I’m not sure where to even start this post, but I feel like there’s no time like the present to dig into my progress with this year’s goals. Of course, the majority of these have changed or are changing given all of the recent things happening but I feel it’s necessary to take some time to analyze what’s going well and what can be updated as we move into the second half of 2013 (seriously, where is this year going?!).
One of the biggest reasons I’m excited to write this post is that even though things are changing drastically and there are plenty more ‘misses’ than there are ‘hits’ with my goals right now, I refuse to make excuses about why things aren’t the way I’d hoped when I wrote this list in December and January. I’m dead set on not falling into any financial or emotional traps that could delay my progress, and I’m staying true to my theory that financial freedom doesn’t just happen; it’s earned.
Luckily, things on the money front have been stable and consistent. Where things took a bit of a nose dive are in the personal and household departments but I’m confident the recent things I’ve added to my life to make it healthier and more balanced are going to pull it all together before the year ends.
Without further adieu, the good, the bad….and the ugly…
My 2013 Personal, Financial and Household Goals:
Financial Goals:
- Save $1,200/month in long-term savings: CHECK. I’m still making this goal, but I will need to step it up a bit for the remainder of the year. I’ve saved $3,000 in January, $1,310 in February, $2,500 in March, $1,300 in April, $1,490 in May, and $3,025 in June.
- Double miscellaneous monthly income: CHECK. I’m doing alright with this–even with the crazy month that June was, I still am hovering at very respectable numbers for my freelancing income. Considering March’s monster sum of $10,000, I would like to ramp up my efforts in the coming months to see if I can break the $10K mark again.
- Have at least one month where extra income is $1K+ CHECK. So far, every single month has been well over $1K. Here’s to hoping this continues!
- Fully fund trips to Kauai and Dubai. CHECK. Both of these trips were incredible. You can view my photo recap of Dubai and read about how I ended up spending an additional $3K to stay in Hawaii longer with my BF since we were having an epic vacation. The good news is all of this fit into the budget and it didn’t set back any of my savings goals.
Personal Goals
- Run at least 30 miles/week. FAIL. Well, I was on track with this a few months ago, then I had a heart attack last month. Needless to say, this is at a standstill right now, although I was cleared to “jog” last Friday (clearly, my doctor doesn’t know me very well). This is now going to be replaced with the goals listed next and I will continue to run whenever I can, but I’m not going to put so much focus on counting the miles.
- Attend yoga and meditation weekly. NEW GOAL. I’m now attending yoga classes every Friday morning, meditation every Wednesday night, and I’ll be volunteering at a friend’s yoga studio once/month to earn more free classes that will be sprinkled into the mix. These are possibly two of the best things I’ve ever done in my life, and they are already having a hugely positive impact on how I feel, how I manage my stress, and how I grow from the recent challenges I’m facing. I know in my heart that this is a life-long change that couldn’t be more welcome!
- Complete another ultra marathon. AMENDED. Clearly, no ultramarathon is happening this year. But, I am signed up for the Disney Dopey Challenge in January (48.6 miles in 4 days), and I’m signed up for a regular marathon in October. I won’t be “racing” that marathon, but I do hope everything continues to improve with my health so I’m able to finish it.
- Complete Q&A a day project. FAIL. I’m abandoning this goal in lieu of the next one…
- Complete a daily gratitude journal entry. NEW GOAL. Part of what helps me triumph over the struggles and challenges I’m faced with is that I’m a genuinely happy, positive person. I’ve decided to celebrate that which I have instead of dwelling on what I don’t have in order to keep my positive outlook on life intact. This simple exercise will pretty much ensure I’m able to keep trucking along. And when I have a bad day, I’ll certainly be reviewing the past entries!
- Improve blog stats. IN PROGRESS. I still want 2013 to be the year of The Happy Homeowner, but I need to get my groove back with blogging. With that will come an immediate need to work on further developing this blog. I’m looking to increase , , , and link/SEO efforts.
- Cook my way through The Joy of Cooking. AMENDED. It’s too much to focus on right now–what I need to be putting my effort towards is consistently taking care of my body by eating healthy, whole foods. This goal will be tabled until next year.
Write my business plan. AMENDED. Since I kicked the 9-5 to the curb in February, I’ve steadily been growing my freelancing efforts. I’m excited to announce a few new projects I’ve been working on, but I’ll save that for a monster post next week.
Household Goals
- Complete home office renovation. AMENDED. Now that I’m selling my condo, there’s no need to focus my efforts on any DIY projects for the current place. However….
- Move into my new apartment and do a complete cosmetic overhaul. NEW GOAL. I’ll be moving into my new place (complete with garage and driveway!) in August. The place is huge, but it’s very dated. I plan to put my DIY skills to good use to give the entire place a facelift. It will be hard to not have complete freedom since I’m renting for the next year until I figure out my permanent plans, but I’ve already gotten permission to paint and decorate as I see fit.
- Cook at least 4 dinners/week. CHECK. They might not be from the Joy of Cooking, but I’m still doing a good job of cooking at home more than I’m going out to eat. I have allowed myself a bit more freedom in the past few weeks, but I’ll be right back to cooking 4+ dinners each week once I’m settled in the new place.
- Complete kitchen renovation. AMENDED. See above–I’m selling! P&S was already executed, so it’s just up to the bank now…fingers are crossed!!!
I really appreciate seeing an honest look at one's goals, that shows those that are being met and those that aren't. Thanks for sharing like that.
To follow suit, I'm hitting some of my goals (maxing Roth & 401k, write at least 2 blog entries/month) but missing a lot of others (work out/eat a salad every day, no more than 1.5 hours of tv on any day, read the entire bible in a year). And that's okay.
Thanks again!
My recent post Being Frugal with Time
Hey Donebyforty – I have a bible reading plan, and I don't stick to it daily, but I catch up every few days. It's going ok, and if you want an accountability partner or someone to discuss stuff with, I'd be happy to! If you're ok to let it slide, that's cool too!
My recent post Zero waste & cheddar cheese
Hi Sarah! I've thought it over and I think an accountability partner may be what I need…still game?
My recent post We're back, with Gratitude
This is awesome that you two connected here…makes me so happy
You're on – I'm at – might be the best way to start?
I'm happy to share! I think it's always a give & take–some we kick butt with, others we totally struggle through. Keep at it and you'll get there!
I am glad you are keeping a positive attitude and realize goals need to change as life does. Sounds like at the end of the year, when you look back, you will be happy with progress on your goals.

Lance @ Money life and More recently posted..My Redbox Secret for Free Redbox Rentals Using Promo Codes
Lance @ Money life and More recently posted..My Redbox Secret for Free Redbox Rentals Using Promo Codes
Thanks, Lance!! I have to remain true to myself, and that's being happy and positive no matter what life throws my way
I think you're doing very well Jen, all things considered, especially in the income category. Our goals are going well over all. Our main one was to be able to get back to actively putting money away for retirement savings regularly, and as a whole that is doing well and business is growing so I am happy.
Thank you, John! I'm thankful that the money stuff is working well, but I know it can change at any time…
Sounds like you're doing really well with your goals, too–keep up the great work!
We’re doing pretty well with our financial goals at the moment, but are kindof in a steady state right now with the blog. Not 100% sure what we want it to be for us, so hard to meet a goal when you haven’t articulated one!

Mrs PoP @ Planting Our Pennies recently posted..PoP Balance Sheet – June 2013
Mrs PoP @ Planting Our Pennies recently posted..PoP Balance Sheet – June 2013
I agree! I'm also trying to figure out how to work on making more happen in the online world. I just can't take on too much right now for fear of overload
Sounds like you're doing good to me. I hope July is awesome for you!
My recent post $10,192 in June Extra Income – Side Hustles!
Thanks! Same to you
Wow nice Jen! You are doing a great job and i like that you have your goals posts and in line for tracking and that its not just about income even though it appears that your income is rocking. I need to make sure I continue spending time with the family and not go into the 50-80 hours working from home. Another goal is making what i was making at my corporate job from home and also getting into real estate. So far so good well see how the next couple of months turn out.
My recent post Paying For College with Federal Student Loans
Thank you, Thomas! You have some great goals lined up for yourself–best of luck to you!
What are these long-term savings for? Is this your retirement savings or for something else?
Nope, retirement is completely separate–this is e-fund, future down payment fund for another house, wedding, etc.
Way to adjust on the fly! Good luck with the new goals.
My recent post How Much Should You Spend on a One Year Old’s Birthday Party?
Thanks Nick! Gotta move with it or be left behind, eh?
I hope you get the green light soon to start exercising again. well done on the other areas!
My recent post Side hustle series: Tutor
I'm set now!!!
You are doing pretty good with your goals considering everything that's been going on. I kind of ditched my goals because life is nowhere where it was just a few months ago, and I just have other priorities at the moment…
It happens. I'm worried that I won't be able to continue at this pace for the remainder of the year, but i have to keep trying
Sounds like all these are great goals. Hopefully you can really kick some butt and accomplish them all. Good luck!
My recent post
Thank you!!!
Wow, you sure are doing well and are a very strong person. I have goals set out but I know I can do better. I think once I get my blog moved over it will open up more windows for me. I would like to start earning some side income and continue to write for other blogs. Keep up the great work…
My recent post Bust our budget update: June 2013 #6 Bills and payments
Thanks! Good luck with the transition–earning more is always a great idea!
Hey Jen!
Nicely done. I think you're making some great choices with your amended goals and it's nice to see you being kind to yourself with the need to change up what you're doing. I think you're going to do even more great things in the next six months of 2013!
Honestly, I think you've done more in six months than I had planned in my entire year.
My recent post Survival Tips for Pursuing Your Passion
Hey Jen!
Nicely done. I think you're making some great choices with your amended goals and it's nice to see you being kind to yourself with the need to change up what you're doing. I think you're going to do even more great things in the next six months of 2013!
Honestly, I think you've done more in six months than I had planned in my entire year.
My recent post Survival Tips for Pursuing Your Passion
Hi Lindsey…thank you so much for the kind words and encouragement! Gotta keep moving forward, even if it is via simple, baby steps
You are doing awesome. Glad to hear that your finances are staying on track. Great job!
Thanks, Holly! I'm dreadfully behind on reading other blogs–I hope all is well with you, too!