I’m Headed to Assist with Philippines Disaster Relief Efforts!


A poignant reminder that this disaster impacts everyone–taken in the exact area where I’m headed to…

Two weeks ago, I wrote about a post challenging readers to step outside their comfort zones when it comes to volunteering your time and money.

I hoped to inspire you to critically examine the areas in your life where you can make changes in order to fell richer with the time and money you already have. A bit of a blessing inventory, taking stock of what you do have (rather than harping about what you don’t) can have a profound effect on your overall quality of life as well as your ability to positively influence the lives of the people around you.

In that post, I also mentioned how I’d submitted an application to aid in Philippines disaster relief efforts.

Assisting with Philippines Disaster Relief Efforts

I’m elated/over the moon/beyond excited to say that I’m officially headed there! In fact, I’ll be on a plane to Cebu before the holiday weekend is even over.

If you ask me, it’s a hell of a way to spend a turkey day!

While I’m not 100% certain of all of the specifics (it’s going to truly be an adventure), I know that I’m responsible for getting over there and navigating myself to the group’s location (I’m working with the non-profit All Hands). Once there, I’ll meet everyone and get right to work.

Dirty Work for an Amazing Cause

And work it will be. We’re tasked with deconstructing damaged homes, salvaging what’s still useful, and re-building new homes for people who have pretty much lost everything.

We’ll work in the heat, the humidity; the rain and the mud. It’s safe to say that whatever I take with me will be destroyed and I will have mud under my nails and in my ears for weeks to come. I couldn’t be more.freaking.excited.

It’s always been a dream of mine to assist in international disaster relief efforts and as someone without any sort of medical or specialized training, my options have been somewhat limited to join forces with the wonderful organizations that are on the front lines of disasters around the world.

This all changes the moment I board that plane.

Building Hope

More than new homes, we’re building hope.

A large part of the culture is rooted in faith, so the existing efforts have been focused on re-building or setting up temporary places for people to pray. Now, the new wave of us coming in will be able to lend an even more personal touch as we help everyone from individual families to entire communities once again have a place to call home.

A roof over their head. A roof over your head–sounds so simple, right? If you can, imagine that being stripped away from you. Imagine having nothing but whatever shirt was on your back as you fled to safety. Talk about demoralizing–especially when you return “home” to find nothing but a muddy pile of rubble.

So we’re going to make a difference. Nail by nail, board by board, we’re building hope for people who need it most. We’re showing that it’s possible to make a difference and to find the positives in life no matter the circumstances you’re faced with.

Building hope indeed. :)

Paying it Forward

While I can’t fathom living their reality, I hope to pay it forward in every way possible while I’m there. I know that I’ll be gaining far more than what I’m able to give in terms of how this experience will change my life.

Being on the forefront; being at the site of destruction–and being in the thick of it. I can’t see how something like this wouldn’t have an impact, and I’m already looking forward to sharing the experience with all of you!

Happy Thanksgiving, Everyone!


Freelancer; reformed spendaholic; risk taker; adventure seeker; world traveler; rose smeller; debt destroyer. My mission is to inspire others to live a healthy, balanced life one cent at a time.

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I’m Headed to Assist with Philippines Disaster Relief Efforts!17 Commentshttp%3A%2F%2Fwww.thehappyhomeowner.net%2F2013%2F11%2Fphilippines-disaster-relief-efforts.htmlI%27m+Headed+to+Assist+with+Philippines+Disaster+Relief+Efforts%212013-11-27+19%3A41%3A30Jenhttp%3A%2F%2Fwww.thehappyhomeowner.net%2F%3Fp%3D3750

    • They've specifically asked us not to, but we do have to bring our own gloves, safety goggles, work boots, etc.

      • That's understandable. NPR recently interviewed someone who was on the ground in South Asia after the tsunami, and he was saying that the in-kind donations created more problems than they solved. I wonder if there's something small you could bring to give to people just as a token gift that they might like? In the Peace Corps, I packed little American flags to give to people I met there and they liked them.
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  1. That's so cool! I have family in the Philippines (though they were unaffected) and your post really humbled me. Thank you, sincerely, for dropping everything and going over to help.
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  2. This is fantastic. I can't wait to read about your experience. I spend two months performing in the Philippines back in 2008, the people there were so kind and generous, I'm so glad people like you will be out there to give back to them.
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