Anyone who knows me knows that I love to run. And I mean LOVE to run.
To date, I’ve run one 50-mile ultra-marathon, 36 regular marathons, and too many half marathons, 10Ks, 5Ks, etc. to keep count of.
I joke that it’s really the only thing I’m coordinated enough to do seeing as how anytime there is some type of sporting equipment thrown into the mix, the results are often hilarious yet disastrous. Let’s just say nobody is willingly going to choose me to be on their softball team…unless they don’t mind if I’m napping or searching for four-leaf clovers in the outfield while the game is being played!
Now that I’m officially training again for my 37th and 38th marathons (which happen to fall on back-to-back weekends in January…eek!), I’ve found myself wondering just how much more torture, I mean, fun (!!) my body will endure before it systematically begins to fight back.
After all, I’m no spring chicken anymore. It’s high-time I begin to be smarter about my training plans and recovery times.
Finding Wisdom During My Long Run
While out on a run recently, I was chatting with my friend about how much training we should actually be doing for our races in January (she is joining me for the second marathon–both are part of endurance race weekends which I’ll be posting about next week).
While we both know that we need to finally adhere to some sort of training scheduled as opposed to our past habits of just running whenever we felt like it, we agreed that there’s no need to over do it in the training department.
Is There Such a Thing as too Much Exercise?
There’s been a lot of speculation in the media and medical community lately about the perceived benefits of distance running. While it’s widely accepted that moderate, regular running leads to a host of health benefits such as lower blood pressure, reduced stress/anxiety levels, improved bone health, etc., studies are showing that too much intense exercise can actually have a detrimental impact on heart health.
As someone who has survived a heart scare, I am not about to jeopardize my health for a few more medals to be thrown into the shoe boxes under my bed. True, I might have laughed off any idea of young, fit runners having heart attacks a mere year ago, but after this past summer, I’m willing to put my money on the idea that moderate training trumps the intense stuff when talking about the long-term picture of health and wellness.
Changing My Running Ways–Sort of
I’m a changed woman! A distance runner who has learned that there are limits! Piss, I can’t run 15 miles every day for the rest of my life!
That being said, there will still be weekly workouts that are difficult. There will still be cross training that will kick my booty. And there will be plenty of sore muscles in the mix.
The difference is that these intense workouts will be limited in number and will be followed by ample rest and recovery efforts. Stretching, ice baths, foam rolling, yoga, and acupuncture are already paving my way to a healthy and balanced training regimen. I’m also focused on getting enough sleep (at least 8 hours each night, baby!), eating well, and listening to my body.
A Training Plan that Allows for Life to Happen
Overall, my training is scheduled yet flexible. My friend and I have agreed to the following structure for our running days:
- Sunday: Long run (started with 10 miles last week and will be adding 2 each subsequent week)
- Tuesday: Easy 4-7 miler depending on how we feel
- Thursday: 5-mile tempo run or hill workout (rotating these each week)
In between, I have volleyball on Tuesday nights (Tonya, I’m attempting to learn so I can do the beach vball thing next summer!!), spin Wednesday mornings, and yoga on Fridays or Saturdays depending on when I feel like going. This means there are two full days of rest each week, which, even if it sounds crazy, is way more weekly rest time than I’ve ever taken in my 20 years of running.
I’m not sure if this will end up being too much exercise as time goes by, but I’m on board with changing things up depending on how my body is feeling. Gone are the days of pushing myself to the max no matter how tired/sore I am. Now it’s all about being smart, balanced…and happy!
How Do You Balance Your Exercise/Training Efforts?
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Is it weird that I'm on a quest to see how little exercise can be good for you?
I think it's a good problem to have in your case. If a modification is going to make it safer for you in the long run though, then it's kind of a no brainer.
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Hahaha….love it! Minimalist exercise
And yes, being safer is definitely a no-brainer
My recent post How Much Exercise is Too Much Exercise?
Oh my goodness, you are an inspiration! I am in awe of all the races you have run. I want to run ONE marathon and so my husband and I are thinking about it. But, I grew up as a soccer player and am not a fan of long distance running. I'm more of a fast two miler runner.
This was a great Post to Read!
Thank you!! You should definitely do a marathon–anyone can! Just start with smaller races, keep registering & running, and you'll be there in no time
I love how 4-7 miles is easy for you! lol! I do think you can over-exercise. It's funny because if you read the blue zones (book about where the oldest people in the world live) people don't run marathons or do crazy stuff. Most walk because they have to-to get food, go to the village, etc. We obviously have modern conveniences which take away that necessity. I think we can weaken our immune systems and hurt our joints/bones/etc by going to hard. On the other hand I think it's part of some of us to need those physical challenges. One person's ultra marathon is another person's 5k or step class. I say you have to listen to your body. It usually knows what's up. It's when you ignore it that problems arise. Good luck with volleyball. I started in an indoor class too which led to beach. But then I never looked back.
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Yes, yes, YES! I love the bit about somebody's this is another person's that–so true! And I definitely agree with the change in culture and the way that the people live in different parts of the world. There's a reason why obesity is a "first-world" problem…hmmm…
Four miles easy?! Haha goes to show how I'm so not a runner lol. I think our bodies definitely have a limit, and we have to find that right balance. We also have to think long-term. There are so many professional athletes who, at the peak of their game, may not suffer anything, but because of the intensity of their lifestyles over such a short period of time, will suffer health consequences in the long run (think football players with head/brain issues, or Olympians with a zillion torn muscles by the time they're 40).
I do like exercise, but I tend to keep mine moderate and for fun. Good luck with your marathons!
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Absolutely! It's your Olympian reference that sticks with me most. While I wont' have the head issues of football players, I definitely have to ease it down if I want to keep walking with my original knees into old age
Thanks for the well wishes!
I would love to get that much exercise, Jen.. but I think that more than 5-6 hours p/week would take away from other parts of my life. I have too many kids and too many responsibilities to jump too crazy into training.
BTW.. You are superhuman. I hope you know that. Finishing my last 5K felt pretty hard..
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I definitely wouldn't be able to train this intensely if I had little kiddos in the mix right now. But I do hope to have a jogging stroller once they're part of my life
Hahaha…far from it! Just not coordinated enough to do anything else, plus I have tons of energy that needs to be channeled
My recent post How Much Exercise is Too Much Exercise?
You are so ambitious, it's inspiring! That's a lot of marathoning you've done. I have read about the potentially bad effects of long distance running as well, so I think it's great you're taking care of yourself. When my boyfriend was training for his marathon, he ran every day for around 70 miles a week, which seems crazy. I'm just trying to work my way up to three miles of constant jogging (I wouldn't consider it running at my pace!) for now, then I will see where running takes me.
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WOW!!! Everyday training is tough–good for him for being so disciplined! You'll get there–just keep at it!
I don't know how you do ultras, that's just incredible to me. As for training, I found that I do much better with runs 3x a week kind of like you've laid out here and other stuff in between- I bike to get around town, sometimes I'll take a yoga class or a dance class. I found that running more than 3 or 4 times per week hurt my back and joints even if it was the same total mileage. I think it's just important to get those rest days.
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Absolutely! I wouldn't do more than 3 runs/week for any reason at this point. And I love what you mentioned about biking around town–people underestimate how much exercise you can work it when it's your mode of transportation
I used to run long distances back when I was in the Air Force. Forty miles on a weekend was no big deal. I was stationed in Monterey, California, so the scenery was awesome. Unfortunately, now that I'm an old fart, and due to chronic illness, I can't run anymore. My bones could break. I do try to walk a few miles everyday. As with most everything, moderation is necessary as we age.
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That's amazing–40 miles each weekend is truly a feat. I can imagine you had some gorgeous runs! Good for you for working in the walking–it's important to adjust as we age, as you've mentioned
It's pretty easy for me to limit myself when it comes to exercise – I don't have the time to over-exercise! I try to go to the gym 3 or 4 times a week, and it typically consists of 3 mile runs, nothing else. I would like to add lifting but simply haven't found the time. So I guess my busy life balances it out??
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I think so! Mine does, too–Even if I would want to run more, I often find myself too busy with other responsibilities or social commitments. It's certainly all about balance
WOW. 38 MARATHONS?!??!? Do you hold some sort of record!?!?! So impressed. Great job girl!
Hahha…thanks! Nope, but I do hope to get to triple digits some day…
I hadn't realized that you'd done an Ultra marathon-WOW. I used to dance 25-30 hours a week it wasn't exercise it was fun. Maybe this is the same for you. It's not exercise but it's fun? As long as you feel ok I say go for it!
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Oh man, I wish I could dance!!! That's amazing–and crazy–25-30 hours/week?! Good for you!!! And yes, running is fun for me; it's one of my main social activities…hahahaha
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Wow, you really LOVE to run. Lol. I honestly wish I could run. I can't tell you how many times I've tried and with different people. It just isn't my cup of tea. I work out 4-5x/week quite intensely because I'm a group exercise instructor, so yelling while lifting heavy weights or while doing high intensity cardio give me the workout I need. Once in awhile I'll do yoga. I've done an obstacle course race before. I liked it because it wasn't pure running. The obstacles almost seemed like a break from running.
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Haha…I do!
Obstacle courses are awesome! And I'm sure you'd kick my butt with the strength stuff…I really need to get my butt in gear with it