The Why of Setting Financial Goals

I’m proud and honored to be part of Women’s Money Week, a week that’s all about “encouraging women to speak up about money, take control of their finances, and reshape their financial futures.” Each day this week, I’ll be writing about a specific topic that relates to women & finances. Today’s topic is Goals & Taking Action.

I happen to love setting goals. Each month, I set a series of financial, household, and personal goals, and I make sure to re-cap my progress towards meeting those goals at the beginning of each new month.

I also set annual goals each new year. This year, in addition to setting my goals, I also created detailed timelines for how I would meet each goal. So what’s with all of the goal-setting love? Here are some reasons why everyone should set financial goals:

Why You Should Set Financial Goals

Goals give you a reason to manage your finances well

Much like you wouldn’t book (and pay for) a vacation and not go on it unless something out of your control happened, you typically don’t state your financial goals then ignore them completely.

Writing/typing/posting your goals makes them real and gives you an investment in working towards meeting them. Working towards your goals provides an automatic safety net of good financial management.

Goals allow you to see the big picture

Imagine if you wanted to save $1,200. While you might think that is a large sum of money, imagine if you made that an annual goal and broke it down into monthly increments. Now you only need to save $100/month. Break that into an even smaller goal and you only need to save $25/week.

Setting goals allows you to step back and realize your financial potential over a longer period of time. It allows you to think of the future as well as the present.

Goals hold you accountable

It’s much harder to fritter away large sums of money on meaningless purchases when you know you’re saving for that exotic vacation, first home, new baby, etc. By setting, reviewing, and working towards goals, you’re holding yourself accountable to their successful fulfillment.

Goals give you control over your money

Just as the habits of paying yourself first and spending less than you earn give you control over your money, setting goals does the same because you can choose from literally tens of thousands of ways to spend your money. Having a defined list of goals will help you avoid spending mindlessly, will give you structure, and will put you in the driver’s seat of your finances.

Goals motivate you

By continuously working to meet your goals, you will make progress that will motivate you to keep moving forward. Even if you face a financial setback, you can still slow your progress without giving up completely.

When I write my monthly re-caps, I’m able to actually see my progress which allows me to identify areas of improvement. Even if I’ve only added a fraction of what I’d originally hoped to send to savings, the knowledge that I’m making progress is enough to inspire me to keep working and improving.

Do you set financial goals? If so, what are some of them?



Freelancer; reformed spendaholic; risk taker; adventure seeker; world traveler; rose smeller; debt destroyer. My mission is to inspire others to live a healthy, balanced life one cent at a time.

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The Why of Setting Financial Goals30

  1. Right now I have to make vague goals (i.e. don't get into credit card debt) because I don't have a job, but I'm definitely looking forward to making goals based on my income.

  2. We have a couple financial goals, Paying off all debt other than our mortgage is our short term (year end) goals. Paying off the mortgage is the long term goal (5-7 years). One of the goals during all of this is to not incure any more debt, which will be nice if we can do it. Setting goals motivates us to try and meet them. We still make some uneeded purchases but are getting better at it.

  3. I'm no goal junkie like you but I do have annual goals that I intend to clear by the end of the year. For me, it is easier to have just one set of goals. I'm not quite fond of the mini goals. I do, however, have goals set in my mind and once I set my mind to something, I almost always go through with it. It's hard for me to get things out of my mind. I'm overly obsessive.

  4. Hahaha…I really am a goal junkie, aren't I?! That's great that you follow through with just thinking of your goals; I need the visual reminder and incremental steps to keep me motivated.

  5. I love goals! I definitely think that I would save less if I wasn't working towards a specific goal. Even though I'm debating whether or not I want to buy a place any time soon, I'm still calculating savings goals based on projected mortgage down payment amounts so that I have something to strive towards. I could have just labeled that account "Medium-term savings", but this gives me something far more concrete to visualize and helps motivate me to save!I tend to make large financial goals on an annual basis, but I will make weekly goals for personal and daily and monthly goals at work.

  6. It's absolutely crucial to give yourself concrete, specific goals–kudos to you!! I'm the same way in that it helps me stay motivated to save even more when I have very detailed goals to attain. Keep up the great work!!

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