Call for Guest Posts!

With my impending trip to Greece just around the corner, I want to take some time to do a bit of housekeeping prior to my departure.  Part of this includes making sure this blog is taken care of during my absence. While I normally try to post daily M-F, I’ve chosen to unplug completely while on this vacation.

No stranger to the notion that posting multiple times per week is the best way to keep your readers interested, I want to come up with some interesting and fun content for you to read while I’m away.  Unfortunately, I’ve been inundated at work and have very little time to give this desire the proper attention and detail it so deserves.

Fortunately, I know that there are many, many incredible bloggers out there. Which is why I’m soliciting guest posts for the 10 days I’ll be gone (Captain, if you’re reading this, for some reason I just thought of your roommate post and the “stereophonic…..” while typing ‘soliciting’–what have you done to me?!).

Please comment or email me at BTHappyHomeowner[at] if you’re interested in writing something. I’d like to stick with the vacation theme seeing as how that’s where I’ll be, so some suggested topics are:

  • The best vacation you’ve ever been on (or perhaps the worst and what you learned from it?)
  • The craziest vacation stories (that you can legally share)
  • Vacation budget mishaps
  • How you decide where to go/how to pay for it
  • Dream destinations
  • Your travel goals
  • Budget travel

I will contact each of you with the scheduled posting date, and I’d appreciate it if you would link back to my blog from yours when your post is published here. Also, please include a 2-sentence bio with a link to your blog and submit your final pieces by Monday morning at the latest so I have time to load & schedule everything. 

Happy Blogging!


Freelancer; reformed spendaholic; risk taker; adventure seeker; world traveler; rose smeller; debt destroyer. My mission is to inspire others to live a healthy, balanced life one cent at a time.


Call for Guest Posts!5

  1. I would love to help out but vacationing isn't my strong point. I will still try a go at it though with the dream destination topic and if I can come up with something before Monday that I like I will definitely send it your way.

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