When it rains, it certainly pours. The last three weeks have felt as if I’ve been living a nightmare. Just when I think things have calmed down, another wild and crazy event threatens to throw me into a tailspin. The good news? I refuse to let that happen, and I’m working hard to make some great changes.
While I have every intention of returning to my regular content on this blog, I want to take a few days/posts to process all of this through writing. I know some people may bristle at the overshares and TMI, but I’ve always been a huge fan of inspiring through sharing. At the end of the day, everyone who visits this site–whether another blogger, an advertiser or a regular reader or Google-driven visitor–is a human being.
At the root of our being is a need for connection and understanding and I hope that by writing about the shit storm I’m in the middle of, I can inspire any of you who are going through your own rough time to keep moving forward–to keep persevering no matter what life throws your way. To keep moving in the face of doubt, judgement, criticism, etc. To know that the best version of yourself is in the works so don’t give up the fight right now–whether it’s about your finances, relationships, health or really anything.
What follows is a hodge-podge of what could be viewed as depressing life updates. I’m choosing to look at each and every one of them as a learning opportunity. I’m putting in hours of agonizing work and processing to ensure that I’m moving forward in the absolute most healthy way possible. The future is big, bright and promising…
A Heart Attack at 32
Two Thursdays ago, I awoke in the middle of the night to what seemed to be an elephant sitting on my chest. I couldn’t really breathe, I couldn’t feel my left arm, and when I stood up to get out of bed, I fell over. Clearly, something wasn’t right. I dragged myself into the shower to pull myself together, and I eventually got myself to the emergency room. A long story short, the test results (EKG, chest x-ray, blood work etc) were all over the place. While I eventually stabilized, the doctor said that all signs indicated that I’d had a heart attack. Say what??
The subsequent days were a blur of doctor’s appointments, blood work, weird machines, medicines and medical jargon that flew right over my head. It culminated in my admission to the hospital last Wednesday for an ablation and removal of a blood clot (obviously, I’m not a medical professional so I’m sure I’m botching most of the explanation of things!). The surgery went really well and aside from a mild reaction to the sedation, I was free to head home the next morning.
So aside from all the mess of neighbors, boyfriends and personal issue wake-up calls, I’m now the ultra-marathon runner who needs a cardiologist. Needless to say, the doctors suspect that this all is the result of a perfect storm of conditions: An existing murmur coupled with incredible stress that literally sent my heart into overdrive.
Despite being scared and feeling quite alone, I’m committed to my recovery. There’s a lot of follow-ups and tests I’ll need, but so far things are fine. I’m thankful for everyone in this community who has been flexible with me as I needed to take time off from blogging (trust me, time off from the online world is never a good thing). My goal is to get back up to speed with everything starting this week.
Relationship Drama
Things with my ex are incredibly stressful. We’re not together, but we’re also still connected in many ways and the closure I’m craving is still nowhere to be found.
The short of it is that we had a horrendous fight in May. There was alcohol involved, neither one of us acted like ourselves and things escalated to a point that is unacceptable. My behavior that night was mortifying and like nothing I’ve ever experienced or acted like before.
Unfortunately, it was a wake up call for me that there are some things I need to deal with personally.. I realized that over the past year, I’ve developed an issue with periodically drinking my stress away (not all the time or even regularly but there have been enough random occurrences that I’d like to address any potential issue ASAP). It’s hard to admit this and not something most people would type on their blog, but I’m owning it in every way possible so that I can make the necessary, lasting changes to ensure there’s no issue moving forward.
What I’m really struggling with is that while I’ve identified the issue and am facing it head-on to fix things, I don’t know how to explain how much that one night changed me forever in a way that people can truly understand.
Anyone who reads my blog regularly knows that I’m a person who takes action–who isn’t afraid to face scary things and complete the hard work required to come out better in the end. How do you explain this to someone who can’t relate with the struggles I’ve had in my life? How do I show the progress I’m already making when I’m facing horrible rumors and terribly judgmental people? How do I explain that this change is immediate AND lasting–that these aren’t things that are going to take me years to resolve? These are some of the questions floating through my head.
Moving Forward with the Condo Sale
Amidst all of this, my condo was listed on the market on Friday. The open houses were on Saturday and Sunday and there’s been a crazy amount of interest from buyers and brokers. It turns out that my next door neighbor unexpectedly put her place on the market last week while I was dealing with the heart stuff–and it sold in FOUR days!! Of course I’m biased, but my place blows hers out of the water in terms of the renovations, upgrades and open floor plan I have. My realtor fully expects this place to go sooner than later.
While this is all great news and the potential profit stands to be at least $50,000 or more after all fees and every dime I put into the place, it leaves more questions about where I’ll move to, etc. I’m just trying to take one day at a time, and I know that things will work out in the end.
I’m considering all of my options including getting a roommate in Boston, finding a job that pays living expenses again, or even moving away entirely. As time goes on and things begin to sort themselves out, I’m sure the best solution will reveal itself. Until that time, I’m holding on for the wild ride, taking care of myself, and working my bootay off to be the best possible Jen I can be.
What’s going on in your world?
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Wow. A heart attack at any age is scary, but I'm glad to hear you're okay. Best of luck with everything.
My recent post Dilemma – Items with Sentimental Value but Serve no Other Purpose
Thank you, Tina! On the road to a great recovery–all is well so far!
First of all I'm so glad you're OK (well at least physically). You've been through so much and in a short period of time. I think you're incredibly brave to share all of this with us and in such a public forum. It would have been easy to just "ignore" all of this and keep posting "normal" stuff. I can't even imagine how scary going through all of this has been. Wishing nothing but good comes your way in the next few weeks/months!
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It's just not in my nature to hide or deny things–no matter how ugly they are. I just have to keep fighting to come out on the other side stronger, better, and more aware.
Onward and upward!!! Thank you for the support!
I’m so glad that you got to the hospital and figured out what was going on. I’ve heard all the scary statistics that women under-diagnose heart problems in themselves and often delay getting treatment when they really urgently need it.
Take care of yourself, and take all the time you need… the internet will still be here =)

Mrs. Pop @ Planting Our Pennies recently posted..Kitty PoP and The Thin Line Between Love and Hate
Mrs. Pop @ Planting Our Pennies recently posted..Kitty PoP and The Thin Line Between Love and Hate
Thank you, Mrs. Pop! I definitely knew not to mess with this when I fell over–I honestly thought it was just anxiety or stress but man was I wrong
Yikes a heart attack is incredibly scary! I've been checking in daily, as your first post a few weeks ago was cryptic, and I wanted to know if things were getting better (but sounds like they've been worse!) Emotional stuff (like relationship hiccups) can throw a spanner in the works, not to mention all the other stuff you have going on at the same time. And it's hard to sort emotional stuff out, esp when the SO might read the blog and misinterpret something etc. I'm so glad to hear you're getting the bull by the horns and sorting everything out – health, wellbeing, house/finances.
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Thanks, Sarah. I process by talking, writing–communicating so I knew it was a gamble to put this out there but it's how I feel, what I'm dealing with, and all part of what will make me the person I'll be when I come out of this on the other side. I'm devastated, scared, and stressed but I'm still smiling!
I'm so sorry Jen. All of this is so crazy! Even though we have been gchatting regularly, this post is still shocking. I hope everything gets better and your house sells super quickly.
Haha…yes, crazy indeed!! Your gchats have been immensely helpful–thank you for the continued support as I work through this mess
Wow, it sounds like you've been through a lot! I'm sorry about the situation with BF, but it's great that you've realized you need to face some challenges. Good luck with the home sale, I hope it goes quickly and at a good price!
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Thanks! Yes, it was an epic wake up call. I'm happy that I have all this awareness, but I'm so incredibly sad about the ramifications of everything. I really hope we have a second chance at a relationship–it's insane how much we have in common and how healthy and happy we were together. The physical stuff will take care of itself because I'm taking care of me. Now I just have to be patient as things work themselves out.
A lot of admissions in this post. I applaud you for not only being so open about everything, but taking the high road and staying positive. I'm sure you have your moments of negativity, as we all do, but I can see from your writing that you really are a positive person and whenever you have a setback, you do your best to learn and grow from it. Keep up that attitude and everything is going to work out for you in the end….it may not be what you expect, but it will all work out in the end.
My recent post Positive Life Quotes – June 16, 2013
Thank you so much! I definitely consider myself someone who's quite optimistic and very resilient–I have had a slew of emotional days, but I'm gaining awareness with each new day that helps me smooth it all out.
I share to inspire–I hope others who are going through their own hard time can see the light in their own tunnel!!
I'm so sorry to hear things in your life have been upside down and the heart attack scare I can't even begin to imagine but I'm sure it's a sign to get back into the person you used to be. Life throws us curve balls and although no one can experience your personal pain, your inner most thoughts and the love you have for all those that matter it's up to you to make your world a better place. I believe in what's meant to be, is meant to be so let the cards fall as they may and you hold your head up high and live life to the fullest. You're a brilliant person, you know that.
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Thank you, Mr. CBB. Head held high indeed. I really can't shake that I've been given a second lease on life and that the best is yet to come. Dealing with this is hard but it's making me so much stronger and more able to continue with grace and dignity. Onward and upward–I'm learning each and every day!
Oh goodness! I'm so sorry for all that you're going through! I hope that your BF makes his way home. In the meantime, you're smart to just work on your own issues and become stronger.
Thanks, Holly–I hope so, too! It's incredible how much I miss him. Only time will tell but I'm so hopeful
Such a brave lady!! Thank god you are safe now. I can understand your feeling towards your BF but you are a such a strong lady who will handle all the situation alone. All the very best dear..Always be happy & stay blessed.
Thank you, Ashley!! I appreciate the support–I just have to keep moving forward and work to make the necessary changes. I'm proud and happy as much as I'm terrified and humbled…haha
So sorry to hear about this. I hope you feel better soon and that you are able to find peace again. This flat out blows
My recent post
I refuse to let these things destroy me, so I'm optimistic that I'm learning an incredible amount and gaining crucial awareness that will only mean great things are ahead of me. That being said, you're absolutely correct—this SUCKS!!!
I'm so sorry to read all that you've been through, especially with the heart attack – how scary! I'm glad you're doing okay health-wise. Thank you, as well, for sharing some deeply personal stuff with your relationship – this seems like a really rough patch for you, but your optimism and drive to become a better you is definitely apparent. I hope it all works out for you.
My recent post Link Love, Ladies’ Night Edition
Thank you! I have no choice but to keep moving forward–personal failure has never been an option for me. I can't control what others think, say, or do, but I can absolutely control how I build the next steps for my future
Oh my goodness! A heart attack at your young age is positively frightening. I'm so glad you were able to get help quickly and that you are going to be okay. On top of everything else this has clearly got to be such a rough time in your life. They say when it rains it pours but I really hope that all of your terrible luck is on it's way out starting with a nice profit on your condo sale. Hang in there!! I hope things get better really soon. I don't think this is TMI at all. I like to see personality even in people who are niche bloggers ie: Fashion, Finance. You are human after all and this is your blog.
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Thanks, Cece! Yes, this is a terribly tough time but I'm happy to have the wake up call I've needed to get things back on track. I'm devastated over the potential price of said wake up call, but all I can do now is hold onto that hope while I make the changes that need to be made.
Wow, a heart attack is scary but I'm so glad to hear your recovery is going smoothly. I really hope the BF comes to his senses sooner than later but even if he doesn't – you gotta get better for yourself first
if it was meant to be, it will happen! Good luck with the condo sale!
My recent post Dining Out Temptations in a New City
I hope so, too!!! There are a lot of us in that boat. But yes, the recovery for me is for ME–regardless of any outcome with the relationship, I can find some peace in knowing that I'll never have to face something like this again because permanent changes are in the works. Thanks for your support!
Thank goodness you are ok! I can imagine the scare you went through, especially when you had to arrange the ER trip all by yourself. Great job on admitting your problems, I hope you can fix them now that you know they exist.
Absolutely! I don't see myself ever drinking again honestly. This is too scary to even think it would ever be worth it. And if I ever do, it would be a long time from now when I'm 100% with proper coping mechanisms, etc for stress. It's amazing how much awareness has washed over me in the past 3 weeks…
Yikes! I hope everything resolves itself in your life, those rough patches are no fun.
My recent post Blog Roundup #17 and a Guest Post on Career Avoidance
Thank you, Nick! Onward and upward in the best possible way
Oh, honey! Wishing the best for you. Wow! What a frightening experience you have had. I'm an old guy, but I really do think that a lot of heart attacks come (literally) from broken hearts. When I was your age I had a female friend who was a cop. Her husband was an ass and he broke her heart. This woman was in incredibly great physical condition, but she too had a heart attack when she was your age. She is now thriving and many, many years past that event. Here's wishing you all the best – healing, love, support and continued courage – you go girl! Never think for one nano-second that you're doing this all on your own. You've got a whole WORLD out here who's pulling for you. You're gonna be fine. Not saying it's going to be easy, but you are going to be fine. God bless.
Jim, thank you so much for your kind words. I've struggled a lot with feeling alone lately, but I'm determined to come out of this stronger and better than ever before. I'll most likely be re-reading your comment when the tough days are upon me. Good days, bad days; they're all part of the process
Wow. I really hope this health scare was a one-off and you don’t experience it again. Trust me when I say I’ve lived through my share of SHIT STORMS. It make not make sense now, but everything happens for a reason. Maybe the mem day weekend fight had to happen in order to wake you up and start to improve your life? I really hope for you that everything works out in all aspects of you life. Take care of yourself

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Catherine recently posted..How Our Vacation Planning Has Changed With a Baby
Thank you! Yes, it was the wake up call I needed. It's amazing how I've been in such a fog for the past year in terms of how I adapted those terrible coping mechanisms. While it was all fun and games for a while, crashing back down to reality is a great thing. I'm committed to fully processing and learning from all of this. Hard work but totally worth it!
I really feel sad to you. I remember my father passed away on May 14 due to heart attack also. The bad things is that my mother is not with him, because my mother is out of town for medication.
Heart attack is really scary and unpredictable disease, even though you do regular exercise like my father it will come untimely.
You should take care your health and always be free from stress life.
My recent post Family Average Living Expenses and Our Future Plans
I'm so sorry to hear about your Father! You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers–I hope everyone is able to move on in a positive way.
Working on the positive changes for stress management
OMG I'm so sorry for everything that's happening. I'll cut to the chase…you are fucking awesome that you are a) brave enough to share your story, and b) awesome that you are facing your fears and issues head on and taking 100% responsibility and are on the course to making changes. Be kind to yourself during this time, and know you have a lot of us out there who fully support you and your journey. Everyone has bumps in the road…some major, some minor…you are not alone!
My recent post Random Thoughts about “Coming Home”
Thank you, Tonya. I don't understand any of this and I'm beyond devastated about how he's turned the cold shoulder on me but I know that I'm going to have such a bright future that I can get through this. One day at a time right now. Lots of ups and downs but hoping that the positive changes I make start to have an effect ASAP. Major bumps, indeed. I hope all is well with you!!!
Holy crap! You and I are the same age, and you already had a heart attack! That's crazy! The men on my side of the family are very prone to them, so I have to be careful with myself and make sure I stay fit. I hope you get better!
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I've run 35 marathons–it's not about fitness!!! But yes, always taking care of you is key. My issue is dealing with stress, but I have some great ideas for moving forward that are already in place.
Stress is a huge killer! It's good that you are able to vent through writing. Keep your head up and I wish you the best!
My recent post How To Fix Bad Credit Scores
Thank you!! Venting certainly helps..
JESUS. just…good lord.
My recent post Why I Always Pay On the First Date
Oh Jen, I am sorry for all the crazy things going on in your life right now. And I am glad that you're recuperating okay from your heart attack, which still boggles my mind. Get yourself well and whole again and that will be the best proof to your ex that you've made permanent changes. Thinking of you and take care of yourself!
My recent post Don’t Let Fear Prevent You From Talking about Debt
WOW, Jen – you've been through the ringer!!! So glad you are on the road to recovery, and that you've got great people surrounding you. You probably already know that you've got a plethora of PF blogging friends who are totally here for you, so I hope you can take some comfort in that too. Sending many good thoughts and prayers your way, Jen.
Just keep doing the next right thing and things will eventually work out. It might not be easy but it sounds like you have a good attitude and you are willing to see where changes need to be made. I wish you the best as you move forward!
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So glad you are okay! Feel better!
Oh wow! That's a helluva couples weeks you've had. You sound like a very strong and positive person which is so important for going through difficult times! Hang in there and everything will eventually work itself out! Sending you many positive thoughts and warm fuzzy feelings.
Oh my gosh! I'm so glad to hear you're okay, but that is so scary. I'm keeping you in my thoughts as you go through all of this!
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