What Running 26.2 Miles Can Teach You About Personal Finance

Yesterday, I somehow managed to complete the most excruciating marathon in my 19 years of running. With temperatures of 89+ degrees on the course and a record-breaking 92 degrees in the city upon finishing, it’s still all a bit surreal to me. Unfortunately, I further injured my knee so I’m looking at a few weeks of physical therapy, but I’m so happy and honored to have finished the race.

As I was thinking about the day I’d just endured this morning while checking email, I began to find direct correlations between running 26.2 miles and personal finance. Here are some of the more poignant examples of how marathoning overlaps with the principles of sound financial management:

It’s an individual accomplishment.

Even if you’re running the marathon in honor of someone or running with a friend, you’re running by yourself; it’s a personal accomplishment to finish a marathon just as much as finance is a personal endeavor. It’s only you that can make your body continue to move forward towards the finish line, much like it’s only you that can choose to take control of your finances in a positive manner.

You can always dig deeper.

Just when I thought my knee was going to give out on me permanently yesterday, I stumbled across a medical tent at mile 11. Once I had my knee wrapped, I continued on in pursuit of the finish line despite some pretty agonizing pain. This type of fortitude can be found when it comes to reaching your financial goals–you can always cut back or earn more; you can always spend less. What it comes down to is successfully managing the perceived pain of doing so.

Expect the unexpected.

I didn’t expect my knee to give out on me much like some other runners didn’t expect to be taken to the hospital mid-run. When you set out on a 26.2 mile jaunt, you really have no idea what can happen. The same stands true in the world of personal finance, which is why so many of us advocate heavily for having an emergency fund. Even if you have a stable job today, realistically, we’re all one major illness or accident away from potential financial ruin tomorrow. This is why I’m careful to balance my spending and saving, I make sure to have adequate insurance, and I maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Give up your pride.

It was ugly out there yesterday and I’m not just talking about the heat. Vomiting, dry heaving, blood, sweat, and tears–I saw it all. Marathon day is not about maintaining your pride as much as it’s about reaching your goal. With your finances, you may have to give up at least a bit of your pride in order to not keep up with the Jones’. While living a lifestyle you can actually afford may not be the most glamorous choice, giving up the vain pride of materialism can do wonders for your bottom line.

Suck it up, Princess.

Three words here: Just. Do. It.

It’s about the journey, not just the destination.

In running and financial management, there are going to be peaks and valleys; setbacks and triumphs. What’s important is taking the time to let it all soak in so you can learn from each experience whether it be positive or negative. If I had given up a mere 8 years ago today and resigned myself to a life of debt, poverty, and financial illiteracy, I may have never known what it’s like to be a financially independent woman.


What are some of your hobbies/interests/passions that overlap with financial wisdom? Please share!

Bad Financial Habits That I’ve Kicked to the Curb

Over the course of the past 8 years, I’ve made a considerable effort to change my finances. From digging out of credit card debt to finally kicking my bum into gear about saving, I’ve essentially done a 180 from the credit card-crazed overspender I used to be.

While it wasn’t easy and there were definitely times I had setbacks and/or wanted to quit moving forward, I can’t stress enough how much the hard work has been completely worth it.

Here are some of the bad financial habits I’ve kicked to the curb in an effort to gain financial independence:

Having debt other than student loans and mortgages.

For years, I carried thousands of dollars of debt around without any serious plan to pay it off. Thankfully, I always paid the minimum on my cards so my credit score remained unscathed, but I never really realized the impact my debt was having on my future. Once I had a handle on how important it is to be financially secure, the debt melted away. I’m continuously working hard to keep it that way.

Not investing in my future.

I was always making excuses for why I couldn’t fund a savings account or Roth IRA. Some of my common rebuttals (against myself…ugh) were, “I don’t make enough,” “I’ll save once I get this credit card paid off,” and “I. just. don’t. want. to.” Thank you, financial epiphany for slapping my eyes open for me! Now I make sure to max out my Roth and contribute regularly to my 403b and long-term savings accounts.

Impulse shopping.

I was a huge fan of the retail therapy concept. Had a bad day? Head to the mall! See a cute outfit in a magazine? Mindlessly charge it! It took years to break this habit and I still struggle sometimes. But now I’ve seen the greener grass on the other side of the pasture and I’ll do anything to not go back!

Not opening my mail.

I didn’t get the Princess of Interest moniker for nothing–I literally stuck my head in the sand for far too long and ignored of the piles of credit card statements and bills I was receiving. I also used to just throw things in the trash unopened, which could have put me in quite the identity theft-ridden pickle. Now I make sure to sort, attend to, and shred my mail a few times each week so that I’m not faced with pile overload.

Not asking for a raise when I deserve one.

For me, this was about learning my own worth. I had to stop being other people’s doormat and start commanding an adequate price for my skills, talents, and expertise. I’m finally comfortable negotiating salaries and benefits, and I used this strength to negotiate my most recent raise.

Having no clue what a budget is.

I also used to think of budget as a four-letter word that was poison in my mouth. I spent recklessly, aimlessly, and foolishly–all while having no clue what money was coming in when. While my system now may seem like overload to some, I keep myself on a “short leash” when it comes to my budget so I can keep moving forward with my goals. Tracking every penny going out and assigning every penny coming in works for me but it may not work for others. The key here is identifying whatever system works for you and actually using it.

Shirking a frugal lifestyle.

Believe or not, I used to think being frugal was stupid (I can’t believe I just typed that). I used to live a lavish lifestyle but I was hiding that I couldn’t really afford it! Now I seek out discounts, use coupons, frequent clearance bins, and pride myself on getting a great deal.

Only focusing on myself.

In my credit card debt days of disbelief, I was quite selfish with my money. Now, I focus my efforts on my goals as well as doing things for others. Some of my bigger accomplishments in this realm have been my annual Operation Giving Back and my birthdays where I’ve done Random Acts of Kindness for each year I’ve been alive on my birthday (ie. 30 on my 30th, etc.).

What are some bad financial habits that you’ve kicked to the curb??



‘I Have No Food’ and Other Lies We Tell Ourselves

How many times have you looked in your fully-stocked refrigerator and proclaimed, “I have no food,” then followed up with, “Let’s go out to eat!” Or what about looking at your over-stuffed closet and deciding that you have nothing to wear?

Have you ever perused your list of 2,000 iTunes songs only to decide that you ‘have no music’ and then subsequently spend money on another album?

Mindless spending at it’s best

The truth is, these are all lies we tell ourselves to rationalize erroneous spending. What’s worse is that we may be so conditioned by these habits that we don’t even realize when we’re acting this way!

Last night was a prime example of this for me. When I arrived at my friend’s house after my 11-mile bike commute from work, I announced that I was starving and asked him what we should cook for dinner (after all, that was the original plan). His response was that he had no food so we should go out.

Being the good little budgeter and financial communicator I like to be, I quickly reminded him that my finances are tight this month so I couldn’t spend $$ to go out. He said it was his treat and off we went (I can’t turn down a free meal no matter how hard I try!).

When we arrived back at his house after dinner, I naturally wanted something sweet for dessert, so I opened up his freezer. Inside was a veritable smorgasbord of food–most of which would have made a quite tasty dinner! Since it’s not my place to question his choice to go out when it was a treat for me, I know he can afford it, and it’s not my money, I didn’t say anything to him.

But I certainly wondered why he said he ‘had no food’ when it was clear there was plenty in the house. Then I began to think that he’s not the only one who does this from time to time. I also wondered what impact this has on budgets, especially for those who truly can’t afford this kind of indulgence. Consider the following (numbers based on the cost of living in a larger city; adjust accordingly for your location):

Meals out:

What if you routinely proclaimed a lack of food and went out to eat once per week? With each meal, you’re spending at least $20 for your portion. Throw in a few drinks and we’re easily looking at $30-35. $30 x 4 = $120/month or $1,440/year!!!


Let’s give a conservative estimate of shopping once per month for a new outfit when you ‘have nothing to wear.’ Let’s go one step further and say you’re a savvy discount shopper who can score a great outfit for less than $100. $75 x 12 = $900/year!!


Those iTunes songs? That sweet new bag? Your daily latte habit? Say you’re spending $40/week on these things. $40 x 4 = $160/month or $1,920/year!!!


That’s $4,260 per year that could help you max out your Roth IRA, build your emergency fund, or save for a vacation.  Over $4K simply because we’re conditioned so well when it comes to lying to ourselves.

For me personally, I know I need to keep a keen eye on not only what I’m doing, but what I’m saying when it comes to making decisions that ultimately impact my finances. I will indeed be looking for ways that I fall into this trap as well as identifying various solutions for breaking these habits.


What kinds of financially-rooted lies do you tell yourself?



The Why of Setting Financial Goals

I’m proud and honored to be part of Women’s Money Week, a week that’s all about “encouraging women to speak up about money, take control of their finances, and reshape their financial futures.” Each day this week, I’ll be writing about a specific topic that relates to women & finances. Today’s topic is Goals & Taking Action.

I happen to love setting goals. Each month, I set a series of financial, household, and personal goals, and I make sure to re-cap my progress towards meeting those goals at the beginning of each new month.

I also set annual goals each new year. This year, in addition to setting my goals, I also created detailed timelines for how I would meet each goal. So what’s with all of the goal-setting love? Here are some reasons why everyone should set financial goals:

Why You Should Set Financial Goals

Goals give you a reason to manage your finances well

Much like you wouldn’t book (and pay for) a vacation and not go on it unless something out of your control happened, you typically don’t state your financial goals then ignore them completely.

Writing/typing/posting your goals makes them real and gives you an investment in working towards meeting them. Working towards your goals provides an automatic safety net of good financial management.

Goals allow you to see the big picture

Imagine if you wanted to save $1,200. While you might think that is a large sum of money, imagine if you made that an annual goal and broke it down into monthly increments. Now you only need to save $100/month. Break that into an even smaller goal and you only need to save $25/week.

Setting goals allows you to step back and realize your financial potential over a longer period of time. It allows you to think of the future as well as the present.

Goals hold you accountable

It’s much harder to fritter away large sums of money on meaningless purchases when you know you’re saving for that exotic vacation, first home, new baby, etc. By setting, reviewing, and working towards goals, you’re holding yourself accountable to their successful fulfillment.

Goals give you control over your money

Just as the habits of paying yourself first and spending less than you earn give you control over your money, setting goals does the same because you can choose from literally tens of thousands of ways to spend your money. Having a defined list of goals will help you avoid spending mindlessly, will give you structure, and will put you in the driver’s seat of your finances.

Goals motivate you

By continuously working to meet your goals, you will make progress that will motivate you to keep moving forward. Even if you face a financial setback, you can still slow your progress without giving up completely.

When I write my monthly re-caps, I’m able to actually see my progress which allows me to identify areas of improvement. Even if I’ve only added a fraction of what I’d originally hoped to send to savings, the knowledge that I’m making progress is enough to inspire me to keep working and improving.

Do you set financial goals? If so, what are some of them?