When I began this blog, it was merely a way for me to stay accountable with my money; a hobby that was more spending diary than anything else.
Quite frankly, I didn’t have much of a clue about what I was doing, as evidenced by having my roots on (non-self hosted) Blogger and choosing a name that had nothing to do with money or personal finance.
Cluelessly undeterred, I continued to read blogs, publish posts, and comment on the posts that others were writing.
A “Real” Blog is Born
As I began to pump out more posts, something pretty amazing happened: I began to connect with other bloggers, and I realized that people were actually reading what I wrote. Better yet, they were commenting on my posts. And sharing them. And linking to me!
In a surreal blur of emails, tweets, and Gchats, I began to sense that I could be onto something. Mind you, nothing Earth-shattering, but something that I could grow into; something that I could grow with.
Something that I could be proud of because it remains rooted in my authentic, down-to-Earth style–there’s no SEO magic or inflated income reports and cryptic “How-To” posts (that never seem to actually include what to do) developed strictly to drive traffic. Everything I write about here is published because I’m interested in it, it applies to my life in some way, and it’s purpose-driven content created to teach and inspire readers to strive to reach their goals and live a life they’re proud of as well.
A Proud Mama Bear
Two years after that first realization that I had some traction with this site, I stand here proud of what The Happy Homeowner has become. More than a place to read about the various aspects of managing your money well, this blog has grown to include many aspects of life: The good, the bad, and the ugly.
Yes, I over-share sometimes. Yes, I sometimes slow down my posting frequency because life happens (or I’m paying well-deserved attention to my freelance work). Yes, I test things and abandon them if they aren’t working for whatever reason. It’s a constant flow; up and down–sometimes all around. Those of you who have been along for the ride since the beginning know what I’m talking about!
And no matter the media mentions or subsequent spikes in traffic I receive, no matter the advertising dollars or affiliate income flowing in each month, I still write with two purposes: To inspire and to educate. I hope you’ll learn from my mistakes, be inspired to chase your dreams, and leave with some sort of takeaway.
The Intersection of Money and Life
So as I move into yet another chapter of life as The Happy Homeowner (sans home…haha), I will be transitioning the site into more of a lifestyle blog. With this has come some big architectural changes: The addition of a ‘lifestyle’ tab, more of a focus on fitness and cars and travel and all of the various hobbies and interests I have.
Perhaps the ultimate experiment as I have no idea what kind of impact these changes will have on my readership, traffic, and trajectory as a blogger, I’m excited to move into the next chapter. I can promise plenty of personal finance content but it will now be infused throughout posts that focus more on living a completely healthy, happy, and balanced life.
After all, life is a hell of a lot more than just money so why should I stop there?
Moving forward, what type of content would you like to read here?
Latest posts by Jen (see all)
- How to Choose the Best Internet Connection - January 31, 2014
- Choosing the Right Life Insurance Policy - January 24, 2014
- Peace of Mind with Various Insurance Plans - January 24, 2014
More on travel, please.
I always enjoy reading travel posts incorporated with the money aspect. I am also a huge fan of home decor, so tips on how to furnish a place that looks great (I'm talking Apartment Therapy Small Cool Contest great) on a budget would be awesome.
My recent post Adding one more grad school to the mix
Absolutely! I'm finally going through all of my photos from my trip around the world, and I have oodles of posts on that alone! I'll definitely highlight the cost/money aspects as well. And home decor runs deep in my blood, so that will always be a standing part of whatever site/blog I'm building. So much to write about now that I'm not strictly "PF!"
I always enjoy posts on love and relationships from a woman’s POV. Thx!

Financial Samurai recently posted..Personal Capital Review – New Investment Features And A Meeting With The CEO
Financial Samurai recently posted..Personal Capital Review – New Investment Features And A Meeting With The CEO
Great! I've added a whole "love and money" section, so those will be in the mix, too
Congrats on sticking with the blogging thing and turning it into something you can be proud of. I look forward to following along as it grows and changes. I'm definitely interested in reading more about you. Lifestyle!! Honestly, I only follow a few personal finance bloggers because after a while they all really start to look alike. I tend to really like the ones that infuse more of their personal experiences into the content. I can only read about interest rates and things you should know when you buy a home so many times ya know!!
My recent post Dance Your Heart Out
Haha…I know what you mean about interest rates and the like…bo-ooo—oo—rrrrriiiiinnnng Zzzzzz…
Thank you! I am very excited about the next chapter. Bigger and better but organically
My recent post The Intersection of Money and Life: The Evolution of The Happy Homeowner
You know I just enjoy reading about people's journeys in general. Sometimes that includes personal finance, sometimes it doesn't I know it's taboo to go off subject if you are really, really taking your blog seriously, so I guess you have to ask yourself that question, and it sounds like you have answered it. I'll always be a faithful reader!
My recent post A Peek Inside the Writer’s Room: Life in the Parenthood
Yay, thank you! And me of yours–even if I stink at commenting all the time
I want the freedom to go off-topic whenever, so I think a more general theme works for me, even if the critics would disagree. I've always taken the scenic route in most things in my life anyway so why would this be any different?! hehehe….
My recent post The Intersection of Money and Life: The Evolution of The Happy Homeowner
You're an inspiration to me because you write about what matters to you – you've shown me it is possible to grow into a large, well-read blog without trying to publish content just because it's SEO friendly or has a catchy title but no real substance. With that being said, I want to see content that you want to write
My recent post Twenty Things Twenty-Somethings Should Know About Money
Wow, thank you so much for the kind words! I just buck the "should do" and stick with what works for me, even if it seems like it's not working for the experts out there. Organic and authentic is the only kind of following I want with this site!
My recent post The Intersection of Money and Life: The Evolution of The Happy Homeowner
I would love to see more travel related posts! That's something that I can never get tired of
Haha…same here! I'm about to unleash a beast of posts from my trip.
My recent post The Intersection of Money and Life: The Evolution of The Happy Homeowner
You can't totally separate money from life anyway, so I think the new trajectory is a good one. Best of luck to you!
My recent post Curb Impulse Buying By Giving Yourself A Challenge
Thank you! And yes, so true! At the very least, it will be a very interesting experiment.
My recent post The Intersection of Money and Life: The Evolution of The Happy Homeowner
Some of my favorite posts from you had nothing to do with personal finance.
To be honest, 60% of the posts on my blog have nothing to do with personal finances either. You just gotta be you! I will read no matter what.
My recent post You Know You’re A Debt Blogger When…
My recent post The Intersection of Money and Life: The Evolution of The Happy Homeowner
First time here but I always love personal stories of struggle being overcome. We all have our low points and seeing similar experiences is something I like to read about.
My recent post You only have how much for retirement?
Welcome! I have plenty of those…haha. I'll always share my mess in hopes of helping/inspiring others.
My recent post The Intersection of Money and Life: The Evolution of The Happy Homeowner
I like reading whatver is on peoples minds. I like relating (though will likely never relate to your 100k problem ; )) your honesty is why your blog is one of my favs. Keep doing what you’re doing is enough for me!

catherine recently posted..So You’ve Saved Up For Something, Now What?
catherine recently posted..So You’ve Saved Up For Something, Now What?
Thank you! The $100K problem is a surreal one for me–still can't believe it.
My recent post The Intersection of Money and Life: The Evolution of The Happy Homeowner
I'm with Well Heeled – I love posts about travel and home decor, both which I can relate to!
Great! Those are two of my favorite topics, so it's about time I highlight them here
My recent post The Intersection of Money and Life: The Evolution of The Happy Homeowner
Fantastic, Jen! I'm a newbie here, but I think the topics you covered sound good. And I love anything personal finance-related so I don't mind that either
I'm always so pleased when I see blogs evolve and grow and add years to their history. It's a sign of perseverance!
My recent post Why you need to follow through with consequences (and how to actually do it)
Welcome, Nina! Here's to the next chapter!
I know I don't comment a lot, but I mostly read your blog for your story! I don't always relate to it, but I love reading other people's stories. So I'll keep reading no matter what you're writing about, so long as it's you writing and you're writing from the heart.
My recent post Two Year Mortgage Pay-off Plan
Absolutely! Authentically Jen, that's for sure…it sometimes is a mess but c'est la vie, right?
I've enjoyed reading your blog for at least a year now. I love following a bloggers journey through life, whether it's travel, debt, home ownership, or family. If the writer is good and relate-able, I'll stick around – and you've got this. I look forward to the transition. Oh and this line made me smile "inflated income reports and cryptic “How-To” posts (that never seem to actually include what to do) " – love, love, love that another blogger acknowledges that those posts exist….they drive me insane!
My recent post Could You Live on Minimum Wage?
Hahaha…same here! I've stopped commenting on a few of those types of blogs–I can't imagine ever writing just to entice traffic. While I get it that it's part of the equation for those only wanting to make money from blogging, it just seems so fake and so BORING to me!
This. YES. I kept nodding my head reading this post.
My recent post
Really? Travelling/home decor? Please – I'm so not interested in those (Ok, I am a little, but I've got much more pressing issues on my mind. For instance, what do we do now that our son (youngest) just lost his full ride scholarship to law school due to medical problems? He's 1/2 way across the country – with $25K in student loan debt (to date – and that will only increase) and we're trying to get our retirement fully funded. Spouse was just diagnosed with a serious illness which means that 75% of our income is going to disappear when she can no longer work (tic toc).
Jim, I'm so sorry to hear this! Keep plugging away–things always work themselves out; I know this from experience! Perhaps your son could look into some of the options I used to keep my student loan debt at a minimum? A good place to start is my $500 masters post: https://thehappyhomeowner.net/2012/02/how-i-ob…
Also, I'll never fully lose the PF flair as I'm interested in money and finance and how it relates to life. There will be plenty of money posts, just a wee bit of fun extras along the way!
Congrats Jen. I've found my site evolving even in the last few months. I think as we evolve as people and in our lives, we need to reflect that experience in our work to stay relevant and true. Looking forward to your future posts.
My recent post Lunatik Athletiks Performance Compression Sock Review and GIVEAWAY!!!
YES!!! That's exactly how I'm feeling. Good luck to you in your new chapter as well; I'll be there reading along!
I'm always interested in peoples freelance pursuits and how they achieve their goals and how their side business operates.
P.S. – Love the mini bio especially the "Debt Destroyer" That's my favorite kind of people!
My recent post Easy Ways To Cut Your Electric Bill In Half
Excellent! I'll be sure to add more of that to the mix, too.
Debt destroyer all the way!!!
Your post is making me realize how little I actually write about personal finance. I'm cool with it…I figure you ought to write about the things you think the readers will think is interesting or useful.
Good luck with the next phase!
My recent post They Want to Help You…
Thank you! And yes, it's funny how we sometimes tend to stray from the PF-only content!
I also have been moving in the "lifestyle" direction. Personal Finance is all about lifestyle – improving it, changing it, and funding it. I would like to see more posts about how to travel on a budget. I think lots of people think they know how to save money travelling but struggle when it comes down to actually saving money on their travel expenses.
My recent post How to Prepare Your House for Winter
Perfect–those are at the top of my list
Good for you Jen! I look at how I started my site and I don't write about frugality at all, lol. I think change and adding in other areas are great – especially since they're things you enjoy and are important to you.
As far as what I'd like to see, I'll join the chorus of travel. Of course, it'll have to be living vicariously through you since we don't get to do much of it these days. 
Thanks, John! Yes, yes…tons of travel posts. I was going to work on building up my secret travel blog, but I think I'm just going to move all that content here
Looking forward to see what sort of lifestyle posts you will have. I find that my writing often jumps around a lot from the technical side of personal finance to things like my latest post on how rough living was when everyone used outhouses and outdoor wells. I guess you could say I am an eclectic writer. Good luck with your changes.
My recent post I’m Glad I Live Now
Thanks, Bryce! I like the idea of being an eclectic writer–I suppose I am the same!