Sorry, But You Don’t Deserve That….

I Deserve a Medal Have you ever overheard someone lamenting about their hard work and how they “deserve” a [insert perceived reward here]? Whether it’s an extra cookie, a pair of shoes, or even a vacation, there are plenty of ways to fill in this sentence.

Have you ever caught yourself saying this type of thing?

I certainly have. At least, in the past.

Rationalizing My Way to Excess Spending

Alongside my past days of being the Princess of Interest, I was also a master at rationalizing why I “deserved” various indulgences. I worked a long day? Of course I deserved a meal out! I paid off a credit card balance? I deserve a small treat–in the form of a mini shopping spree on a different card! I ran a few extra miles? I certainly deserve that piece of 10-layer chocolate cake.

The truth is, I didn’t deserve any of that stuff. Not one single thing was actually deserved—it was rationalized. I rationalized myself into a mountain of debt by fooling myself into thinking I deserved various treats and indulgences whenever I accomplished something. I rationalized myself into countless empty calories after running races or having a hard week at work.

Destructive Patterns = Disaster

Quite possibly, this is one of the most destructive patterns of thinking because it can be a gateway for even worse behaviors. Rationalizing negative behaviors is nothing more than enabling yourself to make emotional, ill-informed decisions that almost always have negative consequences.

It’s a way of shirking responsibility and reality, yet still feeling OK about doing so. There’s zero responsibility in making an impulsive decision based on what you “deserve.”

You Don’t Deserve That….

More than a mind game with yourself, qualifying a certain behavior or purchase just because you “deserve” it is a recipe for emotional and financial disaster.

The cold reality is that you, too, don’t deserve that. You don’t deserve that new shirt, that new car, that vacation in Europe. You don’t deserve those extra drinks at happy hour and you don’t deserve to sleep in rather than exercise.

…But Perhaps You’ve Earned it

Earning things is a different story. When you set goals for yourself and develop a plan to achieve said goals, then you earned the reward of realizing a goal.

Rather than impulsive decisions made when you’re tired/hungry/sad/stressed/elated/celebrating, earning what you’ve worked hard to achieve is a positive way to motivate yourself. Setting and reaching goals, among other things, is a key part in successfully managing your finances.

What You Do Deserve

However, there are plenty of things you do deserve:

  • You deserve to be happy
  • You deserve to have dreams
  • You deserve to be hopeful
  • You deserve to be loved; to be appreciated; to be included
  • You deserve to be inspired
  • You deserve to be safe
  • You deserve to be challenged; to be held to a higher standard
  • You deserve to work hard


Do you notice a theme with this list? While it can be expanded to include hundreds of other things you deserve, not a single item on the list has anything to do with materialistic pleasures or luxuries. They’re all types of feelings or motivations or intangibles that we all deserve as human beings.

Change Your Thinking

So as you venture into this holiday season, take a minute to re-train your brain: Remember, you don’t deserve that. Perhaps you’ve earned it, but rationalizing excessive purchases won’t make the twinkle lights shine brighter or your family and friends love you more.

Spending beyond your means because “you deserve it” or “they deserve it” might feel good in the moment, but the spending hangover will wreak havoc for weeks or months to come. If you find yourself rationalizing bad habits because you “deserve it,” try eliminating the phrase from your vocabulary for a while.

Chances are, you’ll see a marked improvement that will be worth making it become a permanent change.

Are you Guilty of Rationalizing a Purchase because You “Deserve It?”


Freelancer; reformed spendaholic; risk taker; adventure seeker; world traveler; rose smeller; debt destroyer. My mission is to inspire others to live a healthy, balanced life one cent at a time.

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Sorry, But You Don’t Deserve That….30

  1. I like that- think in terms of what you’ve earned, not what you deserve. It seems to narrow the list of possibilities to those things that are more realistic (and of course, by setting a goal it implies that you’ve probably planned the reward in advance, which is much less impulsive). Great post!
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    Dee @ Color Me Frugal recently posted..Your house is about to explode: What do you grab?My Profile

  2. Haha I occasionally say that I deserve things, but in reality I'm just making fun of myself. I see many people who say they deserve things when they can't afford it and it drives me crazy.

  3. I am definitely guilty when it comes to rationalizing eating out. “I’ve had such a long day!” or “I’m so stressed out.” or the best, “I’ve worked so hard.” I’ve gotten better, but sometimes I still indulge/rationalize. I love your list of things you truly deserve and I will keep this in mind as I go on a mini vacation this week for Thanksgiving- a reminder to still stay within my travel budget and not go nuts :)
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  4. Love this Jen! So true, and yes I've said it myself. And yes it usually gets me in trouble. I spend a lot more time now really thinking about purchases. Do I want starbucks today? OK but know that it's a conscious decision, not anything I deserve for one reason or another.
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  5. Yes, this is so spot on!

    I've even chided my boyfriend for telling me I deserve "to relax" because I don't feel my life is particularly difficult. Sure, I have tough days, but that doesn't mean I can just put my feet up and stop working hard. I also really appreciate you putting "you deserve to work hard" on the list.
    My recent post I Say Thanksgiving “Wrong”

  6. I was always so focused on what "I deserve." Now I work to "earn." Such a great post, Jen!
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  7. I've totally said "I deserve" this or that to justify lifestyle inflation, especially after I landed my first real job. "I deserve" leads to excessive debt, a lack of savings, and a deluded relationship with money. I try to keep it far, far away from my vocabulary these days.
    My recent post

  8. I love the list of what we actually deserve. So true! Honestly, I don't usually tell myself I deserve anything. I know from past experiences that I'll end up feeling guilty about it later on, and that will defeat the purpose. I'd rather celebrate the little things, like debt milestones or a new job, raise, promotion, etc., in which case I think I've earned a treat.
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  9. Your mindset and actions are the reason why you're poor. When I thought I deserved a lot of things I ended up deserving negative net worth.
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    • So true, and same here! Now that I've changed my mindset, behaviors, and priorities, I was able to increase my net worth by over $200K in the past 5 years (and that's without any real estate value in the mix–yay!)

  10. I couldn't agree more with your main points in this post. We reward ourselves for so much petty stuff. It is important to celebrate the big things but our self entitlement is ridiculous sometimes. There are very few things we deserve, and you named most of them. Thanks for the post.
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  11. Oh how I hate the "deserve it" phrase! Does it mean that people with fewer resources are less deserving?! It's one of those phrases that are like nails on chalkboard to me.
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