Throughout all of the challenges I’ve faced recently, two things that have remained in-tact are my positive, sunny disposition and my can-do attitude.
These qualities are part of what define me at my core and are just some of the reasons why it’s been so “easy” for me to bounce back during these struggles.
Of course it hasn’t been easy to face all of this, but I’m committed to making changes. I’m also more than willing to put in the hard work necessary to ensure the changes I make are permanent.
Taking Action
A quick trip through my archives on this site makes it easy to see that I’m a woman of action. When I’m faced with struggles or need to make changes, I don’t skip a beat when springing into action. I’m not sure how I’ve honed this ability over the years, but I’ve become someone who can roll with the proverbial punches and come out stronger on the other side. It’s sort of like the idea that I’ve done it before, and I’ll certainly do it again when it comes to making positive, healthy changes in my life.
Right now, a lot of the need has been to focus on taking care of myself. I’m a selfless giver, and I’ve finally recognized that I sometimes tend to give more to others at the expense of myself.
While this is a great quality in terms of being compassionate, helpful, and caring, it doesn’t do me any good if I’m not ensuring my own health and happiness before I concentrate my efforts on other people.
This has been a great realization during this turbulent time of self-awakening and I’m so thankful to have the incredible insight and awareness I have now. Some of the new ways I’m taking action include the following:
Yoga and Meditation
The largest reason for the recent arguments was stress. Just like alcohol, stress is a poison for our bodies. I’ve learned the hard way that if you don’t pay attention to your stress levels and do everything in your power to alleviate any tension, you’re potentially setting yourself up for your own perfect storm.
For me, the solution to this problem is to find a combination of being active and gaining insight and awareness. This is best done through yoga and meditation.
So far, I’ve purchased an Amazon pack of Bikram classes (I was cleared by my cardiologist last week to attend and I went on Friday), I’ve negotiated a permanent volunteer position with another studio that will give me at least three free classes each month in exchange for 4 hours spent helping the business (which begins tomorrow), and I’m attending community meditation classes weekly at yet another studio.
While it’s only been a month, I can honestly say that I’ve never felt more whole and alive before. I’m excited about the growth I’m achieving daily, and I know that it’s already having an amazing impact on my life. It also helps that as soon as I’m cleared to run, these things will certainly help round me out as an athlete and will help prevent future injuries.
Building a Support Network
Another side of personal growth is pushing myself out of my comfort zone when it comes to meeting new people and cultivating a strong support network. It’s a bit ironic because when people meet me, they usually remark about what a down-to-Earth, likable person I am. If they don’t comment on that in some way, they definitely comment on the insane amount of energy I have.
On the surface, this makes me sound like a gregarious, Type A person. The reality is that while I’m super Type A in terms of hard work and setting/achieving my goals, I’m pretty shy and reserved when in big groups. Once I get to know people and feel comfortable with them, it’s game on but that warm up period can take some time for me.
I can instantly bond over common interests (especially active, outdoor activities), but I do need to work on developing deeper friendships with people here in Boston because my closest friends are scattered around the country. Phone calls and emails and texts are great, but I am a huge fan of face-to-face communication, and I can see the tremendous value in having a network here given all these recent challenges I’m facing.
Loosening the Purse Strings
Finally, something related to PF in this post…ha!
Actually, I share all of this to inspire but to also show that money is connected to every part of our lives. Stress not only wreaks havoc on your body and relationships, but it can destroy your budget and finances if you don’t keep things in check with your spending, tracking, and goals.
On the flip side, for someone like me who’s always so in tune with every penny and goal, I’ve needed to actually loosen up a bit. It was a hard pill to swallow to realize that it’s OK to allow myself to spend a bit more right now, but it was definitely helpful to give myself a $500 “Treat Yo Self” fund for this month.
With that money I’ve had my first ever massage, have gone out to eat with friends, and even allowed myself the ridiculous luxury of parking my car in the garage in the city. Small, frivolous luxuries that have been great for my stress level are certainly worth the extra spending at this point. Of course this isn’t padded into next month’s budget, so I’ll need to rely on other outlets such as what I’ve listed above to ensure I’m staying healthy while also responsibly managing my finances.
How do you cope with difficult challenges and struggles?
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I really appreciate your candor and your willingness to share. I can't offer much advice, but I sincerely wish you all the best going forward, and I think you've got a great plan to actively deal with the situation.
My recent post Thirty Things Lighter Update
Thank you! I am nervous about over-sharing, but I also know that I can help others by sharing, so I'm choosing to do so. It's a great reminder to myself of what I'm capable of as well so it's really a win-win-win
A $500 treat yourself fund sounds like something that you definitely need. I need to do that also.
My recent post Are you spending more? Better off today than before?
It's been great! Crazy how fast you can blow through that though…haha….You definitely need to do that!!!
I love how open and willing to share you are. It's incredibly inspiring.
I have a friend who also made a decision to stop drinking cold turkey and hasn't had a drop of alcohol in about 2 years. He says it's the best decision he's ever made and has no desire to return to drinking like how he used to, and wants to continue to work on some of the personal struggles that brought him to drinking in the first place.
In the past I would deal with stress by completely shutting out all feelings. I actually did this for most of high school and a little into college. I called this "living on auto pilot" and have only really been facing the world 100% alert recently. It's a new experience that is both exciting and scary at the same time, and I feel like I have a lot to catch up on in terms of learning to relate to people. But I'm getting there.
Now I try harder to share my problems with someone before it gets to that point (you're right, everyone should have someone to talk to) and we work on finding solutions to the issues. As long as I have some task to focus on that I believe will help the issue, I haven't needed to go back into "auto pilot" mode. Here's to a brighter future for the both of us!
My recent post The Importance of Personal Development When Getting Out of Debt
Thanks, Kyle! It's a bit scary and liberating all at the same time
I'm so happy to hear of the progress that you and your friend have made—kudos to both of you! I commend anyone who's willing to really look at their own issues, face them, and make changes. It's hard work but the reward is incredible. Keep doing what you're doing and best of luck to you–I agree that brighter futures are in store for both of us!!!
I'm with you. There's no shame in needing some talk therapy and I've used it from time to time. But for every day stresses, I need yoga, running, and nightly walks. That's the kind of stuff that keeps me level. =)
My recent post Reader Question: 100 Boxes. How Many Would You Open?
It's been phenomenal! I'm making so much progress already. I'm so happy to have these realizations and be facing this stuff, even if it's hard to do so.
I'm with you on the every day stress relief–it's all part of my new master plan
I'm with you. I think it's phenomenal that you have recognized what you need to improve on, made a plan, and are acting on it. A lot of people don't do this.
I'm a very anxious person. So I have to make sure I workout, eat well, and maintain a balance.
Thank you! I agree–there are far too many people who live in denial of their own issues or make excuses for why they can't/won't make permanent changes. Luckily I've been down this sort of road before in terms of cleaning up my finances and dealing with some other things, so I'm well versed in the immediate take action role.
It's great that you know your triggers as well–kudos to you for taking those steps to ensure you stay balanced
I've been grappling with the same issues with drinking, and think you've come to great self-awareness. Thanks for sharing.
You're welcome! Best of luck to you in your own journey–stay the course; it's so very worth it!!
You are such a strong person and I really admire you for putting yourself out there. I had a similar situation in the past where a fight made me realize overnight that I need to implement some changes. So I did, but the ex was wary and didn't believe people changed or that they could do so that quickly. Regardless, it was a good lesson learned and after trying to work it out I ended up leaving and was happier for it!
I get stressed very easily and I'm still trying to figure out a good coping mechanism for it. It's the source of a lot of headaches and health issues for me so I sympathize. I need to find the time to do yoga and meditate, really. I keep using time as an excuse. I hope things continue improving for you!
My recent post Methods for Decluttering
I'm sorry to hear about what happened with your ex, but I'm happy to hear that you had that great moment of awareness, etc! I can say from experience now that yoga and meditation are phenomenal options for managing stress and anxiety. You'll find that once you commit to it, that time magically opens right up!
Wow. Sounds like you have done a lot of self reflection and that is GREAT! The way I cope with problems is usually to cry and get all anxious over it. And then, I do take action. I wasn't always like that. I used to just cry and then feel really sorry for myself but I'm so glad that I've come a long way there.
My recent post Target Gift Card Giveway
That's indeed progress…well done!
Yeah, the self reflection is in overdrive but I'm so thankful that it's literally pouring over me. I'm beginning to realize that the next chapter is going to be pretty freaking amazing–I just hope my BF is part of it, too!
I took a mindfulness meditation course a couple years ago and enjoyed my time learning how to slow down. Like you said in your post, making time for yourself and finding real things that you can connect with are so valuable when you're struggling with stress. Nicely done, it sounds like you're well on your way!
My recent post Depression and Fighting Emotional Spending
Thanks, Lindsey! I'm taking one day at a time, but I'm also not allowing myself to lie idle, etc. From all of this here to the books, websites, and other resources I'm pouring over, it's pretty intense. That being said, it's liberating as hell!
This makes a lot of sense to me… "Another side of personal growth is pushing myself out of my comfort zone when it comes to meeting new people and cultivating a strong support network." Meeting a lot of people makes us feel that we belong and increases and desire to grow. I am happy to learn from you and how you made it through the depression… Stay positive!
Thank you, Sue–I'm always trying to stay focused on the positive!
I think that yoga and meditation is the way to do. I'm so glad you're selling your condo and on the right track!
They're amazing! Why wasn't I doing this sooner?!
I applaud you for being able to openly admit your flaws. I have sort of the same problem dealing with stress. I hide it and it bottles up creating the "perfect storm" which is usually just me crying for a few days straight. You are an inspiration to be more proactive. It sounds like you have a great plan.
My recent post 5 Ways Single Moms Can Find Time for Themselves
Thank you, Alexa! I'll stop at nothing to ensure this kind of stuff never is an issue in the future
It's not every day you see someone be this open about what's going on in their life, and I thank you for it! I actually have felt like I've been under an intense amount of stress lately. I haven't gotten much sleep, haven't felt like I can just "stop" and not be productive, and seems like I'm always fighting an endless to do list. This negatively impacts my wife since I'm not patient and can get frustrated much quicker than I should. Ironically I wrote a post tomorrow about five ways to reduce stress on a budget…maybe it was more a post for me than anyone else!
My recent post How To Deal With People Who Flash Their Money
Thanks, DC! I momentarily wondered if I should put this all out here, but then I realized that it will hopefully be helpful because we all have our stuff going on. Even if it's only inspiration for one person, then I've done the right thing.
I hope you're able to work through your stress and find good ways to alleviate it. I'm sure you'll be on your way to restoring balance in no time
I guess I'm lucky (or curse depending on how you look at it) because I'm surrounded by therapists. The conversations we have are so affirmative and non-judgemental and kind. We consider every option and issue and never blame each other for things that happen. Sometimes I have to pull myself out of all of that and get mad. It's OK to be angry with yourself or other people, it's just all about how you manage it. I know because I used to be a "bottler" I held everything inside and then I exploded. Not a healthy or productive way to deal with stress but that's what I saw other people doing and I did the same. Now I try to using jogging, positive self-talk, and self-care (doing my nails once in a while, long walks, listening to music, taking my lunch break etc.) to make myself more calm and positive.
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There is NOTHING to be ashamed about by going to therapy. I have someone close to me who needs to do just this but won't go. It makes me sad because I know they would really benefit from it. I'm so glad to hear you're doing everything you need to do to take care of yourself. I hope you enjoy your $500 spending
Hubby and I have set aside money for our upcoming vacation (to your neck of the woods!) to spend a little on ourselves, I'm excited 
My recent post It Pays To Ask Questions. I Found $1,500!!
Thanks for sharing this story with us and congratulations for realizing and making changes to your life that you know will make your circle a better place. Sometimes we need to take a step back because we get to entangled in every day life that we forget the important part of living, ourselves. No amount of money or stuff can make up for a person losing themselves. Meditation is very important to me as I've taken a step back. I take time for myself now.Keep smiling and that $500 treat sounds great…. I could use a massage myself. Cheers
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First thanks for sharing your personal story. The giving that you expressed remind me of the wifey. She is always giving to other and stressing to make them happy. I am all for helping other but its not worth stressing over and putting yourself in a bad situation. As for the drinking I have had friends who had serious issues with drinking almost to the point where it just makes it completely hard to be around. Some have stopped and their lives have been for the better. I agree treat yourself now and then.
My recent post Damn Kids Are Expensive and Eating All My Food
Congratulations on taking such huge action steps! I'm actually glad to hear you splurged a little on yourself…sometimes that kind of stuff in necessary in life. Oh massages are wonderful! And you can usually find them pretty inexpensive through a school or we have "chain" massage studios that are no frills but less expensive. They probably have them there in Boston too. I'm sending continued good thoughts your way!
My recent post The Simplicity of Summer
Its heartwarming reading such a touching story of how you've overcome your weaknesses and embarked on a brighter, positive life. The honesty with which you do it is definitely relatable! Yoga and meditation has also helped me a lot in keeping my life calm. Additionally, I think surrounding oneself with kind and optimistic people also does help. Humor too, as they say, laughter is the best medicine
My recent post The Big Advantage Of Small Loans
Great post and sounds like you're making some positive steps which I applaud you for. Maybe it's the alcohol which, as well as masking, was also causing a lot of your problems?
I came to similar realizations several years ago and ended up finding myself at AA meetings ,which was singularly the best thing I've done to make my life so wonderful and fulfilling as it is today. Step 1 is "We admitted we were powerless over alcohol – that our lives had become unmanageable." which kinda sounds like what you were writing above.
It's nothing to be ashamed of, and you may have already looked in to this, but I recommend reading the "Big Book" of AA and checking out a couple of meetings in the area (there's a lot!). Best of luck!