What Price Would You Pay to Have it All?

Having Balance in Life The car, the house, the wardrobe. The exotic vacations, the gorgeous jewelry, the memberships to exclusive clubs.

These are just some of the riches society says you can have if you work hard enough; the rewards for years of blood, sweat, and tears spent to fulfill your career and success aspirations. If you believe it, you can achieve it. If you work your tail off, the world’s awash with luxuries and possibilities.

The thing is, I’m not “buying” it anymore

If you re-read those lists above, you might notice that they’re filled with material objects. And sure, those things are nice and would certainly allow for some pretty epic life experiences. But what about your interpersonal relationships? What about having love and compassion in your life? What about your sense of self and your dreams that entail much more than what you own?

As I work through my latest phase of personal development, I’m beginning to see ever more clearly that life is wrought with trade-offs. Some of them, such as working hard to keep up with materialistic desires in lieu of cultivating a more balanced life, I’ve certainly fallen victim to in the past. Now as I move forward, I’m taking a much different approach because I’m learning that having all of these things comes at a price I’m just not willing to pay for the rest of my life.

Having it All (as Society Defines it) is Detrimentally Stressful

We’ve all heard stories of the person who “had it all,” yet was profoundly sad or lonely or miserable (maybe all of the above!). We’ve also watched as recent opinions have flown regarding the debate about working mothers and the sacrifices they make to balance a family, be successful at work, and somehow keep their sanity. As society begins to dictate more and more that we are defined by our external success, it can be difficult to remember that the price of these achievements can often be the source of unbearable stress, confusion, and conflict.

If you’re constantly working to the point that you’re not spending quality time with your family/friends, that you’re missing the little joys in day-to-day living, and you’re literally watching your life pass you by, are you really living?

Having it All Comes with a High Price Tag

The more I hone my ability to decide what I truly want out of life and then take action to make it a reality, the more I realize that what I crave most is a full, balanced life. Yes, I do need money to pay my bills and travel because it’s a passion of mine, but I don’t need to be obsessed with climbing the corporate ladder or bringing in obscene amounts of money.

What I need is to focus on building myself from the inside out…and money can’t buy that. Money can’t buy me love, it can’t buy me friends, and it can’t buy my dreams. If I set my sights too much on money and achievement, the prices I pay might include the deterioration of my health and physical body, a lack of genuine interaction with other people, and the opportunity to miss out on the things in life that truly matter (such as good times spent with people, lazy days aimed at recharging the batteries, and relishing in the joy that is a day where there’s absolutely nothing planned).

Therefore, moving forward, I’ll be more focused on a balanced approach to wellness. My time will be spent on a variety of tasks and responsibilities that will nurture my mind, body, and soul–not just the vague, empty notion that I want “it all” in the terms society dictates.

The funny thing is, I have a feeling that I indeed will end up having it all–it’s just going to be in a way that works for what I want and the person I want to be. After all, why try to keep up with the Jones when they’re unhappy, miserable people under all that glitz and glamor?

What does “Having it All” mean to you?


Freelancer; reformed spendaholic; risk taker; adventure seeker; world traveler; rose smeller; debt destroyer. My mission is to inspire others to live a healthy, balanced life one cent at a time.


What Price Would You Pay to Have it All?14 Commentshttp%3A%2F%2Fwww.thehappyhomeowner.net%2F2013%2F07%2Fwhat-price-would-you-pay-to-have-it-all.htmlWhat+Price+Would+You+Pay+to+Have+it+All%3F2013-07-10+15%3A32%3A40Jenhttp%3A%2F%2Fwww.thehappyhomeowner.net%2F%3Fp%3D2987

  1. I agree that having it all shouldn't mean having all the material items you want. To me having it all is having my health, my family, my career, and everything else is just gravy.

  2. I don't think adding to the material list adds happiness. Some people think so, I don't. I don't need a super big house, or shiny new cars, or 5 flat screen tvs around the house.

    I want to live comfortably and not worry about money.

    I live in an area where it's very popular to see these lifestyles. And people believe they deserve it. Putting aside whether they deserve it or not, I wonder if they really enjoy it?

    My recent post The Home Search Begins

  3. At the beginning of 40 Days to the Work You Love, Dan Miller has a little pie chart that I like to refer to from time to time. It carves up your current status in different areas of your life: career, financial, social, family, physical, personal development, and spiritual. Each are equal slices of the pie, and my personal assessment of where I am in each area gives a visual picture of where I might want to focus to create a more "balanced wheel", so to speak.

    Thanks for the reminder that there are tradeoffs, and that balance is the best way to really have it all.
    My recent post Ads, Coupons, & Savings

  4. Having it all does not mean to spend for the all the luxuries. The happiest occasions in my life required very little money. A nice house, car and life does not take a lot of money. It does take some money to provide the security that you feel as though you have it all! For me, it is a nice size nest egg.
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  5. Having it all means that I have enough money for basic bills and to enjoy life without stress. I would say that having it all means not having to work but perhaps that is being unrealistic. I'm never going to be independently wealthy! And enough money to "enjoy life" is subjective. That could be different for everyone but I have a figure in my head per month of what I think would be the perfect income for my needs. I'm not about accumulating more more more either so I know I'd be fine and not want more if I got more.
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  6. I don't know exactly, I'm not sure I've ever had a defined list of things that "I must have". Mostly, I've been a crisis/emotional spender and have spent my entire adult life in debt which has limited my options. Only now am I starting to develop a different idea of what my life can look like – a life of "have" instead of "have not".*

    *By "have", I mean relationships, meaningful work. balanced hobbies, etc….

    Good article!
    My recent post Q2 NY Resolutions Update, and Unicorns

  7. I once was sent a copy of Forbes Life which (from what I gathered) showed rich folks all the nice things they might not have or are missing out on, and I was instantly bothered. A few minutes later though, I realized I don't want their lives… I want mine! Ma vie m'appartient (my life is my own)

    Investment on yourself is never wasted. Best of luck! :)

  8. Having it is not just about money it's about the small things in life that make us happy, healthy and fulfil our dreams in a way that no amount of money can pay for. I think sometimes we need to step back from the overall scope of personal finance to see if we are stepping on the small stuff to get to the big stuff.

  9. I'm not going to lie I use to think that life was about having it all. Just as you mentioned the nice car, fancy clothing, the big house, and going out to the most expensive restaurants. It's to each his/her own goals and thoughts but what I personally found is that in trying to get those things I was missing out on the fun and things that money couldn't buy are ever get back. I had the high paying jobs and lost so much time with my kids that I can never get back and the money cant change that. Now I am enjoying the little and important things like spending time with my family, reading to my daughter, going for walks with the wifey, and being at the beach as a family.

    I still think that you can enjoy life, earn money and still have a balance. There are some people that are doing a great job at it. After all I don't want it all but even blogging requires us to sacrifice a lot to be successful. Again I don't want it all but traveling with the family internationally costs money and now I am a situation to have that balance that I always wanted. Having it all depends on your on personal definition of "HAVING IT ALL."
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  10. People tend to forget that when you buy a lot of things, you need a lot more money to take care of those things. With cars, you need to pay for gas, maintenance, registration, inspections and insurance. With a bigger house comes bigger taxes and utility bills. Having it all to me means that I can work if I chose to do so.
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  11. Agreed!

    Having money is okay, but the most important thing to me is my family. Money is needed more for the security aspect. Of course, I love a nice vacation and I have a nice house….but those things are just icing on the cake.

  12. I watched Million Dollar Listing: New York yesterday and it was the episode where Sandy hit and power was out for a few days/weeks so no one could do anything. One of the realtors realized how little he had in life besides his work and money. He was very alone and didn't' know what to do with himself. I'm not willing to give up everything for wealth.

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