Why I Told My Budget to Shove It

I told my budget to shove it For the past 8 years, I’ve taken immense pride in my weekly “appointments” with my Excel workbook. Ever the budgeting nerd, I’ve spent countless hours crunching numbers, creating graphs and pie charts, and running various macros and formulas.

I’ve created hundreds of tabs, run countless what-if scenarios, and have tracked everything from my debt totals and retirement account balances to my net worth and mortgage payoff efforts.

My prize for all of that hard work?

A pretty well-balanced budget that has allowed me to pay off my credit card debt in less than a year, understand my spending habits, and manage my money as a freelancer. More than a means to track what’s coming in and going out, my budget has been a rock-solid tool that had aided my quest for financial freedom.

A Budget Turning Point

Yesterday, I told my beloved budget to shove it.

That’s right, the very budget that I’ve spent the past 8+ years perfecting has officially been thrown out the window. And for good reason…

As I was working through the various numbers and tallying my various expenditures, I realized that I’m not using my budget as I once did. Whereas before I was constantly aware of each line item’s specifics, I now find myself using a more generalized approach to budgeting and meeting my financial goals.

I no longer find myself in the depths of the dark side of budgeting, but I’m also not completely abandoning all of the things I’ve learned as I’ve cleaned up my financial life over the years. As I once did before, I’ve decided that a break from budgeting is in the cards and this time, it’s permanent.

The Birth of a Spending Plan

Before anyone thinks I’ve flown the coop and will soon be drowning in debt after I fritter away the $100K profit I made from selling my condo, there is a personal finance-friendly alternative in the works.

From now on, the worksheets I produce in my Excel books will be geared more towards creating a fluid, sustainable spending plan for each month. After all, my fixed expenses such as rent, car insurance, and utilities don’t change from month to month (we’re on a fixed payment plan for our heating bills and the electric fluctuates only a few dollars at most). My retirement and long-term savings contributions are auto-debited each month so those don’t change either.

The only piece of the puzzle that’s left after all of this is my discretionary spending. At this point in my life, these are the only line items that change from month to month which is why utilizing a spending plan makes much more sense than balancing a budget does.

Make a Spending Plan Work for You

A spending plan isn’t simply a fancier way to refer to your budget. It’s the idea that if you concentrate your efforts on managing your discretionary spending well, you can fit a lot more into your monthly spending without going overboard.

When used correctly, a spending plan helps you make good decisions about where your money is going so that you’re able to more freely purchase the things, vacations, and experiences you covet most. It’s an ever-changing entity that affords you the freedom of choice in any given month.

A World of Possibilities

If you’re interested in creating your own spending plan, it’s quite simple: Focus your attention on what you’re spending as well as what you’re saving. Obviously these totals should never be in excess of what you earn, but if you’re focused less on balancing line items and more on creatively managing your spending, you’ll find that a world of possibilities opens up.

With a spending plan, it’s far easier to readjust one category to account for a greater amount being spent in a different area. It’s also easier to see where you need to cut back on frivolous purchases and how you can fit in other things you’d rather have more. You can literally plan as you go instead of feeling locked into a budget that was created weeks or months prior.

In essence, it’s a win-win in terms of getting a handle on your money and making it work better for you. In my book, this is always a winning equation for how to manage your money well.

Would you tell your budget to shove it?




Freelancer; reformed spendaholic; risk taker; adventure seeker; world traveler; rose smeller; debt destroyer. My mission is to inspire others to live a healthy, balanced life one cent at a time.


Why I Told My Budget to Shove It30 Commentshttp%3A%2F%2Fwww.thehappyhomeowner.net%2F2013%2F11%2Ftold-budget-shove.htmlWhy+I+Told+My+Budget+to+Shove+It2013-11-07+03%3A55%3A09Jenhttp%3A%2F%2Fwww.thehappyhomeowner.net%2F%3Fp%3D3567

  1. I hope that day comes, but for now, I think it's important my new frugal mind and I keep calling it a budget, and embracing it. :)

    • Absolutely! No disrespect to the budget–it's served me well. It's just time for the next phase of my financial journey :)

  2. I can understand getting rid of the hassle of a budget if you're fairly set in your routine. For me, as a single income household of 4, our budget is absolutely necessary. Good luck with the new course!

    Have you thought about using something like Mint or YNAB to automatically download and categorize your transactions, so that at least you'd be able to see trends in hindsight? Sound like it would be less work for you still.
    My recent post Financial Lessons I Remember Learning From My Dad

    • I've definitely considered it but the piece I still enjoy is tracking every penny I spend. I have my own version of those fancy graphs and charts and by this point, it might take me 10 minutes to populate everything. Me = super nerd :)

  3. I don't think we're ready to throw our budget out the window, but now that we're on spending lockdown, our budget really doesn't dictate our spending too much. All it does for us now is tell us when to stop spending — and that's only a problem with our groceries. After years of budgeting and not spending to our budgeting limit, I think we could tell our budget to shove it. But not quite yet!
    My recent post November 2013: Baring my Finances

    • You've got the right idea! This is exactly what my evolution of the "budget" has been. I know you'll rock your goals but good luck!

    • Yes! I'm looking for ways to stay consistent but to save time as well. I like how you mention the not going over and saving 'x'–both are crucial components to maintaining your finances in a healthy way.

  4. I personally threw out my budget a while ago…. Infact I can't say that I ever really had one I followed or stuck to and for that matter.. one that I ever followed up with to verify if I even stayed within my budget.

    I developed a spend plan so to speak of so I had a rough idea of where all my money was going and more so to ensure that my monthly income exceeded my monthly outcome so that my cashflow was balanced.

    I have priority on all my retirement savings, 401K, IRA, individual Brokerage accounts, and Savings vehicles for major purchases, (Cars, vacations, home repair)

    Then I factor in all my other expenditures: Mortgage, Electric, Water, Cable, Gas, insurance(house/car) gifts, Gym membership, workout clothes, race fees and expenses, cellular, fuel) With all my income and expenses factored in I have a typical positive cash flow of $95 a month.

    I monitor my bank account every few months and can notice the difference if I have excess cash in my account or if I've been spending more on misc./other stuff and I regulate my personal spend based on that.

    In 5 years, I have only had a couple of close calls balancing my spending. I relate that to getting started and trying to figure out my monthly expenses and the fluctuations. Now I'm much better at that and have a bigger cash cushion so it hasn't been an issue in a few years.

    • This is excellent and exactly the type of system I'm working towards having!! Thanks for sharing so many details; I love it :)

      • I failed to mention…. How fortunate and grateful I am to have had the discipline to create this plan and stick to it… Even where there have been so many times I wanted to do many other things that were far beyond what my budget could support at the time…

        I chose to stick to my plan and NOT leverage myself on credit just to have a little fun or instant gratification on getting something…

        Having a steady career job has also made this possible but that did not come without hard work and discipline. However, just recently finishing Grad school.. I'd currently trying to decide on my next big life move..

        • Fantastic! It's important to not only establish that resolve, but to also maintain it. It's pretty liberating when you realize that your hard work is paying off

  5. I think that makes a lot of sense if you definitely know you have more coming in than going out, but that's not my situation unfortunately. Man I wish it was. lol! So right now I have to be strict with my "budget," although I can still call it a spending plan since a couple of things are flexible each month. But congrats on getting to that point! It must be very freeing!
    My recent post The Debt Payoff Hangover

  6. I like this idea. I'm always struggling to fit my spending into neat budget categories, yet I consistantly spend less than I make (even with savings and debt repayments – house renos). I feel like if I pay my bills, debt, and save whatever is left over is mine to spend and whether I spend it all on groceries or clothes, that's up to me and not the budget. Good post!
    My recent post I Probably Shouldn’t Be a PF Blogger

    • Good for you! That's awesome that you're able to fit everything in and still have more leftover each month. It is important to treat yourself from time to time to keep the motivation high :)

  7. I like the idea of a spending plan but we are still likely going to be married to the budget for a while. That said, I am fine shifting money from one line item to another as long as it's within the same overall category of spending (e.g. – $100 from restaurants to go to clothing). We just try to stay rigid in terms of not moving savings dollars to spending…
    My recent post Government Assistance and Backwards Incentives

    • Yes! I love how you mentioned not moving the savings to the spending—that's key in being able to kick the budget to the curb in lieu of a more flexible spending plan. Sounds like you have a great handle on things!

  8. This is pretty much what I do. I've never had a budget so to speak – I just track my spending, which I try not to do a lot of. Since my focus is on paying off my student loans, I've been trying to stick to the basics (groceries and other bills, and rent) and eating out once in a while as a treat. If birthdays or special events occur, I shift my spending around.

    • Definitely–being flexible with your plan in lieu of special events like birthdays and anniversaries is important. They don't happen all the time but if these kinds of events aren't planned for, it can definitely throw a wrench into the best-laid plan. Keeping a buffer helps protect against the inevitable!

  9. yes yes yes! This is why I hated budgeting. I can no longer control my fixed costs so why have a category for mortgage?
    My recent post

  10. I love my budget (and tracking my spending), and I can't see myself changing.
    My recent post

    • That's great! I wouldn't advocate changing anything if you love it and it's still working for you :)

  11. At the moment I certainly don't have the luxury of telling my budget to shove it. Am still trying to master the basics of living a more financially responsible life, however restrictive it might be, it has helped me achieve a number of milestones and gain more discipline.
    At one point though when am more stabilized, I'd be delighted to shift to a spending plan or something!
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