Three more days down, three more good deeds done!
- On Tuesday, I adopted a kindergarten classroom in the Boston Public Schools. While I can’t deliver everything until after the holiday break, I’ve already purchased a veritable truckload of Kleenex, crayons, markers, fruit snacks, graham crackers, copy paper, Ziploc bags, Clorox wipes, hand sanitizer, and other assorted goodies for a teacher who’s just beginning her career. I can’t wait to drop these things off to the school’s secretary for an “anonymous” delivery to the teacher’s classroom!!
- Yesterday, I spent time at a local hospital in the pediatric wing, helping the young patients there create, decorate, and send Christmas cards to Santa and their families, teachers, and neighbors. I paid for the postage and made sure everything got dropped into the mail in time for the holiday weekend. The most amazing part of doing this was the tremendous joy those children shared and the holiday spirit they exuded despite their current state of health. This experience will stick with me for quite some time…
- Today’s mission is a work in progress as I am collecting/sending running shoes to Soles4Souls, a charity that collects & sends shoes to those who need them most around the world. As a runner for the past 19 years, I’ve accumulated quite a collection of running shoes and fellow friends who are runners, so I began collecting shoes from people at the beginning of the month. Today’s shipment included 50+ pairs of shoes that will be disseminated across the globe to those in need.
Have you done any good deeds lately?
Want to help me pay it forward? Read how here!
Here’s what’s been happening during OGB so far:
Keep up the great work! Good meeting @ WBchat
Are you having the best month ever or what? You are killing it with the giving. Just thought I would let you know, I did the "to the side" grocery pay off. That worked well. Thank you for doing this. I hope to carry this into the new year.
You.are.amazing. I'm so impressed with everything you've been doing!! It's almost as if you are energized by each event and it makes you want to do more! I need to catch a bit of this spirit!Thank you so much for sharing!!!Merry, Merry Christmas to YOU!!
@Kevin–Thank you; nice to meet you as well!@Niki–Thanks! It's been an insanely great December
I'm happy to hear that your grocery mission was a success; way to pay it forward!@Sharon–Thank you! I am definitely feeling more & more excited as the days go by. I hope you had a wonderful Christmas!
I didn't do well at this at all and I really wanted to. It's not something I am happy about but that's why I made sure to make one of my 2012 goals be one where I sign up for a charitable organization.You rocked this throughout the entire month. It makes me proud and happy. You deserve so much more than you've received thus far. It's good to know that at least you are happy. Can't ask for much more than that. You are awesome. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
What a great heart you have to help others specially for those students who need assistance. I wish that it will bring you joy and continue these good deeds.