On most Fridays, I reserve this space for my Friday Link Love posts, where I give credit to the wonderful bloggers who have written some of my favorite pieces in the past week or two. I’d like to take a detour from that path today as I’ve been thinking quite a bit about goals lately. Specifically, I’ve found myself fascinated by the various reasons we’re unable to actually reach our goals (no matter the best laid intentions we may set them with) and the excuses we give as to why we just can’t seem to make any progress.
Attack of the Bagel Sandwich
Recently I was in line (a very long line) at Dunkin Donuts, waiting to buy my BF a coffee as he gassed up outside. In front of me were two women who were lamenting their diet efforts. As one was continuing on and on about how she can’t fit into her clothes comfortably, the other was talking about a new juice fast something or other that she planned to try…next week. Then she proceeded to order a ham & cheese bagel sandwich and a large coffee frappe thing with whipped topping (I’ve never had coffee so I have no clue what she ordered…haha!).
Now don’t get me wrong, I LOVE me some bagel sandwiches. In fact, it’s my preferred breakfast before a long run. I have no idea how my system has learned to handle such a disgusting pre-run meal, but I find that I actually run better if I have my (no so little) sandwich about 30 minutes before setting out. But I digress…
Saying This But Doing That
What struck me most was the clear contradiction between the woman’s complaints about her own dieting efforts and the monster order she placed for breakfast. The monster order that honestly isn’t all that healthy.
Lest you think I’m here to pass judgement on the random strangers I encounter in the morning, I’m sharing my thoughts about this because the encounter struck a cord with me: Here was a woman who clearly wanted to change her situation, who had clear ideas of what she could do to make those changes, but who, given the opportunity, pushed those changes off in lieu of immediate gratification–with the “promise” to herself and her friend that next week would be the week she gets started.
Things that make you go Hmm….
The reality is that woman is no different than me or most other people. Sure, there are a ton of us who can set and reach smaller goals, but what about the big, life-changing ones? What about ridding yourself of debt, taking control of your financial situation, buying a home, paying for an education, etc, etc, etc? How about getting in shape, running a marathon, or at the very least getting yourself off the couch consistently? What about curbing a shopping addiction, a substance abuse problem or dealing with toxic people in your life?
Why is it so hard for us to make the big, lasting changes we know will impact our lives in a profoundly healthy way? Furthermore, why do we make so many damn excuses about why we can’t do what we so desperately want (and need) to do?!
Upon further contemplation, I’ve decided there are a few traps we easily fall into when it comes to taking action if we don’t continuously work to keep moving forward. Here are some of the excuses I’ve made (as have others) that have kept me from either meeting my goals in general or have caused me to meet them much later than ever anticipated:
I’ll Get Started Next Week…
Or next month, next year; even tomorrow. Why put off what you can do today until tomorrow? Well, it’s a hell of a lot easier to rationalize that you’ll make the effort another time when you just don’t feel like doing it today. I’ve done this multiple times. Back when I was spending my way into oblivion, I usually told myself, “Next month will be better” or “As soon as I get this job or move to that apartment, things will be easier and I’ll get back on track.” When I don’t want to exercise? “I’ll run tomorrow.”
Even typing this makes me cringe because I think about all the lost opportunities my laziness, procrastination and even fear have taken away from me. If you find yourself saying something like this, stop your train of thought immediately. It’s hard to do, but you can train yourself to do so. Then get your tail in gear with taking ACTION. Baby steps or giant leaps; it doesn’t really matter as long as you’re moving forward.
I’m Tired/Stressed/Sad/Overwhelmed
Here’s a newsflash that we all need to hear periodically: Emotions happen. Imagine that! Instead of letting them control your life, take steps to be in control. If you’re feeling stressed out and want to sleep rather than exercise, consider that exercise helps you remain cool, calm and collected when life is going ape-shit and you feel out of control.
If you’re overwhelmed by your financial situation, remember that money is just a tool and it’s up to you how you use it. No matter how bad your situation might be, there is always a way out. Granted, that way out usually involves a copious amount of hard work and dedication but if you don’t think you’re worth it, nobody else will either.
I Have No Clue What I’m Doing
Back when I was riddled with credit card debt and didn’t know my credit score from my jean size, I honestly had no clue what to do about managing my finances. I stumbled upon my way in a consumerism and materialistic-filled haze for a few years before I had a cold dose of reality. Once I identified my ignorance, I took the hard steps to learn and change. Of course it wasn’t easy to do, but I had to at least try.
If you find yourself paralyzed by fear of the unknown, ignorance or apathy, as Nike would say, Just Do It. You’ll learn as you go and you’ll be stronger than ever once the changes are permanently in place.
I’d Get More Done if This, That or Those Things Hadn’t Happened
This is one of the worst excuses on the list. If you’re making an excuse about your own inaction due to some external factor, you’re sabotaging your efforts (and yourself) before you even have a chance to get going. When we forget that life is a roller coaster filled with ups, downs, challenges and triumphs, we can easily fall prey to making excuses.
Just because you have to work late doesn’t mean you can’t fit in a 10-20 minute workout (something truly is better than nothing!). When the brakes go out in your car and you’re faced with an unexpected repair bill, you can still find a way to at least pay the minimum on your credit cards for the month (especially if you have an emergency fund!). If your friend or a family member was a jerk to you because they were in a bad mood, that doesn’t mean you should skip setting your budget for the month. Do you see where I’m going with this?
I’m Not Worth It
I’m not sure I’ve ever heard anyone actually verbalize this thought or even admit to having it. Perhaps you don’t even realize that you’re thinking this way because it’s buried deep in your subconscious. But if you’re living in a land of financial destruction, not taking care of yourself or not making any effort to fix the things in your life that need fixing, you may need to investigate your ideas of yourself.
I know that when I was younger, I had a hard time with not rooting my self worth in the things I had and what other people thought and said about me. It took a long time to develop and become the strong woman I am today, and there was a ton of self-reflection sprinkled in along the way.
If you’re seriously wondering why you can’t reach your goals or have the things in your life that you truly want, remind yourself of the following:
- You ARE worth it
- You DO deserve to be happy
- You WILL achieve your goals if you commit to them
What excuses do you make when you’re not meeting your goals? Vent it out here in the comments!
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motivating post. it's always easier to push off until tomorrow what you should be doing today (for me at least), but part of being successful and achieving goals is recognizing that you just have to, "do it". Getting started is almost always the biggest hurdle for me. Once I'm, "in it" and working on the project I'm usually motivated to finish it.
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Yes! Once you've started, it's so much easier. I procrastinate a lot, but I'm also much better than I used to be
I love this post and it's so true. I also make the same excuses but at the same time own up to them. It is hard to pass up instant gratification but the older I get the easier it has become.
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It's really true that with age comes wisdom, eh? I suffered from immediate gratification syndrome for years!
Most of these, and then some. Especially, when I don't fit in my pants
But I'm trying to learn to take small steps. I might not achieve as much as I would love to but I know I'm on the way. I believe, often people don't achieve their goals because they are not realistic in the first place. Or they don't have a plan on how they want to get there. That's what often happens with New Years resolutions – they are "wants" and not "goals". Great post, by the way 
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Small steps and easy does it is a sure-fire way to get where you want to be! And yes, plans are very important, especially when you're trying to make a gigantic change in your life.
This is a great post, thank you! I'm currently struggling between working OT and making more money vs not working OT and going to the gym. I find I just don't have the energy to do both. But me and my hubby are the classic "we'll eat better, tomorrow, next week, next month, etc" and we're both overweight. We need to change this, no more excuses!
My recent post New Budget!
You're welcome and thank you for your comment! OT, money and gym is a hard balancing act–kudos to you for making the effort to get something started!
Funny, I sometimes see the same things. People complaining, but they do nothing about it. I was brought up to take personal responsibility. There are no excuses except the lies we tell ourselves. In 99% of situations, we stop too short of the goal or give up. I have done on occasion too, but at least I knew it.
No excuses except the lies–LOVE that! I'm definitely guilty of all of this at one point or another, but I've learned from it and don't make the same mistakes now.
Great post! We are so good at self-sabotage. I don't why we do it to ourselves – probably a lack of self-worth like you noted – but we are generally the reason we fail at something. Sometimes I think whatever we want to do – get out of debt, lose weight – seems so big and overwhelming that we freeze and then give up. With our instant gratification mindset, if we can't get out of a debt within a week or lose 20 pounds in week – why bother.
My recent post Blog Round-Up: Week of April 8, 2013
Thanks, Shannon! I laughed when I read the bit about making all those changes in a week…ugh! Thanks for noting that we are the reason we fail most times–people need to remember that the next time the excuse train comes to town!
Excellent post. While sometimes it can take years to accomplish a goal, at minimum writing down things you can do immediately, things you can do over time, etc. is a huge help. I try not to make excuses and do everything I can to accomplish my goals. With that being said, you can always do more.
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Thanks, DC! You're right–you can absolutely always do more and writing things down is a great way to spur movement. Once you write, get yourself into high gear with doing it!
I love this post! It is sad to say that I fall victim to making excuses on my goals far too often. Take, for example, my blog. I have been reading PF blogs consistently since 2008. I always wanted to start a blog of my own, but I didn't get around to it until 2012. Yikes! I need to do better at following through with my goals!
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Thanks, Nick! I think we all go through periods of being a goal-meeting rockstar and then times when we're just floating along. I'm excited that you do have a blog now for me to read though
Saving this one to read again and again when I need a boost! I find it easy to point out this flaw in others, but hard to actually take action to turn myself around at times. The lovely excuse I gave myself today was, "the status quo is good enough." Hell no it's not, but I'm feeling totally unmotivated, so I will get fat one more day and work hard NEXT week
I think my excuse sometimes when it comes to money is that I AM worth it, like I deserve that extra treat my budget doesn't allow for. Anyway…again, totally saving this for when I have more days like today!
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Ahhh…yes! The "I am worth it" excuse to spend–I've been there so many times in the past!!! Thank you for noting this and thanks for the kind words–happy you enjoyed this post so much
Yes! I agree with everything here and I think the DD story you shared at the beginning of the post was very apt.
Honestly, the biggest reason I don't accomplish my goals is because I felt pressured to set a goal for the sake of doing so. That's why I have a love/hate relationship with setting monthly goals on my blog; I want to set goals when they actually come to my mind, but that often doesn't coincide with the beginning of the month. So the beginning of the month will roll around, I'll set some arbitrary goals, forget all about them…..you see where this is going.
Hahaha…yep; I'm there with you! That's why my monthly goals posts are starting to be posted at really random times of the month–as long as I'm setting it and working towards them, I no longer give a hoot about when they're "supposed" to be posted
This was a good post! I tend to tell myself that it's because of my busy schedule that I don't prepare more clean meals or squeeze in my workout when it was already on my to-do list for the day. I keep telling myself that I deserve some me time and working out is part of that kind of time. I recently got some new custom training programs made and I'm actually excited to keep up with them and measure my progress. I think I need to approach my fitness the way I approach my finances; methodically.
I agree 100% that the methodical approach works wonders for virtually any kind of goal. Small, steady steps gets you to the next level and before you know it, you're smashing your goals if you keep working hard!
But yes, busy schedules are a tough one–they wreak havoc way too easily.
For me it's always stress…when i'm stressed and tired at the end of the day, i'm at my weakest. Sometimes i'm so tired trying to get my kid in bed and everything prepped for the next day that my dinner becomes something like Trader Joe's Flourless chocolate cake…I appreciate what you wrote about exercise, but the truth is that sometimes you don't have time to yourself in a day to brush your teeth, never mind a half hour to exercise…
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I'm so happy you shared a different perspective! I don't have kids yet, so I have no clue how much sacrifice raising them entails. Something tells me I'm in for a rude awakening when that time does come around…haha!
And there's no shame in eating those cakes anytime…omg are they good
I hear these sorts of things all the time! It's almost like a joke now when someone says something about "yeah, I need to be healthier, but you can't turn down sweets!" There's always an excuse. Great thoughts here!
Thank you! It's amazing how automatic excuses become when we stop paying attention to our habits–thanks for the reminder!
It's definitely stress for me. However, part of the reason that I am stressed is because I'm a perfectionist and I'm very hard on myself.
You're definitely preaching to the choir on that one. I've had to work hard to give myself a break now & then. Even when I know it's a good thing, I still hate it because I'm always thinking about what I should be doing or what I should be working on.
But but but… True for me too. Every time my boyfriend asks if today I'll go for a run, I look at him incredulously. Like yesterday – nope, it's a Sunday, and I have things planned to fill the time. It's like I need to physc myself up to going for a run. (weirdly, I 'ran' home from a concert on Thursday night – and felt so smug as I didn't see a bus the whole time, and was thinking of all those poor people anxiously waiting to plop on a bus to the same destination!)
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Hahaha…I've totally done that before! I love passing cars and buses while running or on my bike
I have been making too many excuses lately. This post was very timely for me. I know I could accomplish everything that I want to do if I just sucked it up and went for it. I am now trying to develop the habits that get me closer to my goals.
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