to be smart with your purchases. Some of the most wasteful purchases are on items you already have or do not need. Additionally, be smart at the supermarket. Make a list of things you need when you run out and be conscientious when you are buying new things.

Jester @ The Ultimate Juggle writes School Ski Club Is Awesome – My son was on the fence about joining ski club through school. Finally he decided to take the plunge and now loves it.

Kevin @ PersonalFinance-Tips writes Why Are Quick Cash Loan Fees So Expensive? – Whoever has needed money to pay for an unexpected expense before their payday knows that quick cash loans are often the only way to cope with such an emergency.

Lauren @ L Bee and the Money Tree writes Financial ignorance is bliss. For now. – Financial ignorance was fun, and sometimes I miss it, but we’re not kids anymore.

Brittany Hall @ writes 15 Ways to Make Money as a Mom Blogger – There is money to made from blogging, and moms have a lot of knowledge and information that others will pay to access.

Tushar @ Start Investing Money writes Are You Investing in YOU? – Whenever you hear someone talking about investments, you probably immediately think of the different types of investments they (or you) should make. But it can pay dividends to think along different lines too. This is particularly true when you start thinking about your own needs.

KK @ Student Debt Survivor writes I’m Dating a Financial Stud – Is your partner financially responsible or a financial flop? Keep reading to find out why I think my boyfriend is a financial stud.

sean @ One Smart Dollar writes What Exactly Are Austerity Measures? – Most of us hear the phrase austerity measures on the news but a lot of people don’t understand what they are talking about. Here is the lowdown.

John S @ Frugal Rules writes 5 Investing Mistakes That Are Easy to Make – We all make mistakes, we’re human after all. Investing mistakes can not only be costly, but they can also have a major impact on the overall health and performance of your long term portfolio.

Jessica Moorhouse @ Mo’ Money Mo’ Houses writes Why Family & Money Should Not Mix – Family and money should be like church and state: completely separate. What do you think?

Will @ Card Guys Blog writes 0% APR Credit Cards: Are They For Real? – When you see a 0% APR credit card, you should realize that it is a promotional offer. The credit card is using it to draw new customers. This isn’t a bad thing, but it means that you need to know when the promotional period will end.

Jon @ Novel Investor writes Best Investment Books Every Investor Must Read – The best investment books are timeless. All the books in this list will act as an introduction and reference for improving your investing knowledge.

Jules Wilson @ Fat Guy,Skinny Wallet writes A Guide To Why You Should Protect Your Family With Life Insurance – [The following is a guest post about the importance of life insurance...] It’s not easy to confront your own mortality and, while considering life insurance can feel a little gruesome, it’s actually the most important and prudent step you can

Jules Wilson @ Faithful With a Few writes I Hate To Say This, But I Was Saved By A CREDIT CARD!!! – Normally, I don’t like to be put in a position to have to place an expense (or multiple expenses as in this case) on a credit card, especially since we already have a ton of debt, but in this case it seemed to be our best option.

Glen @ Monster Piggy Bank @ Monster Piggy Bank writes Forex Currency Trading Basics For Beginners – A post aimed at beginners for helping people understand the basics of Forex trading

Mike Collins @ Wealthy Turtle writes Pound Foolish Book Review – Our review of Helaine Olen’s expose of the personal finance industry. Is Pound Foolish worth sdding to your bookshelf?

Gary @ writes What’s A Good Credit Score? – With the economy making a strong comeback (despite not everyone being able to feel it), home and car buying, as well as any other credit or loan-based purchasing, will likely increase as time goes on. This is the best time for families to take the appropriate steps to improve their credit scores. But what is a good credit score? What factors are taken into consideration? This article answers these questions and a lot of others you may have about your credit score and history.

Bryan @ writes How To Teach Kids About Money – If most of us could go back and make one change that would affect our financial lives, I’m sure many of us would take the chance to learn about personal finance at an early age. There is no better time to teach your children about money than when they are young kids. This article highlights some very easy and fun strategies to help your child make smart financial decisions in the future.

JC @ Passive Income Pursuit writes Mini-Options, a game changer? – Are the new 10 share option contracts a good thing? It allows for much more customization but not quite in the companies I like just yet.

Roger Wohlner @ The Chicago Financial Planner writes 3 More Financial Products to Consider Avoiding – Earlier this year I wrote 3 Financial Products to Consider Avoiding. This was not intended to be a complete list so here are three more financial products to consider avoiding.

Glen Craig @ Free From Broke writes Blogger Tax Deductions You Should Be Looking For Come Tax Time – Tax breaks and deductions that you, as a blogger, may be able to use when you do your income taxes. These blogger tax deductions tips can help reduce your taxable income.

Jason Hull @ Hull Financial Planning writes You Could Become the Next Big Thing – This article explains the “rookie fallacy” and how you can leverage this psychological bias to advance your career.

Jason @ PT Money writes Depreciation Recapture and Your Rental Property: The IRS Giveth and Taketh Away – What is “depreciation recapture,” how it affects your rental property, and some advanced strategies for dealing with depreciation recapture.

Jacob @ My Personal Finance Journey @ My Personal Finance Journey writes The Ticket to Career Advancement: Work on Your Strengths, Not Your Weaknesses – This post describes how if you want to make money, you need to first work on your strengths and improve them in order to advance further in your career.

Kim @ Eyes on the Dollar writes What If I Can’t Pay My Income Taxes? – This post outlines the steps to take if you don’t have enough money come April 15th. It’s better mentally and financially to be proactive in finding ways to pay taxes you owe while minimizing penalties and interest.

Emily @ Evolving Personal Finance writes What Is a Courtesy Letter and Does It Mean I Don’t Have to Pay Taxes? – Graduate students often receive “courtesy letters” to inform them of their fellowship income instead of real tax forms. Read a sample letter deconstructed and learn what the tax implications are of receiving one.

Mike @ The Financial Blogger writes Does Entrepreneurship Get Boring? – A look at the idea of getting bored.

Green Panda @ Green Panda Treehouse writes Are You Comfortable With Banking? – Not everyone is alright with how they manage their money yet.

md @ Start Freelancing Now writes Freaking Crucial Tools That Every Freelancer Needs to Make Money & Stay Focused – The exact tools that all freelancers need to make money.

Martin @ Studenomics writes How-to Suck Big Time at Saving Money – How to mess up your finances.


The Carnival of Money Pros is brought to you to by the Money Pros Team, and you can submit articles at Blogger Carnivals.


Photo credit: ArcylicArtist


I Quit the 9-5…Forever

Follow Your Dreams That’s right!

As of Thursday evening, I will no longer be working the typical 9-5 job that I’ve had for so many years. In fact, I’ll only be “working” four hours/day in a traditional role. What will I be doing for the remainder of my time?

Working for myself.

My Choice to Can the 9-5

It’s no secret that I’ve been (consciously and subconsciously) planning this leap of faith for quite some time. Last year as I was transitioning jobs, I wrote about my back-up plan and why it’s important to always have options for yourself. I’ve also written about how to start a business while keeping your day job,  I’ve challenged my readers to critically evaluate if they’re using their time wisely, and I’ve discussed why it’s paramount to not sacrifice passion in lieu of paying the bills.

What do all of these posts have in commons? They’re all paving the way for strong foundation that would allow someone (me in this case) to venture off on their own professionally.

Evaluating the Past

As I was reading through my archives in an attempt to write this post, something jumped out at me: I’ve switched jobs two times in the last two years. Despite my initial love for each position, eventually the “honeymoon phase” was over and I returned to the idea of starting my own business.

Looking back, I’ve realized it wasn’t the change or the new, exciting nature of each job change that kept me happy in the beginning–it was me lying to myself. I was avoiding the nearly insatiable desire I had to chart my own course; to make a go of employing myself by forcing myself to “love” what I was doing. The truth was that I’ve never been happy in a traditional 9-5 marketing or office role….

Don’t Let Fear Rule Your Decisions

Essentially, I was letting fear rule my life. I was fearful of what striking out on my own meant. I was fearful of the potential for epic failure. And I was fearful of not living my life in the conventional manner I’ve been groomed to be accustomed to (go to college, go to grad school, get a good job, climb the corporate ladder, blah, blah, blah).

Thanks to some surprising events at my current job that I felt uneasy about (lots of restructuring, people shuffling and strategy changes), I came to the conclusion that it was high time I faced my fears head-on. This is my life, those are my bank balances and I’m ready now more than ever to be successful in my own way.

Staying Realistic–and Positive

Of course striking out on my own isn’t a rash decision, despite the lack of disclosure I’ve had about it here on The Happy Homeowner. For the past few months, I’ve been testing the waters with my new business–and I’ve been pleasantly surprised with the results.

As of this month, I’m making more money with my new endeavors than I am at my full-time job. And it’s certainly not all about money; I love every second of what I’m doing–from the mundane to the seemingly impossible tasks I’m faced with.

I have been burning the candles at both ends with transitioning out of my job and simultaneously building the business. The funny thing is that when I get home from the office and start the other work on my to-do list, I find myself more motivated than ever. It hardly feels like work even when I’m up past 2AM!

My New Gig(s)

So what exactly is my new business? In a nutshell, it’s a freelance writing, consulting and blogging support operation. While this description runs the gamut of online offerings, it’s important for me to diversify my income-generating options so that in case one thing dries up, there are others that can replace that income stream.

Also, because the nature of online work is highly variable, I’m not quitting the part-time job that I’ve had for the past 6.5 years. Having this job for so long has allowed immense flexibility and I basically work remotely on my own time. There’s a certain economy of scale built in after having a position for so long and I’ve become incredibly efficient with the time needed to perform the tasks of the job.

Additionally, I’ve picked up another part-time job, which is why I’ll still need to be in an office for 4 hours/day (I wanted to make sure I still had a stable, reliable income to cover all of my bills including my mortgage as well as retirement funding and health insurance).

Let’s just say that my new boss has been incredibly flexible with my scheduling needs and has allowed me to create a schedule that I could have only dreamed of in the past–my work day now “ends” by noon unless I want to change up the schedule to fit in other needs. The rest of my day will be spent on all things online, from the comfort of my home. Somebody pinch me!

The Future of The Happy Homeowner

No matter these new endeavors, I will always have The Happy Homeowner as my home base. I look forward to growing this blog bigger than ever now that I have dedicated, consistent time to do so, and I am so excited to have readers like you (both new and old) to be here with me every step of the way.

Viva la Work-Life balance!


Photo credit: renaissancechambra

Oldies but Goodies: Welcome to the Happy Homeowner

Oldies but Goodies Today is an exciting day here at The Happy Homeowner as my first post for a new staff writing position with Quizzle (external link) has just gone live!

If you’re visiting here for the first time, welcome! If you’ve been reading for a while, today’s post features a collection of my favorite posts; the oldies but goodies….

Also, don’t forget to enter my cash giveaway!

Personal Finance






As always, thanks for stopping by!


Photo credit: Circlesofsquares

The Best Way for College Students to Stay Financially Fit

Money I’m excited to announce that I’ve been nominated for eCollegeFinder’s Top Blogger Awards! As part of our nomination acceptance, we were asked what we think is the best way for college students to stay financially fit. As someone who’s come a very far way in my own financial journey, the answer to this question is quite simple: Set SMART financial goals.

Invest in yourself.

As you’re choosing your classes, investigating potential majors and making new friends, don’t forget about your finances. If you’re like most college students, you may not have much money to work with. But regardless of how much money you have or what type of background/family you come from, the decisions you make about money while in college pave the way for your financial future. Set yourself up for success by taking the time to set goals.

Make sure your goals are SMART.

Scribbling down some random goals about how you want to manage your money while in college may sound like a suitable option, but don’t sell yourself short. In addition to setting your goals, you also need to work to reach them. In tandem with your academic and professional goals, set financial goals that have the following characteristics:

  • Specific. This is just as it sounds–create goals that are clear. One way to ensure you’re creating a specific goal is to ask yourself what you want to accomplish. It’s also helpful to identify the benefit of accomplishing this goal. An example could be saving enough money for next semester’s books.
  • Measurable. Measuring progress helps you stay on track to meet your goal. An easy way to do that is to tie a specific number to the goal you’re trying to reach. If you’re going to make your goal be saving enough for next semester’s books, make sure to write down the actual sum you’ll need; perhaps $500.
  • Attainable. Remember that the goals you’re setting need to be realistic. It’s OK to stretch to reach a goal, but you shouldn’t be setting extreme goals and aren’t an option for your situation. Thinking back to the textbook idea, it’s not realistic to think that the average college student can save $1K each semester for books. Perhaps a better goal would be to figure out how to get yourself to the $500 mark.
  • Relevant. There’s no point in setting a goal that doesn’t directly correlate with your current situation or needs. You need to focus your efforts on goals that matter to you now.
  • Timely. Finally, your goals need to have a timeline associated with them. Having deadlines tied to your goals helps to keep you on track, keep them fresh in memory, and gives a tangible opportunity to evaluate your success when you reach them.


Patience is a virtue.

Once you’ve set your goals and are working hard to reach them, remain patient. Remember that you’re still in college and have a world of opportunity in front of you. There is no need to try to keep up appearances by charging things, gadgets and clothes you can’t afford or taking out student loans for expenses outside of tuition, room and board.

By setting your SMART financial goals and remaining patient as your work your way towards those goals and graduation, you’ll effectively be building a strong foundation for future financial success.


What advice would you give to college students for how they can stay financially fit?


Photo credit: borman818