How Much Exercise is Too Much Exercise?

The North Face Endurance Challenge Ultra Marathon

A pit stop during my first 50-mile ultramarathon

Anyone who knows me knows that I love to run. And I mean LOVE to run.

To date, I’ve run one 50-mile ultra-marathon, 36 regular marathons, and too many half marathons, 10Ks, 5Ks, etc. to keep count of.

I joke that it’s really the only thing I’m coordinated enough to do seeing as how anytime there is some type of sporting equipment thrown into the mix, the results are often hilarious yet disastrous. Let’s just say nobody is willingly going to choose me to be on their softball team…unless they don’t mind if I’m napping or searching for four-leaf clovers in the outfield while the game is being played!  :)

Now that I’m officially training again for my 37th and 38th marathons (which happen to fall on back-to-back weekends in January…eek!), I’ve found myself wondering just how much more torture, I mean, fun (!!) my body will endure before it systematically begins to fight back.

After all, I’m no spring chicken anymore. It’s high-time I begin to be smarter about my training plans and recovery times.

Finding Wisdom During My Long Run

While out on a run recently, I was chatting with my friend about how much training we should actually be doing for our races in January (she is joining me for the second marathon–both are part of endurance race weekends which I’ll be posting about next week).

While we both know that we need to finally adhere to some sort of training scheduled as opposed to our past habits of just running whenever we felt like it, we agreed that there’s no need to over do it in the training department.

Is There Such a Thing as too Much Exercise?

There’s been a lot of speculation in the media and medical community lately about the perceived benefits of distance running. While it’s widely accepted that moderate, regular running leads to a host of health benefits such as lower blood pressure, reduced stress/anxiety levels, improved bone health, etc., studies are showing that too much intense exercise can actually have a detrimental impact on heart health.

As someone who has survived a heart scare, I am not about to jeopardize my health for a few more medals to be thrown into the shoe boxes under my bed. True, I might have laughed off any idea of young, fit runners having heart attacks a mere year ago, but after this past summer, I’m willing to put my money on the idea that moderate training trumps the intense stuff when talking about the long-term picture of health and wellness.

Changing My Running Ways–Sort of

I’m a changed woman! A distance runner who has learned that there are limits! Piss, I can’t run 15 miles every day for the rest of my life! :)

That being said, there will still be weekly workouts that are difficult. There will still be cross training that will kick my booty. And there will be plenty of sore muscles in the mix.

The difference is that these intense workouts will be limited in number and will be followed by ample rest and recovery efforts. Stretching, ice baths, foam rolling, yoga, and acupuncture are already paving my way to a healthy and balanced training regimen. I’m also focused on getting enough sleep (at least 8 hours each night, baby!), eating well, and listening to my body.

A Training Plan that Allows for Life to Happen

Overall, my training is scheduled yet flexible. My friend and I have agreed to the following structure for our running days:

  • Sunday: Long run (started with 10 miles last week and will be adding 2 each subsequent week)
  • Tuesday: Easy 4-7 miler depending on how we feel
  • Thursday: 5-mile tempo run or hill workout (rotating these each week)


In between, I have volleyball on Tuesday nights (Tonya, I’m attempting to learn so I can do the beach vball thing next summer!!), spin Wednesday mornings, and yoga on Fridays or Saturdays depending on when I feel like going. This means there are two full days of rest each week, which, even if it sounds crazy, is way more weekly rest time than I’ve ever taken in my 20 years of running.

I’m not sure if this will end up being too much exercise as time goes by, but I’m on board with changing things up depending on how my body is feeling. Gone are the days of pushing myself to the max no matter how tired/sore I am. Now it’s all about being smart, balanced…and happy!  :)

How Do You Balance Your Exercise/Training Efforts?


The Intersection of Money and Life: The Evolution of The Happy Homeowner

InspirationWhen I began this blog, it was merely a way for me to stay accountable with my money; a hobby that was more spending diary than anything else.

Quite frankly, I didn’t have much of a clue about what I was doing, as evidenced by having my roots on (non-self hosted) Blogger and choosing a name that had nothing to do with money or personal finance.

Cluelessly undeterred, I continued to read blogs, publish posts, and comment on the posts that others were writing.

A “Real” Blog is Born

As I began to pump out more posts, something pretty amazing happened: I began to connect with other bloggers, and I realized that people were actually reading what I wrote. Better yet, they were commenting on my posts. And sharing them. And linking to me!

In a surreal blur of emails, tweets, and Gchats, I began to sense that I could be onto something. Mind you, nothing Earth-shattering, but something that I could grow into; something that I could grow with.

Something that I could be proud of because it remains rooted in my authentic, down-to-Earth style–there’s no SEO magic or inflated income reports and cryptic “How-To” posts (that never seem to actually include what to do) developed strictly to drive traffic. Everything I write about here is published because I’m interested in it, it applies to my life in some way, and it’s purpose-driven content created to teach and inspire readers to strive to reach their goals and live a life they’re proud of as well.

A Proud Mama Bear

Two years after that first realization that I had some traction with this site, I stand here proud of what The Happy Homeowner has become. More than a place to read about the various aspects of managing your money well, this blog has grown to include many aspects of life: The good, the bad, and the ugly.

Yes, I over-share sometimes. Yes, I sometimes slow down my posting frequency because life happens (or I’m paying well-deserved attention to my freelance work). Yes, I test things and abandon them if they aren’t working for whatever reason. It’s a constant flow; up and down–sometimes all around. Those of you who have been along for the ride since the beginning know what I’m talking about!  :)

And no matter the media mentions or subsequent spikes in traffic I receive, no matter the advertising dollars or affiliate income flowing in each month, I still write with two purposes: To inspire and to educate. I hope you’ll learn from my mistakes, be inspired to chase your dreams, and leave with some sort of takeaway.

The Intersection of Money and Life

So as I move into yet another chapter of life as The Happy Homeowner (sans home…haha), I will be transitioning the site into more of a lifestyle blog. With this has come some big architectural changes: The addition of a ‘lifestyle’ tab, more of a focus on fitness and cars and travel and all of the various hobbies and interests I have.

Perhaps the ultimate experiment as I have no idea what kind of impact these changes will have on my readership, traffic, and trajectory as a blogger, I’m excited to move into the next chapter. I can promise plenty of personal finance content but it will now be infused throughout posts that focus more on living a completely healthy, happy, and balanced life.

After all, life is a hell of a lot more than just money so why should I stop there?

Moving forward, what type of content would you like to read here?

Go Online Shopping at Sears This Holiday 2013

As one of the longest-running retail stores in the nation, Sears has been a household name for more than a century. It has been a buyer’s heaven, carrying different merchandise such as clothing, footwear, appliance, accessories and home ware. From … Continue reading

Not Volunteering Your Time and Money? What’s Your Excuse?

Time and money; money and time.


The school children I met in Fiji while on my world tour

It’s a seemingly perpetual circle: When we have plenty of one, we always end up scrambling to find more of the other.

But what about having enough of both at the same time?

Depending on your outlook on life, I’d challenge that if you have a roof over your head, feel love from family/friends, are in decent health, can eat when you’re hungry, walk down the street free from fear of violence/protest, and enjoy a range of pleasures from simple to extravagant, then you have all of the time and money you need.

Gone in an Instant

Notice how nothing in the list above touched on the materialistic or superficial indulgences that often fuel the outlook on life in Western societies. When it comes down to it, if you’re safe, happy, healthy, and have a place to sleep each night, you’re doing pretty damn well in the race of life.

But what about having all of that one day then waking to find it ripped away from you the next? In the wake of natural and violence-driven disasters, this is a reality for far too many people around the world.

The next time you wake up, stretch sleepily, and slip your feet out of the covers to stand, imagine what it would be like to not have that floor below your feet or those sheets to climb out of. The next time you hug your friend, imagine what it would be like to never see him or her again. Take a look out the window of your home/car/office–what if the landscape you unknowingly enjoy each day was wrought with burning buildings, mud slides and rubble?

Volunteering Your Time and Money

As I type this post, I’m currently bouncing with excitement as I wait to find out if I’ll be headed to the Philippines to assist with disaster relief efforts there.

Given the massive, extensive destruction that has occurred after Typhoon Haiyan, I couldn’t think of a better way to help people in need by volunteering my time and money to help the people of the Philippines (If I go, I pay for all travel costs, and I’d be certain to donate more money than I already have to the various organizations already doing amazing things there).

Over the past 10.5 months of this year, I’ve gone through some significant personal and professional changes, and I’m now beginning to realize the impact these changes have made in my life.Gone are the days of trying to keep up with the Jones; gone are the days of slaving away as I try to climb the corporate ladder.

Now that I’ve finally found the elusive balance I’ve sought in my life all these years, I want to make sure I’m living my life as my most authentic self. Part of doing so is to ensure I’m paying my blessings forward–blessings of both time and money. Ultimately, I hope to inspire others to do the same.

Volunteer Inspiration

Regardless of being selected to head to assist with disaster relief efforts, I want to challenge you to critically examine the areas in your life where you can make changes in order to feel richer with the time and money you already have.

Once you realize your blessings, don’t stop there–continue to search within yourself in an effort to identify ways you can make a difference by volunteering your time and money. I’d imagine that with a wee bit of soul searching, you’ll find that you’re in quite a good place and have far more to give than you ever realized.

No matter what constraints or challenges you’re facing, there is always room to find a way to give back to those who need it most. Stop making the excuses that I made for years and start living an authentic, balanced life of your own.   :)

What’s stopping you?